Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 942: Fox tail

On the night of the coup, Xiao Yu was sent by Wan Yanliang to control the imperial imperial army with Pucha Ahudi. When he was about to succeed, who knew that the left lieutenant in front of the palace inspected Pucha Ahute and brought his troops back, a bitter battle. After that, Pucha Ahu was defeated one after another, the remnants surrendered, and Xiao Yu was also arrested.

\\tBecause he was one of the masterminds of rebellion, Xiao Yu knew that waiting for his fate would be extremely miserable. In despair, he finally thought of the hope of saving his life. He hurriedly told the officials in the prison that he knew a great secret. I hope I can use this secret to save my life.

\\tThe interrogation officer did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported to Song Qingshu.

\\t Song Qingshu didn’t take it seriously at first, after all, people can use whatever means to survive in a temporary situation, and he has the trump card of loneliness, plus the anti-water Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, end What secret does Yan Liang have that he doesn't know?

\\t Later, I thought that I was free anyway, and listened to what Xiao Yu, Wan Yan Liang's first confidant, said, it would be okay to treat it as a relief.

\\t Soon Xiao Yu was taken to the Hall of Renzheng, Song Qingshu took a sip of the tea presented by the court lady, and said lightly: "Let's go, what is your so-called great secret?"

\\t Song Qingshu couldn’t help thinking of a joke in his previous life, saying that someone would dream of a great secret every day, but after he woke up, he didn’t remember anything. In order to know what this great secret was, that person specially He prepared paper and pen by the bed. When he dreamed of the great secret, he immediately got up and wrote it down. Then he fell asleep again. When the man woke up the next day, he saw that there were only six on the paper. Big print: Bananas are yellow!

\\t Song Qingshu secretly thought, if Xiao Yu dared to fool him with such a "secret", he would immediately find a few black uncles from the capital to let him know how the chrysanthemum turned into a sunflower.

\\t Xiao Yu's face was hesitant: "I don't know if the emperor can be generous and spare the life of the criminal after the criminal official has said it." In fact, he didn't understand that the whole face had been controlled that night. Everything, how was it turned over in the end.

As for Wan Yan Qi's death and resurrection, he has no doubts. After all, some people with identities often prepare several substitutes for themselves. I am afraid that it was a careless night and was deceived by Wan Yan Qi's use of Jin Chan's escape from the shell.

\\t Song Qingshu faintly replied: "It depends on whether your so-called secret has such great value.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), I don't have so much time. "

\\t Xiao Yu looked struggling, knowing that he has no bargaining capital now, so he gritted his teeth and said: "It is about the Shaomin princess of the Ruyang Palace in Mongolia. I don’t know if this secret is enough to change the villain. Life."

\\t "Zhao Min?" Song Qingshu's expression moved, his expression did not hide from Xiao Yu's eyes, Xiao Yu suddenly let out a long sigh of relief, I am afraid that his life was saved.

\\t "Let's say it, as long as what you say is true, I can let you go." Song Qingshu suddenly became interested, what is the secret about Zhao Min.

\\t "The emperor should still remember the things about the clothing courtyard before." Xiao Yu tried to ask.

\\tSong Qingshu gave a noncommittal hum.

\\t Xiao Yu had no choice but to continue: "Presumably the emperor now knows that it was Hailing... it was done by Wan Yanliang, but we were not the only ones on the day."

"Is there another Shaomin Princess?" Song Qingshu couldn't help showing a disappointed look. He was on the scene that day, knowing better than Xiao Yu, this servant wanted to use this for his own life.

\\t seemed to be aware of his thoughts, Xiao Yu was anxious, and hurriedly said: "That time because of Zhao Min's sudden appearance, Wan Yanliang appointed me to investigate the matter thoroughly. Later, I finally found some clues. Zhao Min was invited by Xu Wang Wanyan Yong. He wanted to use the power of the Mongols to help him fight for the throne."

\\t From Xiao Yu's point of view, all the emperors care about their throne most. Telling the matter himself, eliminating a huge hidden danger for him, and saving his own small life, there is absolutely no problem.

\\t Who knows Song Qingshu's lack of interest on his face: "That's it?" Although he was disappointed, he was reminded by Xiao Yu and remembered about Xu Wang. It would be a disaster to leave such an ambitious family in the capital sooner or later. Then take advantage of Xiao Yu's confession and take advantage of this opportunity to kill him all at once.

\\t Seeing Song Qingshu's reaction, Xiao Yu's heart was chilled, what's the matter, why did the other party not care about this? Why did he show an expression of interest before then?

and many more!

\\tXiao Yu hurriedly recalled the details of the conversation just now, and suddenly his eyes lit up. The other party was interested in the Shaomin County Lord of Mongolia from beginning to end!

\\t "Come here, take him down." Song Qingshu impatiently

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) waved his hand.

\\t "Yes!" Some guards rushed in long ago. These guards were re-selected by Song Qingshu. Most of them were young children of the Tang Kuo family. With the identity of Gebi and Tang Kuobian, the Tang Kuo family is relatively the best. Reliable.

\\t "Wait!" Xiao Yu yelled hurriedly, "The emperor, there is another news about Princess Shaomin here."

\\t "Oh?" Song Qingshu waved his hand, motioning for the guard to step back temporarily.

\\t Xiao Yu went down in a cold sweat, not daring to neglect any more, and quickly said: "The villain found out through various channels that the Shaomin princess was not here for King Xu. It seems that the main purpose is It was looking for a person named Murong Jingyue, and the villain knew exactly where Murong Jingyue was."

\\t Song Qingshu was a little impatient at first, thinking how this man said everything I know, until he heard his last sentence, he immediately sat up straight: "What, do you know the whereabouts of Murong Jingyue?"

\\t You must know that Murong Jingyue is not only related to Zhao Min’s antidote to the three-corpse brain **** pill, but also Bing Xue’er’s husband-killing enemy. For these years, everyone has been checking his whereabouts, but it’s a pity that this man is the first to see him. Without seeing the end, there has been no flaw in it. Even breaking his identity disguised as Ping Yizhi was just a coincidence, not what they actually found.

\\tXiao Yu was taken aback, thinking that you were not so excited when you heard that Xu Wang and Shaomin were not so excited before, why are you so interested in a person in the rivers and lakes?

\\t But he didn’t have time to think about it, and subconsciously replied: “The emperor, you also know that the villain’s original identity was from the Xi tribe of Liao. Take root here... Murong Jingyue, when he was seriously injured and lived in Liao Country, was saved by me by chance. He was grateful for my life-saving grace. He once told me that if he needs help in the future, he can Go to find him somewhere. It didn't take long for the two countries to fight a battle, and I was captured to the Kingdom of Jin..."

\\t Song Qingshu immediately asked, "When he said you need help, where can I find him?"


Recently, a follow-up plot is a bit stuck, so the update speed has not been fast.

In the past two days, there seems to be a faint feeling of breaking through the acupuncture points, and it should be resolved immediately

I remember what I owe

(End of this chapter)


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