Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 928: Fall into a wolf kiss

Wan Yanliang laughed: "Is that really the case?"

Daiqisi leaned back and said: "What the concubine said is nothing false." For so many years, she has been among the top powers of the Golden State, and her vision is no longer comparable to that of the little girl who was desperate for love back then.

In a short period of time, she has understood the situation clearly. Wan Yanliang is clearly prepared. Although the martial arts of the three Persian envoys are high, if the two sides really get together, they will definitely be wiped out. Since they are controlled Wanyanquan is already destined to be infeasible, so it is better to go back and cooperate with Wanyanliang while there is still negotiation capital.

If you can successfully catch the line of Wan Yanliang, it would be a blessing in misfortune. After all, from what she has seen and heard over the years, Wan Yanliang is the firm leader of the Jin Dynasty court, and has always regarded Mongolia as the biggest threat. Then ∧∧∧, ★.○↑.●self slightly If you provoke it, you can start a war between the Kingdom of Jin and Mongolia, and it can be regarded as completing the mission of this trip.

The reason why Daiqisi feels that the negotiation is feasible is that although their side is inferior, it is still a force that cannot be underestimated. Wan Yanliang really wants to swallow them, and I am afraid that they will have to pay a great price. For Wan Yanliang, every strength is extremely precious now.

"Madam's proposal is very interesting," Wan Yanliang smiled, "In that case, to show your sincerity, can you send the emperor and queen here first?"

Huiyue Envoy hurriedly stepped forward and whispered to Daiqisi: "No, this emperor and queen is the only bargaining chip in our hands, how can we give it to him?"

Dai Qisi also frowned. After a long time, she said, "The emperor and the queen are useless to us. I know well that Wan Yanliang is not a loyal minister and righteous man. This time, she led the troops in the middle of the night. In, it is definitely not the king of Qin."

Miaofengshi and Liuyunzhi were very impressed: "Give him the emperor and the queen."

Dai Qisi said loudly: "Since the prince speaks to show our sincerity, let's send them over." With a look, some of her men had already pressed Wanyanquan and Empress Pei Man and walked over there.

"King Hailing, kill these chaotic courtiers and thieves for me, and I will make you a still order." Seeing Wanyanliang, Wanyanquan seems to see a savior. Over the years, he has trusted Wanyanliang more. By his side, the restless heart finally settled down.

Hearing his command, Wan Yanliang smiled immediately, but did not immediately respond. Instead, he walked to him and stretched out his hand to break his neck in the other's stunned eyes.

"Mingjiao bandits sneaked into the palace to assassinate, the emperor died unfortunately, and the guards were ordered to kill the culprits on the spot!" Wan Yanliang's emotionless voice resounded through the audience.

Although Daiqisi had a very good plan, if on weekdays, Wan Yanliang might really be moved by her, but this time it is related to the emperor. He originally planned to kill the king and usurp the throne this time when he entered the palace, and was worried about how to deal with it afterwards. The insults all over the sky, it happened that the people of Mingjiao hit the gunpoint, and this kind of scapegoat sent to the door is not in vain.

"You!" Dai Qisi and the group were shocked and angry, but they had no time to speak out and blame, Wan Yan Liang's men were ordered to kill them one after another.

Ouyang Feng was the first to confront the Miaofengshi, Qiu Qianren chose Liuyunshi. As for Gongsunzhi, she had been a little greedy for Huiyue to make the bee's waist and buttocks. He chose her without any hesitation, and Pucha Ahudi took the lead. The guards hunted and killed the rest of the people.

Although Empress Pei Man has no feelings for Wanyanquan for a long time, the other party is her husband after all. It is inevitable to be a little sad to see him die like this, but at this time she is more shocked and angry: "Wan Yanliang , You dare to kill the king!"

Wan Yanliang smiled slightly: "The queen has misunderstood. The emperor died at the hands of these Mingjiao thieves. I am avenging the emperor."

Queen Pei Man scolded: "These nonsense can only be used to deceive the ignorant people. Since you dare to kill the king, you must not be merciless to me as a queen."

Wan Yanliang greedily glanced at her full body: "The empress is too worried, the king of Wanyanquan is useless to keep him, but the empress is different, the empress is at least a graceful beauty."

"Shameless!" Empress Pei Man was trembling with anger, "Wan Yanliang, don't be too proud of you too early, someone will come to treat you?"

"Are you finished talking about the old immortals of Yan Zongxian and Zong Min? Ha ha, when this king has something to do, I will be the first to take the old immortals." Over the years, both Yan Zongxian and Zong Min, regardless of their status or status. The seniority is above Wanyanliang, and he often knocks and squeezes him intentionally or unintentionally.

Wan Yanliang also knew in his heart that after he usurped the throne, others said that these two military and political leaders would never obey him. They have military power and great prestige in their hands. Once they raise their arms, My own situation is dangerous, so the first thing I do after taking control of the palace is to get rid of these two people.

Queen Pei Man sneered a few times without refuting it, but another person appeared in her mind.

Daiqisi looked at the three Persian envoys in her free time and found that each of them was in a disadvantage. She knew that today, everyone might not be spared. The only chance is to catch the thief first!

Making up her mind, she successively used the ultimate move to kill the guards in front of her. The guards along the way tried to stop her, but there was an indescribable weirdness in her body style, like a ghost like a charm, like a spirit, like a strange, a few ups and downs, appeared in front of Wan Yanliang.

Wan Yan Liang's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly backed away, but Dai Qisi was fighting for this kind of vitality. How could she let him go so easily, she stretched out her hand and grabbed his chest.

As soon as he was about to catch it, two big hands were suddenly stretched out in front of the two of them. It turned out that the four guards beside Wan Yanliang made the shot. Xiao Tang Gudai and Ye Lu Yuanyi held Dai Qisi's attack. , Tu Dan Ali will stay with Wan Yan Liang's side when he comes out of the tiger.

The four guards of Wan Yanliang are carefully selected domestic top masters, and they are really put on the rivers and lakes. Everyone's fame is never under the purple shirt dragon king, not to mention that Dai Qisi is half of martial arts. Underwater kung fu, with one enemy two, quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Daiqisi bit her silver teeth, raised her hand and threw the famous hidden weapon Jinhua, splitting the two of them, trying to take the opportunity to escape, but the two flickered eastward and westward, and they all avoided, but they saw the ancient belt of Xiao Tang. Straight forward, she pointed to Dai Qisi's throat. Daiqisi hurriedly waved her palm to block her in front of her. At the same time she swung a sword with her other hand to counterattack. Who knew she suddenly jumped up. It turned out that the back of her heart had been caught by Yelu Yuanyi and lifted it up. Xiao Tang Gudai took the opportunity to take three steps and clicked several big holes on her body. Dai Qisi became stiff and couldn't move.

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