Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 946: Heart attack

Daiqisi was the idea of ​​not admitting the account afterwards, thinking that she, as the princess, would be backed by the emperor Wanyanquan behind her. Could it be that a cohort in Tang Kuo's defense area would dare to come to her to collect the account?

But who would have thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes. Now Wanyanquan is dead, and she is no longer the supreme princess. The cohort that she didn't look down on at the beginning has now become the most powerful man in the Golden Court. The original IOU suddenly became hot. stand up.

"You didn't save Wanyanyuan, why should I pay the bill?" Dai Qisi quickly thought of a reason.

Song Qingshu suddenly laughed: "Who said that I didn't save Wanyanyuan? Everyone in the city knew that I had released him acquitted. For this reason, he was sent to prison by the emperor, but Wanyanyuan was out of luck. I was still killed by the emperor, and I can’t blame me ⊙⊙⊙, $.■≡.↓."

Dai Qisi said anxiously: "This is obviously one thing, Wan Yanyuan has never been out of the jail from beginning to end."

"I don't care about this. Anyway, I have done what I promised. Then it's up to you to fulfill your previous promise." Song Qingshu looked straightforward.

"Why are you like this? Are you not arrogant!" Daiqisi said angrily.

Song Qingshu looked at her in time: "Madam has been in the arena for so many years, she should have understood a truth long ago, whether it is the purple shirt dragon king or the golden flower mother-in-law, when will you reason with the people who died in her hands? Qiang Those who set the rules, the weak have to obey the rules honestly."

Dai Qisi was shocked, she was silent for a while, and sighed after a long time: "Yes, the strong eating of the weak is the eternal law in the world. I am dull."

Song Qingshu once again shook the paper in front of her: "Madam now recognizes the original promise, right?"

Daiqisi snorted expressionlessly: "Now that I am in your hands, there is no point even if I don't approve it."

Song Qingshu showed a satisfied smile: "I appreciate Madam's attitude now."

Daiqisi turned her head and resisted with silence.

Song Qingshu didn't care, and continued: "Madam, I know what you are thinking about now, but I have to remind you that your only way out now is to be loyal to me."

"Really?" Dai Qisi's slightly upturned mouth showed the contempt in her heart now.

"I know you don't think so in my heart. It's just that you are too low in your own level, resulting in a large amount of lack of information, and it is difficult to recognize your own situation," Song Qingshu reached out and hooked her snowy chin, and Dai Qisi subconsciously dodged When he opened, he didn't take it seriously, and continued, "However, in view of your face of disaster to the country and the people, I am still very patient to explain it to you."

"Listen carefully." Daiqisi gave him a blank glance when she heard him say it so pretentiously.

From her teenage years to the present, apart from her husband Han Qianye, who was in love at first sight, she has always treated all other men without pretending, even Fan Yao, the bright righteous envoy who fascinated thousands of young girls in those days.

Later, after the death of her husband, she would rather change her face into an old and ugly golden flower mother-in-law than to expose her peerless appearance to a man again, which can prove how much she values ​​this aspect.

Song Qingshu was frivolous over her repeatedly, if it weren't for fear that resistance would lead to further frivolousness, she would have been in trouble long ago, but such several times of depression caused her to hold back her stomach, and she might be detonated at any time.

"If I remember correctly, you were a Mingjiao saint, but you married Han Qianye privately. According to the canon, you will be punished by fire, right?" Song Qingshu asked.

"That's all from the past. Now I have a high status in the teaching. Who would dare to use torture on me?" Dai Qisi said lightly, but her heart was not as calm as she was on the surface. After returning to Persia, I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape punishment, even if Xiao Zhao uses the identity of the leader, it may not be able to protect her.

Song Qingshu seemed to have expected her to have this kind of reaction a long time ago, and couldn't help but smile: "Your daughter Xiao Zhao is the foundation of the Persian Mingjiao, right?"

"So what?" Daiqisi replied.

"But what if even Xiaozhao is chased by Mingjiao? When the world is so big, where will you have a place?" Song Qingshu stared at her tightly.

Daiqisi's heart jumped, and she hurriedly said: "Nonsense, Xiao Zhao is now the leader of the Persian altar, who dares to disrespect her!"

Song Qingshu didn't answer her question directly, but touched on another matter: "If I remember correctly, Xiao Zhao should be deeply in love with the Zhongtu Mingjiao advocating nonjudgment, right?"

"Yes." Dai Qisi nodded, this matter is not a secret, she still has a good impression of the gentle and gentle teacher Zhang, but it is a pity that her daughter has no relationship with him.

"Then if Xiao Zhao had to make a choice between Mingjiao and Zhang Wuji, who do you think she would choose?" Song Qingshu asked directly.

"How could such a ridiculous situation happen." Daiqisi only felt that this was nonsense, and didn't want to think about it.

"What if it really happened?"


"It's impossible for you to leave it alone, you can answer my question directly!"

"It should be... Zhang Wuji." Although Daiqisi has always been not very affectionate with her daughter, as a mother, how could she not know her daughter's thoughts? If it hadn't been to save her, how would Xiao Zhao be willing to leave Zhang Wuji?

"It seems that we are the same on this point." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, "I also believe Xiao Zhao will be desperate for Zhang Wuji."

"What about this?" Dai Qisi asked doubtfully, "Zhang Wuji is the leader of the Middle Tu Ming Sect. Although the Middle Tu Ming Sect was at odds with the Persian general altar before, under the threat of Mongolia, the two sides have long since cleared their suspicions. Zhang Wuji How can it be opposed to Mingjiao?"

Song Qingshu smiled and continued to ask, "You should know how many rivals your daughter had in love at the time, right?"

"The two who can be called rivals are Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min," As for the spider, Dai Qisi directly ignored it. From beginning to end, she was not an opponent.

"Zhou Zhiruo got married with you later," Dai Qisi suddenly remembered Song Qingshu's other identity, the uncle of the Emei school, "There is only one Zhao Min left. Zhang Wuji seems to like her a little bit better."

"But do you know that Zhao Min and him have become enemies now?" Song Qingshu asked calmly.

Daiqisi was startled: "Why?" She had seen it with her own eyes on the Spirit Snake Island back then. When the two occasionally looked at each other, it was absolutely impossible to fake the affectionate eyes. At that time, it was just like glue. How long did it take to turn against each other?

Today, I added three more chapters to the V group, so I still owe 15 chapters

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