Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 944: New journey

Gebi and Wan Yanping picked them up and put them on their faces in doubt, Song Qingshu stepped forward and gently smoothed the wrinkles on the two women, making the masks closer to their skins.

Being touched by his hand on his face, both Gobi and Wanyanping were a little uncomfortable. If they were alone with him, but now in front of another sister, it was really embarrassing. Fortunately, there was a mask covering it, which blocked the shame on their slightly hot faces.

After Song Qingshu put on the masks for them, the two women raised their heads and suddenly saw each other's appearance. They were shocked: "Ah!" hurriedly pointed at the mask on his face: "This...this is..."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, this is the mask of Wanyanquan. You and him are brothers and sisters. There are some similarities in your faces. This mask is easier to make. Let's add ∝∝∝, ●.≦→.■ Yan Qi is already weak and sickly. You are tall and tall. It shouldn’t be a problem to pretend to cheat other people. I will keep the mold for making this mask in a while and tell you the formula of the mask material. You can also make it yourself. just in case."

After the initial panic, the two women finally calmed down slowly, and then became curious about the magic mask.

Gebi touched his sister's face and watched her sister's deceased Wanyan standing there at the moment. He couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder you pretended to be Wu Gu Lai before. I didn't recognize it at all. It's too much. Amazing skills, right."

"It's not as magical as you think," Song Qingshu said with a wry smile, "This disguise can only deceive unsuspecting people, and it is easy to be seen through by loved ones. Haven't I been recognized by you before?"

Gobi took off the mask, just when he heard what he said, his face flushed: "Which is so easy to see through, I was in touch with you before...when I was intimate with you, I actually noticed something was wrong, but I didn't even go. Thinking in other directions, I don’t know that there is such a magical skill in this world, but later you revealed some flaws, and I realized that you might be a counterfeit."

Wan Yanping also took off the mask. Hearing what her sister said, she couldn't help but said depressed: "Sister, you and brother-in-law have been married for so many years. You can even mistake the physical characteristics of brother-in-law, which made me deceived. ."

Gobi touched her cheek, and she felt a hot feeling. She couldn't help but fight back: "Humph, if you didn't plot against your brother-in-law, how would you let him take advantage of it? Besides, you knew him later. It's a fake, and it's not the same with him..." This time Wanyanping and Song Qingshu returned to Beijing together, and the two sides cooperated so seamlessly, how can the careful Gebi not know what happened to the two?

"Ah~" Wan Yanping screamed, and hurriedly tickled her sister, "Don't say it!"

Seeing the sisters fighting together, Song Qingshu was naturally happy to admire it, especially the occasional tearing of clothes is even more imaginative.

Soon the sisters also discovered Song Qingshu’s "sinister" intentions, and had to stop fighting. Gebi arranged messy clothes and hair buns by the side, while Wan Yanping had to be more natural. Instead, they asked: "The appearance is similar. It's useless, our voices..."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't worry about this. I will teach you a way to change your voice. Although you can hardly reach the level of impersonating anyone in a short period of time, it should be fine to just learn Yan Quan's voice."

"Hey, just talk when you talk, why come and hold our hand." Wan Yanping was stunned.

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "Of course these secret techniques have to be learned in a secret place."

Wan Yanping thought so, but he was also bluffed by him. On the contrary, Gobi understood him better. After looking at the directions of the people walking, she suddenly felt bad: "Your so-called secret place is not the bed, right? "

Song Qingshu suddenly showed a look of surprise: "So we thought of going together!"

"Bah!" Gobi snorted, blushing, "Who would think of a **** with you?"

"What's indecent," Song Qingshu hurriedly corrected, "This method of changing voices is extremely high-end. I don't know how many martial arts masters want to learn it. I don't even teach it."

Wan Yanping finally reacted at this time, and couldn't help being ashamed and angry: "Don't think we don't know what you have in your heart, let it go."

"Don't use that kind of vulgar eyes to look at an upright and stalwart figure like me," Song Qingshu puffed up his chest, "I really want to teach you kung fu!"

Wan Yanping couldn't help kicking him: "Don't be fooled like we are three-year-olds..." Before he finished speaking, Song Qingshu's body guard shook his toes numb and couldn't help taking a cold breath. gas.

Song Qingshu said with a lonely look: "I'm leaving the capital soon. I don't know how long this will take. Don't you want to say something to me before I leave?"

He said in a very sad tone. The sisters looked at each other and saw the unbearableness in each other's heart. Gobi hesitated and said, "You can speak, but you won't be allowed to move your hands and feet later."

"Of course no problem!" Song Qingshu was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly pulled the two women into the inner room.

It didn't take long for the sisters to exclaim:

"Don't you teach martial arts, why do you need to use your mouth?"

"The martial arts of changing voices, of course, you have to use your mouth."

"But what's the matter with your hands everywhere?"

"This is the eight meridians I'm trying to get through."


A few days later, the emperor issued a decree. In view of the growth of the Golden Snake Camp, the site of Li Kexiu, the admiral of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the Qing Dynasty, has become an enclave and has become a piece of fat in the eyes of all forces. He specially sent Shang Shuling and Marshal Tang Kuobian to Yangzhou to visit Li Kexiu. .

The original border between the Qing Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty was the upper reaches of the Huaihe River and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The Qing Dynasty controlled Huainan East Road and the northern Jiangsu region, while the Southern Song Dynasty controlled Huainan West Road and the Southern Jiangsu region. Li Kexiu was nominally the admiral of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, responsible for the defense of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The places he actually controlled were Huainan East Road and the northern part of Jiangsu.

Before the Qing Dynasty was defeated, the Golden Snake Camp rose, and the sphere of influence just cut off the territory of the Qing Dynasty. Later, the San Francisco Rebellion broke out, and the Qing country had to choose a truce with the Golden Snake Camp. Although Li Kexiu had always claimed to be loyal to the Qing court, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Qing was no longer there. Also unable to control this site, so all forces tried their best to win over Li Kexiu.

This time Song Qingshu left Daxing Mansion in this name, but it did not arouse the suspicion of courtiers. However, Shang Shusheng also raised the issue of canonization of Chongyang Sect. Last time, Song Qingshu and Pucha Ahute temporarily returned to Beijing, and the matter was interrupted. Seeing Tang Kuobian leave Beijing this time, the relevant ministers asked him to stop by the Chongyang Palace. Song Qingshu refused without a reason, so he agreed.

Volume Four, The Journey to the Kingdom of Jin is over

Now there are 18 chapters left

In view of recent plots, such as Pucha Alihu's revenge on Yan Liang in Huanyiyuan, or teaching the two sisters of Gebi to "martial arts", these plots have a lot of room for development.

I decided to occasionally replace the plus chapters with related extras,

A special chapter replaces a chapter, I guess everyone should have no objection.

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