Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 947: incite defection

Hearing Dai Qisi's question, Song Qing seemed to be lost in memory, and sighed after a long time: "Because this Zhang Wuji is no longer the other Zhang Wuji."

"What do you mean?" Dai Qisi was stunned, but soon realized something, Hua Rong changed color slightly, "You mean that Zhang Wuji has also been changed by others?"

Because she had seen Song Qing change her appearance into Tang Kuobian and Wan Yanquan successively, she subconsciously thought that Zhang Wuji was also disguised by others.

Song Qing shook his head: "No one can easily become him, Zhang Wuji's body has not changed."

"The body hasn't changed?" Daiqisi always felt this sentence weird, "He has changed his mind?" ∮∮∮, ↓.±↘.◇

The more Dai Qisi thought about it, the more she felt it was possible. Zhao Min's girl was in love with vigor and violent temperament. If Zhang Wuji had changed his mind, the two might really turn their eyes back into enemies.

"Change of heart?" Song Qing nodded, "In a sense, it is a change of heart, and it is not only a change of heart, but also a change of soul."

Dai Qisi looked at him blankly, not quite understanding what the so-called soul change was about, and thought he was saying that Zhang Wuji's personality had changed or something.

The matter of Mingzun's seizure of the house was too unbelievable. Song Qing knew that she told her at once that she might be difficult to accept, so she had to continue to guide: "Back then, you sent Xiao Zhao into Guangmingding, just to find a big move?"

"Why are you so clear about the affairs of our mother and daughter?" Dai Qisi gave him a wary look before nodding, "Yes, when I was a saint, but I married a man, the Persian general altar was furious. Endlessly, once caught by them, I will be executed by fire, so I let Xiao Zhao mix into Guangmingding in order to find the lost universe of the main altar and make meritorious deeds."

"Since you are deliberately trying to get the great movement of the universe, you must know its information well, among the masters of the Mingjiao in the past, how many levels are the highest achievements in the cultivation of the great movement of the universe?" Song Qing asked.

A fascinating color appeared on Dai Qisi's face: "The great movement of the universe is the highest and most mysterious martial art of Mingjiao. Only the masters of the past are qualified to practice. It takes 7 years for those with high savvy to reach the first level, which is almost a need. In 14 years, the second-level mental method also takes at least 7 years. In Mingjiao history, even some people have not practiced until 21 years. Just these two levels, it can be said that most people, the former leader of Mingjiao, Yang Dingtian was shocked. It’s so beautiful, it’s almost invincible when you reach the fourth floor."

Speaking of Yang Dingtian, Dai Qisi also showed a slight remembrance on her face. At Guangming Ding, she was adopted as a righteous daughter by Yang Dingtian. The Yang Dingtian couple treated her like their own daughters.

"But Zhang Wuji has reached the highest seventh level." Song Qing said.

"I also heard Xiaozhao say about this. Zhang Wuji moved the universe to the highest level in most of the day. It was incredible," Dai Qisi felt shocked in retrospect, "Perhaps he is the one who bears Nine Suns." Divine power is the reason why the inner strength is shocking.

Daiqisi suddenly thought of something, and added: "No, I heard Xiaozhao mention that Zhang Wuji has only practiced to the sixth floor, and there are 19 phrases on the seventh floor that he has not been able to comprehend."

Song Qing snorted coldly: "Persian Mingjiao and Zhongtu Mingjiao have been preached for so many generations, and there are so many amazing leaders in history. Have you ever heard of someone who has trained to the seventh floor?"

"No," Dai Qisi shook her head with certainty, otherwise Yang Dingtian will reach the fourth level of Dacheng, and she will not be so impressed if she faintly breaks through to the fifth level. "Don't talk about the seventh level. , There are very few people who have even reached the sixth level. As far as I know, Zhang Wuji is the only one."

"No, there is one more person," Song Qing added, "Ming Zun, the author of the Great Shift of the Universe."

Daiqisi was taken aback, and immediately agreed. Although most Mingjiao disciples regard Mingzun as a god, as a saint in the past, she has seen classics that ordinary disciples cannot see and knows that Mingzun's true identity is thousands of years. The former stunning and invincible master single-handedly founded the huge Mingjiao. Later, in order to increase the mystery of its own sect, Mingjiao deliberately used his mythology, and this has become the image of Mingzun that most people know.

Song Qing said: "In Mingjiao history, there are no people who have practiced to move the sixth level of the universe. Naturally, I don't know what the seventh level of mind is. Zhang Wuji relies on the powerful internal power of the Nine Suns, a coincidence. After reaching the seventh level, I don’t know if it is his luck or misfortune."

"Why is it miserable?" Daiqisi couldn't understand at all. The Great Movement of the Universe is the supreme martial art of Mingjiao. Zhang Wuji has cultivated a height that has not seen the ancients before and will not see the people, of course it is great luck.

Song Qing's voice was chilly: "Because the universe moves the seventh layer of roots, it is not the inner strength method, but the method of seizing homes."

"Seize the house?" Unlike the people in China, Dai Qisi is from the Western Regions. She once heard that a mysterious country that disappeared in the long river of history spreads a vicious and strange dark magic that can stun people's souls, but this is too much. Nonsense, most people just treat it as a legend, no one will believe it.

"Yes, when Zhang Wuji reached the seventh level, he triggered the rite of seizing the house. Another evil soul invaded his body. At first, because Zhang Wuji had deep internal skills, the soul could only be cautiously lurking. When crossing the middle of the road, the evil soul took advantage of the emptiness and gained control of Zhang Wuji's body..."

Apart from the fact that Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo, the closest women knew about Zhang Wuji's house, this is the first time Song Qing told another person, but considering that Daiqisi and the leader of the Persian altar now The potential value of Xiao Zhao's body, this risk is worth taking.

"What you said is too ridiculous, how is this possible!" Dai Qisi exclaimed.

"How can it be impossible," Song Qing smiled faintly, "Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo both know about this, and you know them, so next time you see them, you can ask yourself."

Reminiscing about Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji's recent rivalry, Dai Qisi's face paled slightly: "Since you said that someone has taken Zhang Wuji away, who is the one who has taken him away?"

"In fact, it is not difficult to guess that since the seventh-level mental method of the Great Shift of the Universe is the initiation ceremony of the seizure of houses, then the identity of that person is also ready to be revealed.

When she heard Song Qing's words, Dai Qisi's face turned white again, and she muttered to herself: "Ming Zun!" In Mingjiao history, only two people have reached the seventh level, and Zhang Wuji has been victimized by practicing the seventh level of mind. , Then the man behind this mental technique is naturally behind the scenes.

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