Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 943: Lion Theory

Xiao Yu was dumbfounded, but now he doesn't know that Song Qingshu is not really interested in Xu Wang Wan Yanyong or Mongolia's Shao Min princess, but Murong Jingyue.

"When... I rescued him back then, it was just a matter of effort. I didn't care about what he said, so I...I don't remember the place he said back then." Xiao Yu's back was soaked. Now, he deliberately found a reason to be fooled, but the look in Song Qingshu's eyes felt that he had seen it through from the outside to the inside. How dare he play any tricks?

"Don't remember?" Song Qingshu almost didn't get angry. What's the difference between this and not saying!

Xiao Yu also knew that it would be difficult to save his life with an ambiguous piece of information, and hurriedly added: "Although I don't remember the specific location, I still remember the place he said...♂...♂...♂, ◇.↑▽.■ point It's in the upper capital of Liao Kingdom!"

In the end, Song Qingshu still saved Xiao Yu's life, but did not let him go, because he might still be useful.

"Going to the capital?" Looking at the figure of Xiao Yu leaving, Song Qingshu thoughtfully. It stands to reason that Murong Jingyue is despicable and shameless. It's hard to imagine that such a downright villain would know how to repay him.

However, according to Xiao Yu’s description of that year, that time should be when Murong Jingyue was in the most desperate situation. He was helped by others in the most desperate situation. This kindness may be unforgettable for a lifetime. Although Murong Jingyue is a villain, he is also a human being. , There are also various emotions of people.

And based on his disguise as Ping Yizhi, it is likely that there are other disguised identities. The capital of Liao State is far away from the Central Plains, avoiding the sphere of influence of the Murong family and the Poisonous Medicine King, which is simply to Murong Jingyue. A perfect hiding place!

After thinking about it for so long, whether it was Bing Xueer, the Murong family, or even the supernaturally powerful Ruyang Prince’s Mansion, hadn’t found out the exact information about his hiding place, Song Qingshu knew that his hiding place was definitely not an ordinary place, just the so-called Xiaoyin. Yu Ye, Zhong is hidden in the city, and Da is hidden in the dynasty. He even suspects that the other party may be hidden in the Liao Dynasty court.

It’s a pity that Song Qingshu’s doppelganger lacks skills and can’t go to the capital to verify it in person. He can only revise a book secretly and send it to the Ruyang Palace with a unique secret code for contacting the two of them to inform Zhao Min of the matter and let her go to the capital first Check it out.

After all, Song Qingshu is not only living for himself, he is also responsible for the lives and future of a large group of people.

There are a series of things that need to be dealt with by Jin Guo, and he has been on Jin Guo for a long time. I don’t know what happened to Jin Snake Camp. There is also Li Kexiu, who is in charge of the 100,000 Green Camp in Jianghuai. The dark sent Ajiu and Jiao Wan'er went over and didn't know how they were going. He had to find time to see them in person as soon as possible.

At this time, he had to be fortunate that he had found a few confidantes with abilities and beauty. There was Dongfang Muxue in the Qing Dynasty, Xia Qingqing and Ah Jiu in the Golden Snake Camp were well organized, and the Shenlong Sect had Su Quan and Fang Yi... If it weren't for their help, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to accomplish so many things even if I couldn't sleep endlessly.

Song Qingshu sometimes even has some thoughts that are not worthy of outsiders, such as learning from African lions, laying down a big harem, and then letting the harems conquer the grasslands.

After a few hesitant smiles, Song Qingshu withdrew his mixed thoughts and changed to thinking about an imminent problem. He could not stay on the side of the Kingdom forever. Then after he left, who would he send to take care of the situation here?

Empress Pei Man was originally an excellent candidate, with both ability and experience, but if you leave it to her, she will definitely manage Jin Guo in an orderly manner. However, it is a pity that Queen Pei Man is also a person with extremely strong desire for power. The cooperation between the two can at best be regarded as having each one's needs, and it is hard to call it any true feelings.

If you dare to entrust Jin Guo here to her, within a few months, Jin Guo may be completely out of his control, Song Qingshu knows all this well. Originally the best treatment for Queen Pei Man was to kill with a knife. Borrow Wan Yan Quan's knife or kill her in the chaos on the night of the Wan Yan Liang coup. In history, Queen Pei Man died at the hands of Wan Yan Quan.

However, Song Qingshu is not a cold-blooded person after all. He can't do such a cruel hand to a woman who has skin close to him, but he also won't ignore potential threats because of personal feelings, so he borrows Wan Yan Liang Zhi's hand cleansed away the forces inside and outside her palace. Today, she is only a queen, and it is difficult for her to have the opportunity to control the government like before.

Compared with Queen Pei Man, Gobi is much more trustworthy. Now her husband Tang Kuobian is dead. After this time of getting along, the two are firmly tied together regardless of their feelings and interests. It's just that Gebi is too gentle and kind, and I am afraid it is difficult to handle the complicated political affairs.

According to Pucha Alihu, he forbeared for so many years and even succeeded in getting rid of Wanyan Zonggan, she was a very capable woman, but the relationship between herself and their mother and daughter was not close enough to entrust such a large estate to them.

By the way, there is also a Mrs. Tang, er, the vase must be conscious of a vase, not to mention that she is still someone else's wife now, how can she find her to do things for herself.

Song Qingshu thought of a headache, and did not think of a candidate with the best of both worlds. In the end, he could only decide to leave this important task to Gobi for the time being. His sister Wan Yanping tried his best to assist him, plus Pucha Alihu and Empress Pei Man from If you help me, I should be able to cope with it.


A few days later, the court approved the memorial from the Criminal Ministry. Wan Yanliang was publicly executed on charges of treason. Song Qingshu did not read it during the execution, and even the mother and daughter and the Gobi sisters did not. Anyway, the revenge they wanted to avenge had already been avenged in the palace.

Song Qingshu silently watched Gebi and Wanyanliang worshipped Tang Kuo and then told them about their plans to leave.

"What, you want to leave?" Gobi exclaimed. As soon as he exited, he realized that his reaction was a little too big. He glanced carefully at his sister and found that she was also a little lost.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "I have been delayed for too long in Jin Country, and there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in other places, especially Li Kexiu, who is in the Jianghuai area."

"But what should you do if you left the court?" Wan Yanping asked suddenly, now it's up to him to pretend to be Wanyanquan. Once he leaves, how can the truth of Wanyanquan's death be concealed live?

"I'm about to tell you this." Song Qingshu took out some masks from his arms and put them in front of them. "These are some masks I made. You can try them on."

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