Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 924: Come to an end

Yue Nu was secretly angry, but had to pretend to be ashamed and embarrassed.

Daiqisi on the side showed a different color: This woman would do a show.

Sure enough, when Yan Quan saw her expression, she couldn't help but move her index finger, walked over and held her with one hand, and took Dai Qisi towards the dragon bed with one hand: "I am very happy today, so let your sisters Serve me well."

Wan Yanquan had a look of excitement, but she didn't notice the two women next to her quietly looking at each other, her eyes full of murderous intent.

At this moment, Da Xingguo at the door suddenly said: "Returning to the emperor, I am afraid it is a bit inconsistent with etiquette." There are quite strict rules for the maid in the palace. According to the plan, he was supposed to go to another concubine today. Well, stay overnight in ±.√≡.≠, even if you don’t go for an excuse, it’s not a big deal to stay in the Hall of Renzheng, but it’s ridiculous with two other women...If it spreads out, the royal family’s face will be a bit embarrassing, especially among them. A woman was also the emperor's sister-in-law.

"I said that there is reason." Wanyan Quan gave Daxingguo a dissatisfied look, but he also knew what the other party was worried about. After thinking about it, he wanted to add, "Remove everyone around you, and you will take a few outside. Reliable people guard it, lest people talk too much and leak out the wind."

"Zhuzhi." Daxingguo replied helplessly, but neither Wanyanquan nor him had worried about any security problems. After all, this is the emperor's palace, the center of the entire court, and the outer layers of defense, the assassins can Only when you come in, there are ghosts, not to mention having him guarding here, so that you can be sure of everything.

Daiqisi and Huiyueshi looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes. According to their plan, the final success was only five to five. The biggest problem was other people besides Daxingguo. Wait, they can hardly guarantee that they will catch everyone in one go. Once they get rid of one person, they will fall short. They didn't expect that they would dismiss the court ladies and eunuchs and guards around by themselves.

Before leaving, I don’t know why, Daxingguo always felt a little uneasy, and couldn’t help turning around and saying: "The emperor, let both of you serve at the same time... This will hurt the dragon too much, so it’s better to let Yue Slave again or tomorrow. How does Mrs. Peach Blossom serve?" Although he is an eunuch, he knows no less than a man. He glanced at the two women and saw that their faces were peach blossoms, their waists were thin and hips were raised, they were clearly intriguing, not to mention that they were still positive now. It's the year of the tiger and wolf?

Such a woman, even if it is a big man, might be a little tough to deal with one, let alone deal with two at the same time? He couldn't know Wan Yanquan's body better, thinking of this he couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for the other party.

Wan Yanquan was furious when he heard the words: "You die old dog, I have a sense of measure. How can I use you to be nosy? Get out of here."

"You have a righteous fart!" Da Xingguo could not wait to scold him, but he can only think about it. The only thing he can do is to leave with a smile: "Yes, yes, the minion will go out."

Just now because of the embarrassment, Wan Yanquan signaled the two women to wait for him on the dragon bed first. After Da Xingguo went out and closed the door, he walked to the dragon bed anxiously, rubbing his hands while smiling: "Two beauties. Son, I am here~"

Hearing the faint movement coming from the room, Da Xingguo couldn't help but shook his head, not maliciously guessing that with the emperor's weak body, how could it be possible to handle the two women, I am afraid that he could only use his hands in the end. Right...

But this is a matter of the dignity of a man, even the emperor. Daxingguo was not interested in getting rid of bad things, so he dozed bored outside the door.

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the room. Daxingguo's eyes opened and closed suddenly, bursting out with a bright light, and immediately rushed in. At the same time, he did not forget to order the guards outside the door to stay in place for the time being, because the ghost knew What happened inside, it would not be fun if the shameless side was seen by the guards who hurried to go, anyway, his martial arts were more than enough to deal with everything.

Rushing to the edge of the dragon bed, I saw the two female Luo Chang half untied, holding on to the key point where the brocade was blocked, a large piece of snow-white dazzling skin exposed in the air, looking at the concave and convex curve, Rao It was Daxingguo who had been castrated for many years, and almost no nosebleeds came out after seeing this scene.

"What happened?" When Da Xingguo's eyes fell on Wanyanquan, he couldn't help but sternly shouted. It turned out that Wanyanquan was lying on the bed and foaming at the mouth, convulsing all over.

"I... I don't know. Just now the emperor was about to... just when he was about to pamper me, suddenly... it became like this." Huiyue interprets the timidity and fear of this person to the fullest, even if it is Dai who knows the inside story. Yee Si couldn't find any flaws either.

Da Xingguo scanned Wanyanquan's whole body once and was shocked. At this moment, Wanyanquan's thing was actually shorter than a baby. He couldn't help but blurt out: "Shrink the sun into the abdomen, and immediately wind!"

He was relieved at once, presumably Wan Yanquan was too weak, and wanted to have **** with these two women forcibly, which accidentally caused the emergency.

However, although this disease is scary, there is a solution, that is, piercing the Changqiang acupoint near the gate of reincarnation of five grains with a silver needle can stimulate it to return to normal.

Daxingguo commanded: "Turn the emperor over and lie face down on the bed." Although he does not have a silver needle now, he can gather energy into a needle, and the effect is no different.

He stretched out his finger and quickly tapped on Wanyanquan's Changqiang acupoint, watching the other party's body gradually unfold, he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, Daxingguo suddenly felt a tingling sensation on the side of his neck, and instantly half of his body was a little numb, and his heart sank. Knowing that the opponent’s weapon was poisoned, he hurriedly returned his palm to the side. When it was shot, Huiyue groaned for a while, clutching her arms and backing back.

Years of vigilance made him instantly understand that this was a carefully planned murder. At this time, his first reaction was not to attack the enemy, but to open his mouth. He knew what his advantage was. As long as the guards outside came in, he would In an invincible place, it will not be too late to slowly clean up the opponent when the time comes.

It's a pity that as soon as he opened his mouth, a puff of pink smoke came out of his face. He immediately felt dizzy, and his face finally changed, because he could see that it was Mrs. Peach Blossom that was emitting the smoke.

"Madame Taohua also knows martial arts?" A question flashed in Daxingguo's mind, but the master's instinct made him subconsciously raise his hand to guard against the next attack, but unfortunately because he was poisoned one after another, he made his movements a little slower. , Daiqisi and Huiyue had been preparing for a long time, how could they miss such an opportunity, and immediately inserted their nails into his throat?

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