Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 926: Praying mantis catching cicada

After all, Wanyanquan is the emperor. After the initial panic, he quickly calmed down and stared at Daiqisi, "Who are you?"

Dai Qisi smiled and gently lifted the hair from her temples: "Am I the Madam Peach Blossom you are thinking about?"

The face that seemed to be beautiful on weekdays now seems so terrifying to him, Wan Yanquan shook his head subconsciously: "No, you are not Taoyao."

"Of course I am Taoyao, but I still have another identity, that is, the Purple Shirt Dragon King of Mingjiao." Thinking of having to greet him in the past, Dai Qisi now has a kind of revenge pleasure facing him.

"The Purple Shirt Dragon King?" Wan Yanquan said silently ↑wán↑↑Roba, ⊥.↑@. This name, it’s a pity that the name of the Purple Shirt Dragon King is considered a first-class figure in the world, but for As far as the people in the temple are concerned, it's just a stubborn, so how could he have heard this name?

Miao Fengshi coughed heavily: "Daiqisi, ask business."

Dai Qisi's face turned red, and she said, "Where did you put your tiger charm?"

"Tiger charm?" Wan Yanquan's heart moved, suppressing the urge to look somewhere, isn't the tiger charm always in the cabinet of the bedroom? Since they have controlled this place, they should have obtained it, why did they ask me?

The potential of a person in desperate situations is endless. Although Wanyanquan is a little faint on weekdays, he is now more awake than ever because of the safety of his life.

"Since they asked me like this, it proves that they did not find it. It seems that the tiger charm has been lost before. If the tiger charm is lost on weekdays, it is definitely a big thing, but now it seems to be a good thing." Wan Yanquan quickly agreed. After clearing my mind, I suddenly had an idea in my mind.

"Do you think I would be stupid enough to tell you?" Wan Yanquan snorted deliberately. The faction obviously meant that the tiger charm was hidden by him in a safe place. If he didn't say anything, none of you could find it.

"Use torture." Liu Yunzhi is also very direct. The Persian Mingjiao is good at assassination, and he is very familiar with the structure of the human body. He also has deep attainments in the art of torture. Even trained dead men can't stand their methods. Not to mention a pampered emperor.

"You dare, I am the emperor, do you dare to punish me... to me?" Wan Yanquan's expression changed suddenly, but his tone clearly revealed his outstanding intentions.

"You are only our prisoner now, what kind of emperor's pretense is to put on?" Miao Fengshi sneered.

Wan Yanquan’s expression changed. Before, he tried to straighten his waist. At this moment, he seemed to be frustrated and collapsed. Suddenly he remembered something, and hurriedly said to Daiqisi: "Taoyao, it is said that a hundred couples will be married in a day. Rien, we are more than a day, don't you have the heart to see me being tortured like this?"

Daiqisi sneered: "Do you really think it was me that accompanied you a few times? I just used some drugs to make you dream some beautiful dreams. Even the King of Changsheng never got close to me. Let alone you?"

"What!" Wan Yanquan's whole body was lost at once, because he had never gotten this woman before? Have all the good memories been dreaming? This blow was no less than that he had just found out that he was a prisoner, and the whole person was a little stupid.

At this moment, suddenly an outside guard came in to report: "The queen empress is here and wants to see the emperor."

"No, send her away." Dai Qisi frowned. Now it looks like this, how can it be seen by the queen?

When Wan Yanquan heard the queen coming, he actually didn't like this powerful woman on weekdays, but at this time, as if he saw a savior, he opened his mouth and shouted: "The emperor..."

It's a pity that Hui Yueshi, who has been next to him, had been prepared for a long time, and before he shouted, he clicked his mute acupuncture point.

"Why does the queen come to him at this time?" Miao Fengcao looked at Daiqisi with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know," Dai Qisi shook her head. "Wan Yanquan and the queen have never been at peace. I haven't seen any contact between them during this time in the palace. The queen is indeed a little strange to come here at this time. "

"It's not our affairs that have been exposed, right?" Hui Yueshi couldn't help asking.

"Probably not," Daiqisi said after thinking for a while, "our action was sudden, and we didn't leak a livelihood. She couldn't possibly know."

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the palace gate, and their confidants had already reported first: "The queen insisted on breaking in, we dare not stop her!" As the queen, they pretended to be the front guard. A guilty conscience, and even the real guards didn't dare to stop her, it was the emperor's family matter after all.

Those fake guards were guilty of conscience, and finally they were confused and let the queen create.

"I heard that the emperor invited my younger brothers and sisters into the palace tonight. I, my sister-in-law, stop by and have a look..." Empress Pei Man's words stopped abruptly. Seeing the chaos in the palace, she couldn't help being stunned, "Who are you?"

Miaofengshi and Liuyunshi looked at each other and stepped out at the same time. Before Empress Pei Man could react, the eunuchs and maids who followed her were slaughtered. After receiving instructions, the guards outside took the opportunity to leave Queen Pei Man outside. All of the court ladies and guards were killed.

Queen Pei Man finally reacted: "There are thorns..."

It's a pity that Daiqisi made a dumb acupuncture point just after she made her voice. Looking at the luxuriously dressed woman in front of her, Daiqisi laughed: "I originally thought about how to control the Temple of Taihe, but I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself. ."

"Ask her if the tiger charm is with her?" Huiyue reminded. After all, not everyone can enter the emperor's palace. As a queen, Pei Man does have a chance to take the tiger charm.

Daiqisi nodded, and untied Empress Pei Man's acupuncture points casually. Who knew that the other party yelled as soon as she got out of trouble: "Taoyao, you bitch, you actually colluded with the culprits and made trouble?"

Because Wanyanquan has always liked Taoyao, she didn't feel any love from her partner after marrying Wanyanquan, and naturally hated the instigator. Today, seeing this situation added fuel to the fire.

"Shut up, the lives of you and the dog emperor are now between my thoughts. If you want to survive, you can answer my questions well." Daiqisi said coldly, how can she have the time to compete with her and be jealous.

"Hmph, are you very proud now?" A strange smile appeared on Queen Pei Man's face, "Do you think the palace is under your control?"

"What do you mean?" Daiqis suddenly felt bad.

"You'll know right away, isn't you a **** who prides itself on being beautiful? At that time, the palace will throw you into a brothel, be crowded by thousands of people, and then put you to death soon." Empress Pei Man gritted her teeth. To say.

At this moment, a loud voice came from outside: "Chen Wan Yanliang, please see your Majesty if you have something to do!"

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