Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 927: Adapt to

At this time, Daiqisi's face finally changed. The three Persian envoys also looked at each other and hurriedly said, "Why did he appear here?" They were not surprised. Now in the middle of the night, the gate of the palace is closed, unless there is a gold medal from the emperor. Otherwise, no one is allowed to come and go, and Wan Yanliang is now a foreign minister, so how can he appear outside the emperor's palace in the middle of the night?

Wanyanquan also had the same doubts, but the most important thing at this time was to get out of the clutches of these gangsters. As for Wanyanliang's charge of rushing into the palace late at night, he will be investigated slowly.

"Keep him outside and never come in." Daiqisi hurriedly ordered her subordinates to go out and deal with it, but she was also depressed. Since returning to Middle-earth, everything went wrong. Today, she is going to be successful, but she has appeared one after another. What an accident, it's really anxious.

&~wán Luoba, ↖.v⊙.←p; Suddenly thinking of something, Dai Qisi looked back at Queen Pei Man: "Do you know Wan Yan Liang is coming?"

Queen Pei Man sneered: "Bitch, are you scared? If you let me go obediently now, I might consider letting you go."

Daiqisi's expression became cold, and when she was about to get angry, the sound of war-blade fighting suddenly came from outside the temple, as well as the screams of many people.

The three envoys of Persia and Daiqisi looked at each other, and their faces were a bit ugly, because they heard that the screams were brought by their confidants.

Soon the group of subordinates retreated to the hall in a panic, Wan Yanliang walked in surrounded by a group of people, glanced at the situation in the hall, and roughly understood the situation: "This king was still weird just now. , Why are all the guards of Renzheng Hall changed today? It turns out that you are making a ghost."

The Persian three envoys subconsciously walked to Daiqisi's side and looked at the people who came in with a guarded face. Dai Qisi has been in the top of Jin Guo for a long time, but she can roughly recognize these people around Yan Liang.

The person closest to Wan Yan Liang was Wan Yan Liang’s number one confidant. Xiao Yu, who was then the minister of war, was next to the right deputy in front of the hall, Pucha Ahudi, who led dozens of confidant guards around him. Although the number of these guards is small, it can be seen that all of them are good players.

In addition, there are three sturdy big men faintly guarding Wan Yanliang in the middle. Although Dai Qisi has not seen them, she can roughly guess their identities. They should be Wan Yan Liang’s four guards. Shan Ali came out of the tiger, Xiaotang ancient belt and Yelu Yuanyi. I just don't know why, there are only three people now, and I don't know who of the four is not there.

On the other side stood three old men far away. Although they were not as sturdy in appearance as the others, they were quite old-fashioned, but the coercion and aura unique to the grandmaster faintly exuded from a few of them. But it is what makes Daiqisi the most jealous.

The old man who stood faintly in the first place was tall, dressed in white, with a high nose and deep eyes, a brownish-yellow face, bold vigor, and his eyes were like swords and swords, and very sharp. When she was in the Western Regions, Daiqisi had a relationship with him. Yiyan Zhiyuan recognized him as the owner of Baituo Mountain, Xidu Ouyang Feng.

The other person is not that old, wearing a royal blue satin robe, handsome face, chic demeanor, with a small moustache on the upper lip and under the chin. He should have been a very elegant character, but it was a pity that he was blinded by one eye and the black blindfold made him He looked more vicious and vicious.

Looking at the two golden knives and black swords on his back, Dai Qisi also roughly guessed his identity, the ruthless Valley Master Gongsun Zhi.

Then the remaining old man should have been floating on the water with iron palms. Hailing Wang Wanyanliang collected several famous masters from the rivers and lakes. This incident is widely circulated in the capital, and Daiqisi has also heard about it. .

"King Hailing, come and save me!" Wan Yanquan hurriedly shouted while Huiyue made his attention all over there.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Wan Yanliang's eyes, but he still replied: "Don't panic the emperor, wait until this king catches these anti-thief first."

Dai Qisi sneered: "King Hailing, everyone knows that people don't talk secretly. You brought troops to the emperor's palace so late, it is not certain who the anti-thief is."

Hearing her saying this, Wan Yanquan's eyes also became suspicious.

Wan Yanliang smiled calmly and said: "This king has received reliable information and knows that there have been changes in the Renzheng Palace, so it is a mistake to bring troops to the King Qin. But it is your Madam Peach Blossom, you are really out of this king. Unexpectedly, I did not expect that so many masters under your command would control the emperor silently. I admire it, I really admire it!"

At this time, Ouyang Feng spoke: "If the old man did not admit his mistake, this lady Peach Blossom should be the purple shirt dragon king, the head of the four great Dharma kings under Yang Dingtian, the former leader of Mingjiao!"

"The purple shirt dragon king?" Wan Yanliang showed a different color. "According to legend, the purple shirt dragon king was the first beauty in the martial arts, but he did not expect to come to the Kingdom of Jin to become the Princess of Ever Victory."

Wanyanliang is different from Wanyanquan. In recent years, he has paid more attention to the affairs of the world, especially those famous chivalrous women and beauties, such as Huang Rong and Zishan Dragon King. He is almost familiar with them.

Wan Yanliang looked at Dai Qisi in his eyes full of playfulness: "Isn't the Mingjiao power always in the Western Regions? Why do you suddenly want to get involved in the Jin Guo Temple?"

Daiqisi weighed the strength of the two sides in her heart, and it was obvious that her own situation was very pessimistic.

Thinking of this, she smiled: "King Hailing has misunderstood. We came to Jin Country this time to seek cooperation with your country. There is absolutely no intention to get involved."

Dai Qisi had been a disaster for the country and the people, and her smile made her look even more overwhelming. The surrounding soldiers' breathing was a little bit quicker. I am afraid that only Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren will not be affected in the field. First, they have a high level of cultivation, and second, they are of their age. Older, coupled with the fact that she is not good at female appearance, so facing Daiqisi's peerless appearance, her mood can only be surviving.

As for Gongsun Zhi, who is also a top master, like Wan Yanliang, Harazi has a lot of success.

After all, Wan Yanliang is accustomed to seeing beauty, and she has a little higher resistance in this respect, so she forced her to wake up: "Madam's words are a little funny. Madam hijacked the emperor and empress of our country. Is there such a talk about cooperation?"

Daiqisi seemed to have expected him to ask this for a long time, and explained calmly: "My concubine has been in your country for many years and realized that Wanyan is incompetent and not a partner worthy of Mingjiao's reliance. In contrast, , Your Excellency is a wise martial artist, wise and intelligent, we Mingjiao decided to cooperate with you, but unfortunately there is no suitable meeting ceremony. After thinking and thinking about it, I finally plan to use the empress and empress to show our sincerity. Who knows that this gift has not been given in time. Come out, you will come, Lord."

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