Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 948: The name of the yew dragon king

Seeing Daiqisi's horrified expression, Song Qingshu snapped her fingers in her ear: "If you are shocked enough, let's consider a realistic question. What do you think Xiao Zhao will do when she knows the truth? "

Seeing Daiqisi being silent, Song Qingshu continued: "Oh, I almost forgot. You Mingjiao, these saints, and everything are prepared to enshrine Mingzun. It stands to reason that your mother and daughter should belong to Mingzun. Zun's woman. Of course, your current ownership belongs to me. Mingzun wants people to ask me if I agree." As he said, he waved the contract that Daiqisi had previously signed with pride.

Daiqisi directly ignored what he said about her own ownership, but seriously thought about how her daughter would react if what he said was true. Although Xiao Zhao is gentle and gentle on weekdays, and seems to have no assertiveness, it is just a normal situation. If she knows that something has happened to Zhang Wuji, she will definitely be desperate. The daughter has a deep affection for Zhang Wuji∴wán∴∴Roba, .↖√.□, how can she not notice it as a mother!

As for being a disciple of Mingjiao, one should have respect for Ming Zun...Daiqisi sneered a few times and ignored it.

Seeing Dai Qisi's expression, Song Qingshu laughed: "It seems that our ideas are the same. Xiao Zhao will definitely find Mingzun for revenge. Then who do you think the Bosmin Church chooses to support? It is the puppet girl leader in their eyes. Or the great Mingzun?"

"Of course it is Mingzun!" Daiqisi said coldly. If she is not sure about the choice of the treasure tree kings and the elders in the general altar, after all, a puppet girl is much more controllable than Mingzun, Xiao Zhao They have greater power when they are the leader.

But now the general altar is about to be driven to extinction by Mongolia. In order to survive the crisis, they have exhausted all means, and even allowed themselves to return to the Central Plains. If they know that Mingzun is resurrected, they will not beat the gongs and drums to welcome the savior ?

Song Qingshu smiled: "In fact, you don't have to struggle for so long. The people in the Persian general circle have already made a choice. If nothing else, Xiao Zhao has been put under house arrest."

"What!" Dai Qisi suddenly got up. Although she was a little cool in nature, Xiao Zhao is now her only relative in this world.

"You don't know, it's not surprising, presumably you were on the way to Middle-earth when Mingzun's order was passed back to the Persian General Altar. The sea is vast, and the general altar will not send someone to notify you." Song Qingshu replied.

"What is going on?" Daiqisi asked hurriedly.

Song Qingshu told her the last time he saw Mingzun in Heimiya, and the two sides finally shook hands and made peace. Mingzun mentioned that he instructed the Persian General Altar to contact the Western Principalities and successfully encircled and ambushed the Mongolian pioneers. , The Mongolian general did not have to fight to death. Ten thousand elite Mongolian cavalry were annihilated. At the same time, the assassins of the Eagle’s Nest were sent to assassinate the West Expeditionary General Xu Liewu. Despite the heavy losses, Xu Liewu was also seriously injured and endangered. Feng suffered a major setback, and the pressure of Persian Mingjiao was greatly eased.

Because these things happened in the far west, and the countries of China and Turkey didn't care, Daiqisi had no way of knowing.

"You actually won Ming Zun!" Dai Qisi was extremely shocked. Although she knew that Song Qingshu's martial arts was very high, she never expected it to be so high. You must know that in the eyes of Ming Jiao disciples, Ming Zun has great supernatural powers. The underground is omnipotent, just like the gods in the legend, how could such an existence be defeated by a mortal.

"To be precise, we fought twice, with one victory and one defeat. The first time I almost died in his hands, but was saved by a magical girl," Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile when he thought of the slightly dull A Qing. Whenever I take the time to find her, I must go to Kunlun Mountain to find her, "In the second match, Mingzun was no longer my opponent because of his injuries. However, considering the common enemy of Mongolia, I let it go. Kill him."

Daiqisi felt that she was going crazy, and today she was hit by various explosive news. First Zhang Wuji was taken away from her house, then Mingzun was resurrected, and then Song Qingshu actually defeated Mingzun!

Although she didn't care much about Mingzun in her daily life, it was only impiety in faith, which did not hinder her recognition of Mingzun's strength. Such a demon-like figure actually became Song Qingshu's defeat. It depends on him. Can your face survive?

Dai Qisi's eyes looked at Song Qingshu suddenly changed.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed: "Why, do you think my image is suddenly more magnificent and majestic, and there is an urge to agree with my body?"

"Go to hell." Daiqisi blushed and said angrily, thinking that she didn't know what was wrong just now, and she would change her mind about being like a rogue in this place.

Song Qingshu felt that she should have digested all of this almost: "Okay, now you should understand your own situation. If you fail in your mission, you will be burned. In addition, Xiao Zhao and Ming Zun are fighting against each other. I am the only one who protects your mother and daughter."

Dai Qisi was silent. She knew that what Song Qingshu said was true. Even if she was free from punishment after returning to teaching, Xiao Zhao would definitely break with Ming Zun if she knew the truth in the future. Rather than being caught off guard, it’s better to prepare early. .

The power of Mingzun has been deeply imprinted in the bones of every disciple of Mingjiao, and Song Qingshu is the only one who has proved that he can defeat Mingzun.

Daiqisi thought about it, and felt that when looking at the world, it seemed that Song Qingshu was the only one who could protect her from Mingzun: Although the Mongolian side was strong, but the two sides had been hostile for many years, she subconsciously ruled it out; In the past, it also relied on the Mongolian breath to eliminate it; the Qing Dynasty now naturally does not consider the internal and external troubles; the Southern Song Dynasty has been weak for a long time, and it is eliminated; as for the small countries of Xixia, Dali, and Tubo, it is even more unnecessary.

"You tried your best to win me over, what on earth was it for?" Dai Qisi knew that there was no free lunch in the world, and Song Qingshu would never take such a big risk to help herself for no reason.

"The madam is beautiful, and this face is enough to make any man lose his mind." Noting that Dai Qisi's eyebrows were going to be erected, Song Qingshu hurriedly put away his cynical smile, and said solemnly, "In fact, I value it more. Madam’s ability to disguise, while I am running around the world, I also need someone to take my place alone. Madam’s martial arts is strong and thoughtful, coupled with the ability to disguise, it’s a perfect match for me."

"Although I am not from the Central Plains, I also know that the heaven-made harmony should not be used in this way." Dai Qisi said coldly.

Song Qingshu didn't take it seriously: "It seems that Madam agreed to take refuge in me?"

Daiqisi hesitated for a while, but nodded after all.

A bright smile appeared on Song Qingshu's face: "Then we can discuss the name of the wife."

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