Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 950: The Way of Stealing the Heart

Looking at the back of Ouyang Feng who laughed loudly and heroically, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile knowingly. Everyone said that Xidu was sinister and vicious, but I think this old man is quite cute. It seems that everyone has a different side.

Let the guards guarding at the entrance of the tent stay away, and Song Qingshu walked in enthusiastically.

Hearing the movement, Dai Qisi, who was sitting on the bed, raised her head and glanced at him, then lowered her eyes.

Seeing her expression, Song Qingshu couldn't help but stunned: "Your attitude now seems a bit resigned?"

Dai Qisi finally changed her face and replied coldly: "You just want to vote for a name, but have you ever thought about it? If you use this method, even if you get me, ∧∟∧∟∧∟, ■.♂▼.+I don’t hate you for being in your bones, you are grateful, how can you be loyal to you.”

Song Qingshu nodded in satisfaction, walked to her and sat down, and solved her acupuncture points. Anyway, with his martial arts, Daiqisi's acupuncture points could not be solved at all. "I'm very pleased that after so long, the lady finally found her." A decent reason."

After regaining her mobility, Daiqisi moved a few feet aside subconsciously, as if only in this way could she find a sense of security.

Song Qingshu noticed her small movements and couldn't help but smile: "Madam might as well listen to me tell a story. The Persian Mingjiao has been at war with Mongolia over the years. You should be clear about the deeds of the Mongolian sweat, Temuzhen, right?"

"That demon, what are you talking about?" Before meeting Song Qingshu, in Dai Qisi's mind, King Ming was a character like a god, and Temujin was a character like a great demon, but now Song Qingshu can also It's on par with those two people.

"About his harem." Song Qingshu replied.

"Hmph, this demon loves snatching other wives and daughters the most. After death, he will enter the Dark Kingdom and suffer from the flames of fire!" The Dark Kingdom is a concept in the teachings of Mingjiao, and it means almost hell.

Song Qingshu disapproved of Daiqisi's curse: "Unfortunately, Temujin believes in the longevity heaven. He has the longevity heaven to protect him. Your Mingjiao gods can't help him."

Seeing Daiqisi opening her mouth to argue, Song Qingshu reached out and interrupted her: "I am not here to discuss religious doctrines with you today. The story I want to tell is related to Queen Temuzhen, do you know her?"

Dai Qisi looked blank: "I only know his first queen, Peer Post." Temujin has too many women in this life, and in addition, it is not the age of the Internet in Song Qingshu's previous life. The circulation of various information is really too great. Slow, it's not surprising that she didn't know.

Song Qingshu explained: "Queen Ye Sui is Temujin's third queen. Apart from the first queen Peer Tie, Temujin's most favored and trusted woman, but you know that Queen Ye's original husband was not an iron man. Mu Zhen?"

Dai Qisi frowned, and said angrily: "Tie Muzhen kind of beasts are robbing people. Wife does nothing less."

"Yes, Yesui was indeed taken back by Temujin. Yesui's father was a Tatar, and he was a feud with Mongolia. After Temujin defeated her father, he sent troops to search for her father’s whereabouts, and found her sister Yasui. Fuck, see also quick-dry young and beautiful, so she was taken as a harem."

"After that, I quickly did my best to recommend Temujin's sister who was ten times more than her. Temujin was moved and sent someone to look for her. At this time, she and her husband led the defeated Tatar. Hiding in the mountains and forests, Temujin finally succeeded in catching her and treating her as a concubine, which he loved very much."

"However, I love my husband deeply, and I miss the husband who was lost in the war."

Hearing this, Dai Qisi couldn't help but applaud: "What a strange woman, she is trapped in the enemy camp but still keeps her vows with her husband, and will not be moved by the glory and wealth. Later, did she reunite with her husband?" She Shen Shen In love with her husband Han Qianye, he subconsciously subconsciously replaced the perspective of Ye Sui, worrying for the poor couple.

"They were reunited, but it was an unexpected way," Song Qingshu sighed and continued, "One day, Temujin was out for a banquet. When everyone was drinking, he noticed that he always Watching somewhere in the crowd and sighing constantly, Temujin became suspicious. Temujin immediately ordered Mu Huali to order all those who were watching to return to the headquarters, raising the flag, and the surrounding area became silent and serious. Abnormal. There is only one beautiful boy left, his eyes burning, and there is nowhere to go."

"Is it Yesui's husband?" Dai Qisi exclaimed. Although it's not her own matter, she seemed to be on the scene, worrying about that person's fate.

Song Qingshu nodded and continued to explain:

Temujin asked him, "Who are you? How can you disobey my orders and not belong to your tribe?" The young man glared at Temujin and replied loudly, "I am not someone else, but Yasui's husband. As a minister, you, regardless of your shame, destroyed our tribe and robbed my beloved wife! Today, I was caught by you. If you want to kill, you have to scrape it!"

"What a brave man!" Dai Qisi yelled, and it seemed that Han Qianye was on the Guangmingding alone in front of her eyes. At that time, he was in the presence of Mingjiao heroes, and he looked at death like home.

"What happened later?" Dai Qisi hurriedly asked. Although she had vaguely guessed the ending, she still had such a glimmer of hope, hoping that Temujin would appreciate the sincere feelings between their husband and wife and would simply make them perfect.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu's words quickly broke her unrealistic fantasy:

Temujin was immediately furious: "You, the offspring of the Tatars, should have been killed, but today you dare to take a peek at the palace, you deserve to die!" After a while, the head of this young man was taken to the table by his subordinates. .

"What!" Dai Qisi stretched out her hand to cover her lips, her body was extremely stiff, and her tears fell unknowingly.

In fact, she was not originally such a sentimental woman, but the couple reminded her of herself and Han Qianye, especially the husband, who had exactly the same temperament as Han Qianye. Hearing that Temujin cut it without hesitation. On the human head, she subconsciously recalled the scene of Han Qianye's death, her nose sore, tears fell.

Song Qingshu watched her in tears silently. His impression of Dai Qisi was more of the brutality and coldness of the Purple Shirt Dragon King and Granny Jinhua in the original work. Now that he sees another side of her, his weak appearance makes him feel compelled. There was a trace of pity.

Daiqisi quickly noticed the expression in his eyes and couldn't help but flushed, and hurriedly wiped the tears from her cheeks, and continued to ask: "What happened later?"

A playful smile appeared on Song Qingshu's face: "Her ending is much better than that of her poor husband. With her sister's mediation, Temujin did not blame her. Later, she also seemed to figure it out. He changed his previous attitude of neither lukewarm nor lukewarm, and worked quickly with his younger sister, doing all they could to please Temujin, and became Temujin's favorite woman, ranking No. 3 and No. 1 in Ordo."

Orduo is a Mongolian transliteration, which means palace account. It consists of the army, civilian households, prefectures and counties, and constitutes an independent military and economic unit. It can be roughly understood as the common meaning of the six houses of the Sannomiya. Although there were many concubines in ancient imperial palaces, not every concubine had a palace. Only the most noble concubines had their palaces, and the other concubines were under the names of different concubines.

For example, in addition to the queen of the Kingdom of Jin, only the Yuan concubine, the imperial concubine, the Zhao concubine, and the Li concubine have their own palaces. The rest of the concubines rely on the names of these four concubines, and their status in Mongolia is equivalent to that of the concubine of the Kingdom of Jin. It is extremely noble.

"How could this happen!" Dai Qisi was extremely shocked. When she wanted to come, she was either killed on the spot or executed by Temujin. Why did her husband just die, she fell into the arms of another man, and that man was still her murder Husband and enemy!

"It's hard to understand, but this is the reality." Song Qingshu said lightly, "I don't doubt or doubt her feelings for her husband, but her husband is dead after all, and no matter how deep the feelings are, they will not be able to withstand the passage of time, let alone. Compared with her husband, Temujin is better in every aspect, and Temujin also loves her... a man who is better in every aspect, stands at the top of the world, and loves her at the same time, this How many women in the world can't be tempted?"

"I won't!" Daiqisi said angrily.

Song Qingshu looked at her quietly: "The reason I told you this story is to tell you that you need to look forward as a human being. Don't indulge in the grief of the past, so that even the man who has murdered her husband can be the last Come together lovingly, why can't we go together? At least there is no deep hatred between us."

Daiqisi snorted, turned her head and said nothing.

Song Qingshu continued: "Do you know that you finally fell in love with Temujin, what is the most critical factor?"

"What is it?" Daiqisi couldn't figure out this question.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "It was Temujin who slept her the first night he caught her."

"You!" Dai Qisi originally pricked her ears to listen to his high opinions, but when she heard such a sentence, her face flushed with anger.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Song Qingshu's expression became serious, "because after that night, Temujin put himself and Ye Sui's husband on the same starting line, and they are both Ye Sui men. Ruo. Without that night, even if Temujin treats her no matter how hard he is, he can't compare with his husband in Yesui's heart. But with that night, everything has changed, and Temujin has to spend no time. The intention was good to her, and perhaps she didn’t realize it, but deep down in her heart, she had begun to accept Temujin slowly, so in the end, even if Temujin killed her husband, despite her grief, she did not react too much. Because deep down in her heart, she has already recognized that Temu is really her man."

"You are arrogant." Daiqisi said angrily.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Speaking of so much, in fact, I only want to tell you one thing. If I want to get your heart, I must first get your body."

Sisters of Gebi and Daiqisi, I will put them in the V group one after another, as a thank you for your continuous support

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