Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 925: no way no money

At the last moment of life, Daxingguo finally solved a puzzle that they had always had just now, that is, when they entered the palace, they clearly searched their bodies. Where did the weapons come from? It turned out to be the blushing red nails on their slender jade hands. They are usually charming and attractive, but at the critical moment, they are the deadly thing that sees blood in their throats.

Thinking of his life spanning his entire life, being known as the number one master of the Kingdom of Dajin, he died so silently in the hands of two women. Daxingguo was very unwilling. He tried to pull at least one person to cushion his back, but his eyelids were getting more and more. Shen, his hands didn't listen at all.


Seeing Huiyueshi lifted his left hand, a stern energy like a knife, sword, dagger, or chisel inserted straight into the "Yutang Point" on his chest, and the last vitality of Daxingguo was finally extinguished. &¢¢¢,♂.※≦.+p;

Dai Qisi's eyes shrank, and she said blankly: "It seems that your Yinfeng Knife has improved a lot."

Huiyueshi didn’t notice the meaning in her tone, she just clutched her right hand and looked at Daxingguo with lingering fear: “This stray dog ​​is really powerful. Just now, I used a penetrating needle technique to inject the poisonous blood on my nails into the throat. He could still break my arm with a palm of his body."

After all, Dai Qisi gave up the idea of ​​using Xiang Huiyue to make a move, and sighed long: "Yes, fortunately, we didn't choose to fight him head-on. Then the four of us wouldn't know how many survived. "

Originally, according to the idea of ​​the Three Envoys of the Wind and Cloud, no matter how high the martial arts of Daxingguo was, it would not be higher than the old Zhang Wuji, who had collected Jiuyang magical skills and moved the Taichi sword and a body. The three of them joined forces to deal with him more than enough, but Daiqisi was strong I opposed it, thinking that the movement would be too much and it would easily disturb other people in the palace, and that it would be easy for a master of the Daxingguo level to defeat him, but it would be too difficult to kill him silently.

After all, Persian Mingjiao also has a thousand-year assassin tradition and experience. Several people are deeply influenced. After discussing it, they think that Daiqisi’s worry is reasonable. Finally, they unanimously decided to abandon the four-person siege plan, and instead send Daiqisi and Huiyue Envoy. Two women came to perform the task.

In this way, it seems that the power is weakened, but it is not. In assassination, a woman's innate advantage is really not small, one can make full use of beauty, and second, it can let the enemy relax and find a mobile phone. The principle of assassination in the Persian general altar is that if you don't make a move, you must be killed.

The two women first restrained Yan Qian, and then used special techniques to get him into the wind, distracting Daxingguo’s attention, and attacking at the moment when Daxingguo rescued the emperor, and then cooperated with the poison to kill him in a very short time. To each other. You must know that with real martial arts, Daiqisi and Huiyue Envoy combined are far from Daxingguo's opponents.

After a short rest, the two women put on their clothes again, and then summoned the guards guarding outside to kill them one by one. Then Hui Yueshi changed into the clothes of an eunuch, and took the gold medal from the emperor to pick it up and waited outside the palace. The flowing clouds and the wonderful winds come in. Dai Qisi stayed to dispose of the corpses in the house. Although she was beautiful and delicate and weak in appearance, she was also the murderous yew-shirt dragon king and mother-in-law of Jinhua on the rivers and lakes, and dealt with some corpses. Of course it's not a problem.

When the Persian three envoys came back with a heart-wrenching subordinates, Daiqisi had already handled everything and let those subordinates put on the clothes of the guards to guard outside. As for the issue of different looks, there is no need to worry about how many people die in the palace every day. It's not for nothing, just changing a few guards, it's not a big deal at all.

It's a bit troublesome for Daxing, but there will always be a way to prevaricate. As for Wan Yanquan, she was stunned and thrown on the bed.

The Third Envoy of Wind and Clouds came in and searched the room for a while, but never found what he was looking for. The Envoy of Flowing Clouds immediately looked at Daiqisi: "Where is the emperor's tiger charm?"

Daiqisi was also surprised: "Didn't you find it?"

Seeing the three of them staring at her, she suddenly became angry: "What do you mean when you look at me, do you still suspect that I can't hide it?"

Miao Fengshi smiled and said, "Just now, you and Huiyue Envoy were the two of you. Huiyue Envoy came out to pick us up and we were naturally ruled out. You are the only one here for the rest of the time. Don't you doubt who you suspect?"

Dai Qisi snorted, "I was so tired from dealing with the bodies of so many people just now. How can I find any tiger charms? What's more, what good is it for me to hide the tiger charms. Now the head of the general altar is my daughter, am I? Will she deliberately pull her back?"

The three Persian envoys looked at each other, and felt that Daiqisi made a lot of sense, and couldn't help but hesitate: "Where is the tiger charm?"

Daiqisi pointed to Wanyanquan who was lying on the bed: "Just ask him?"


Wan Yanquan had a wonderful dream. In the dream, he hugged Mrs. Peach Blossom with his left hand and Moon Slave, doing something not ashamed or irritable on the dragon bed. What made him more pleased was that he seemed to suddenly return. When he was a teenager, the surging energy, the indefatigable toughness, and the two women staring at him with their eyes full of stars, he hadn't experienced that kind of pride and satisfaction in how many years?

However, just as he was about to pick up his gun again, it suddenly rained in the house, and he was furious: "My bedroom is leaking rain. When I find out who is responsible, he will definitely be punishable by the nine clans."

The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and finally the almost pouring rain fell directly on his face, and he immediately got up...and then woke up.

There was no rain, there were only a few people around her, Wan Yanquan was still a little dizzy in her mind. Seeing Daiqisi, she couldn't help but reach out and hug her: "Ai Concubine~"


His response was a crisp slap in the face. Wanyanquan was already stunned. How long has he not been beaten? Since becoming the emperor, let alone beat him, no one even dared to disobey him. A woman slapped the face, even if the other party was Mrs. Peach Blossom, who was a disaster for the country and the people: "Come here, drag this woman down and cut it down!"

However, he yelled three times in a row. As a result, no one was seen. He finally realized that something was wrong. Only then did he see the flowing clouds causing the wonderful wind to make them, and he couldn't help but change his expression: "Who are you waiting for? The palace, do you know this is the great sin of the Jiu Clan!"

What responded to him was a slap from the Miaofengshi. The Miaofengshi frowned at him and couldn't help but said, "Daiqisi, have you taken too much medicine and fooled the dog emperor?"

Daiqisi said coldly: "He was not smart in the first place."

Wan Yanquan suddenly felt a chill, and hurriedly shouted: "Where is Daxingguo, where is Daxingguo, your dog slave?"

"Shut up!" Dai Qisi slapped him again, and finally relieved her depression because of King Changsheng. "The castrated dog is already on Huangquan Road. If you miss him so much, I can send you down to find him. He is reunited."

Added Chapter 9

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