Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 945: Collection

\\t In addition to the three thousand elite soldiers, there are two masters, Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, who accompanied Song Qingshu this time. Although Song Qingshu has used all means to successfully pull the two onto his ship, class friendship is still needed. Time to cultivate, this time to go to the Chongyang Palace for business is a good opportunity.

For Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, neither of them had any good feelings for the Chongyang Palace. Back then, Ouyang Feng was almost abolished by Wang Chongyang in the Chongyang Palace, so they were also very happy to accept such a task.

In addition, Pucha Qiucao, the eldest lady of the Pucha family, heard that Yang Guo had studied art in the Chongyang Palace back then. She did not know what mentality she had, and she had to follow to Zhongnanshan. Pucha Ahute knew that her daughter was very emotional because of Yang Guo’s refusal to marry. Oops, I hope to use this opportunity to let her relax outside.

Now that the Pucha family and the Tang Kuo family are in the honeymoon period of cooperation, Song Qingshu is naturally not easy to refute the other's face, anyway, there are three thousand elite soldiers with him, and there are big masters like Ouyang Feng Qiu Qianren, she will not touch it. What's the danger?

Song Qingshu took a person away when he left Beijing. Since Daiqisi, the king of purple shirts, fell into his hands on the night of the coup, he has not paid attention to her, but kept her in the palace. During this time Daiqisi She was almost driven crazy by this "forgotten", but as time passed, her anxiety from the beginning turned into numbness now.

Because Tang Kuobian is still badly injured in name now, Song Qingshu hides in a luxurious carriage in an upright manner, and Daiqisi is also placed in it. Except for a few insiders, most of the troops in the army are not. Know her existence.

The cushion made of white fox fur is extremely soft and comfortable, and the floor is covered with a precious carpet of Western Regions tribute. You can barely feel the vibration of the car body. Song Qingshu drank the iced wine while lamenting how comfortable the life of the ancient nobles was.

What's more, there was a stunning beauty sitting in front of him. Song Qingshu didn't expect that he would be addicted to the beauty of a fragrant chariot when he returned to ancient times. He was in a good mood and put the cup in front of Daiqisi: "Grape wine luminous cup, I want Drink pipa immediately. Don’t laugh when you drunk in the battlefield, and a few people have fought back in ancient times. It’s a pity that grapes and fine wines make a brilliant red color, and my generation of bearded men drink it, it is not proud, but the wife

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Such a beautiful lady is even more suitable for this wine. Would you like a sip for Madam? "

Daiqisi snorted and turned her head away coldly.

Song Qingshu was not angry, but said with a grin, "Since the lady does not speak, then I will agree as a lady." After speaking, she could not help but pinch her chin, and poured all the remaining wine into her red lips. Among.


Daiqisi was choked quickly, the bright red wine overflowed from her lips, slid over her smooth and jade-like chin, and slowly flowed down her delicate and slender pink neck into the looming gully of her chest, snow-white The skin and the bright red wine add radiance to each other, inadvertently forming a beautiful picture, full of strange temptation.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but marvel at it: "Madam's snow-white skin is not comparable to that of a woman from the Central Plains."

Seeing the other party staring at him bitterly, Song Qingshu slapped his head: "Looking at my memory, I forgot to unlock the acupuncture points for my wife." Then she reached out and swept the air, Dai Qisi felt her body loose.

As soon as Daiqis got out of trouble, she tried to rush over, but when she thought of the martial arts comparison between the two, she quickly calmed down. When she really fought, she was definitely not his opponent, and the carriage was in such a small space. Intertwined, the final loser is still yourself.

After thinking about the serious relationship, Dai Qisi had to sit back with her face straight, and noticed that she was sticky. She hurriedly wiped the wine stains on her face and neck. When she wiped it on her chest, her face suddenly blushed. , Took a look at Song Qingshu, and hurriedly turned around.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile, no wonder that Daiqisi was recognized as the number one beauty in martial arts in the past, and she was fascinated by countless heroes on top of the light. Now she wipes her body under her anger, and her gestures are so amorous.

Song Qingshu didn't understand why they used to use stalks in the animations in the previous life. Now he finally understands that feeding a beautiful girl does have an indescribable sense of physical and mental pleasure.

"Where are you going to take me!" Dai Qisi asked slightly angrily after wiping off the wine stains.

"Take you to stroll around, go all the way up the mountain and play, and then take a trip to Zhongnan Mountain

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), and finally go to Jianghuai. "Song Qingshu replied solemnly.

"Zhong Nanshan, Quanzhen Sect?" Dai Qisi shook her head, she was not interested in this, "I was asking what you plan to do with me?"

"How to deal with it?" Song Qingshu smiled slightly, "Madam, what do I want to do with you?"

Hearing the frivolity in his tone, Dai Qisi cursed secretly and replied coldly: "I think you let me go, is it possible?"

"I let you go, of course." Song Qingshu's answer was beyond her expectation.

"Really?" Although she knew there must be fraud, Daiqisi couldn't help but ask.

Song Qingshu then replied: "But if you let you go, where can you go?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I have my own place to go." Dai Qisi snorted.

"Really?" Song Qingshu smiled disapprovingly, and analyzed for her, "You came with the mission of the Persian Archbishop this time. Now the mission has failed. At the same time, the Angel of Flowing Cloud and the Envoy of Wonderful Wind are also dead, Huiyue If you are in the imperial palace, I can sell her to the brothel with just one word. Even if your daughter is the leader, she won’t be able to protect you, right?"

Daiqisi's face turned pale, knowing that what he said was not unreasonable. The Persian Archbishop had always had strict laws and regulations. This time the loss was so heavy and nothing was achieved. Even if she returned to the Persian general altar, it would be torture that awaited her.

Although Xiao Zhao became the leader, she was young, and she was a duck to the shelves. She was empty as a leader. The power of the Church was still in the hands of the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and the Presbyterian Church. In order for those people to always be able to avoid the leader, how can they let it go if they have the opportunity to get rid of Xiao Zhao's helper?

"This is my own business, you don't have to worry about it." Dai Qisi bit her scalp and said.

"Okay, I'll just talk about things related to me." Song Qingshu took out a piece of letter paper from her arms and spread it out in front of her, "Madam still remember what it is?"

Daiqisi glanced suspiciously, and soon her face turned red. How could she not recognize this? When King Chang Sheng was thrown into a jail, she did not hesitate to pretend to use beauty to seduce her as the presiding judge in order to save the other party. Tang Kuo argued that this was the transaction document established at that time.

(End of this chapter)


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