Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 923: Cousin

The other people all agreed, but everyone quickly realized a key question. As the number one master of the Kingdom of Jin, how could Daxingguo get rid of him silently?

Liu Yun said in his crappy Chinese: "No matter how high the martial arts of Daxingguo is, it is not as high as Mingjiao advocated Wuji. The three of us joined forces, and even Zhang Wuji is not an opponent. What counts as a small Daxing country?"

"Nevertheless, it is better to be careful. We cannot afford to miss this time. We must hit the target with one hit, so everyone will first discuss how to act when the time comes." Daiqisi reminded.

After all, she was the mother of the current hierarch, and what she said was reasonable. The three Persian envoys didn't refute it much. Several people gathered around the table and discussed intensively. &p+,±.→+.△;


Wan Yanquan got rid of King Chang Sheng, and felt very happy when he thought that no one would threaten his throne anymore, especially when he thought that he would be able to permanently occupy Mrs. Taohua in the future, he was even more excited in his lower abdomen.

He had already sent someone to the Changsheng Palace to invite Mrs. Tao Hua into the palace. At this time, it is estimated that it will be almost there.

"The concubine sees the emperor, my emperor is years old!" Wanyan lost her mind at this moment, and Mrs. Taohua had already come in and bowed down to her highness.

"Madam, get up quickly." Wan Yanquan hurriedly left the dragon chair and ran over to help her up.

"Thank you, the emperor." Dai Qisi's eyes drooped and her expression changed.

Wan Yanquan looked at the majestic woman in front of her, and couldn't help sighing, "Madam, this time has been reduced."

Dai Qisi replied stupidly: "It's hard to run around for King Chang Sheng. It's hard not to reduce it." After all, she has been a nominal couple with King Chang Sheng for so many years, and it's hard not to have a bit of resentment.

Wan Yanquan smiled bitterly: "Does my madam blame me for killing King Changsheng?"

"Don't dare." Daiqisi owed her body. "The King Changsheng is ruined by himself and can't blame anyone."

Wan Yan Quan glanced at her suspiciously: "True or lie?"

"It doesn't matter whether it is true or false, it is meaningless now." Daiqisi raised her head, "And I know that the reason why the emperor did this is largely because of me."

Wan Yanquan looked at her affectionately: "Taoyao, I wanted you more than ten years ago. I thought about you for more than ten years. When I thought that you were the wife of King Changsheng, I panicked in my heart. I can't stand it anymore, even if you resent me and hate me, I will get you."

"The emperor has already got me." Dai Qisi was referring to the fact that she had previously entered the palace and exchanged her body for King Chang Sheng's peace.

"Not enough," Wanyan Quan looked at her with red eyes, "I want to monopolize you forever! I won't share it with anyone, even if King Chang Sheng is your husband."

Dai Qisi sighed faintly: "It turns out that I killed King Chang Sheng in the end."

Wan Yanquan frowned: "Taoyao, don't you understand that you chose the wrong man back then, so you have what happened today. Are you going to be wrong again now?"

Daiqisi shook her head: "I am no longer the little girl I was back then, and now I understand that love is of no use. If you want to marry you must marry the strongest man in the world, so that you can live happily. lifetime."

Wan Yanquan was overjoyed: "Taoyao, if you want to understand this, it’s best. In the entire Golden State, I am the most powerful man. From now on, you will follow me and promise to be a thousand times happier than following King Chang Sheng. Times."

"Yes, thank the emperor for your favor." Dai Qisi leaned back, but she sneered again and again in her heart.

Seeing her look like Renjun picking her up, Wan Yanquan's heart moved so much that she couldn't help but open her arms to hug her, but how could he hug her with Daiqisi's martial arts?

With a little tiptoe and the skirt flying up, the whole person turned to the side. Although the posture was extremely pleasing to the eye, Wan Yanquan's face sank: "Why, you still don't want to?"

Dai Qisi gave a salute before explaining: "Return to the emperor. After all, the concubine has been married before, and it is not as clear and clean as the ladies in the palace. In order not to be bullied in the palace in the future, the concubine decided to take the cousin Recommend it to the emperor. Our sisters will serve the emperor together. I hope the emperor will show more pity in the future."

"Do you have a cousin?" Wan Yanquan suddenly became interested, "How is her appearance?"

"The beauty of the country, the beauty and beauty, will never disappoint your majesty. Now she is waiting outside the palace, and the emperor can announce her to come in and check it out in person." Daiqisi replied.

"Hurry up and declare her to enter the palace." Wanyan thought that Taoyao is a rare beauty in the world. Her cousin's appearance is definitely not much different. Even if Taoyao is half beautiful, she is considered a big beauty, and the two of them Still sisters, tut tut, I really want to enjoy the blessings of the world.

Soon Huiyue Envoy was led into the palace. The lady of the palace had checked her from start to finish, but she had not found anything such as weapons before she was led to Wanyanquan.

"Yue slave sees the emperor, my emperor is years old." Different from the others, the appearance of the three persian emissaries is closest to that of the people of the Central Plains, and even more like the people of the Central Plains than Daiqisi, unless it is for the Western Regions. Only a very familiar person can recognize her ancestry from the faint color in her eyes, and the others are no different from the people of the Central Plains.

"Yuenu? This name is really interesting." Wanyanquan asked her to look up, and saw that she was about thirty years old, with beautiful jet black hair, a melon-seeded face, and a beautiful face.

"Just now Taoyao praised you for your beauty and beauty. I still don't take it seriously. When I see it now, she is really an outstanding beauty." Wan Yanquan was instantly delighted.

"Thank you for your majesty's appreciation." Rao Huiyue has ulterior motives, but her appearance can be praised by the emperor who is used to seeing three thousand beauties in the harem, she is still a little excited.

Wan Yanquan suddenly thought of a question: "Yue Nu, have you ever married someone?"

Huiyueshi's face was reddened: "I have never been married, Yueyu is still...a perfect body." The Persian canon is very strict. Although she is a Huiyue messenger, she is also one of the candidates for the saint. Of course, you must remain a virgin.

Wan Yanquan frowned, "You are not young anymore, and you have never been married. Is there any hidden disease?" Jin Guo has become deeply sinicized these years, and he really can't understand a woman who is still 30 years old. Not married, even on the grassland, there are very few women who have not married yet after the age of thirty.

Yue Nu kept cursing secretly. The Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin was simply sick. He actually reacted like this when she heard that she was a virgin. Wouldn't he be happy if she was already married.

When she saw this, Dai Qisi hurriedly explained: "Return to the emperor, this is the case. When my cousin was a child, a Taoist priest came to her house. She was shocked when she saw her cousin. Other men couldn't bear her body. After this word spread, no one in Shili and Baxiang dared to come to propose a marriage, so I wasted until now. I didn't know her whereabouts until not long ago, so I specially invited her to serve the emperor. "

"It turned out to be like this," Wanyan was overjoyed, "it seems destined to wait for me to pick your red pill."

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Well, the author said that he pretended to be compelling, and he had to pretend to be finished even if he was crying.

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