Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 951: uninvited guest

In Daiqisi's angry eyes, Song Qingshu talked eloquently: "Maybe you will hate me at first, but as we get along longer, I believe you will accept me eventually."

"You are dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Period!" Dai Qisi said angrily.

"I believe in my own charm," Song Qingshu said solemnly, "I am young and handsome like me, with 100,000 elite soldiers, control of several big countries, martial arts is one of the best, and gentle and considerate to women... Looking at the world, such a man Where can I find it, tsk tsk, it makes me feel tempted by myself."

Daiqisi smiled angrily: "I have never seen such a brazen man as you are. In that case, marry yourself."

Song Qing ♂♂♂, ︾.¢.⊕The book sighed: "Unfortunately I am not a woman, otherwise I really married."

Daiqisi was suddenly speechless by his expression, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Why does the madam resist me like this? Your husband has been dead for more than ten years, and you are now in full bloom. Do you really want to stay with the empty girl and be the youngest forever?" Song Qingshu quietly looked into her eyes.

Daiqisi's mind trembled, yeah, is she really going to be the youngest in such a life of loneliness? Over the years, she woke up in the middle of the night countless times, looking at the cold bed and the quiet moon outside the window in the dead of night, her heart gradually became colder than ice.

Back then, she was also a young girl who was full of spring. She lived a carefree life every day. There was a faint smile on her lips when she came together in the morning. She didn’t know how many young talents she fascinated. Later, she met Han Qianye. The days were really happy, but it didn't take long for Han Qianye to die. She was no longer the happy girl before, but the vicious and surly Jinhua mother-in-law in the eyes of the people in the rivers and lakes.

Daiqisi suddenly woke up. What was wrong with her, she was confused by his few words. When she thought of this, her face became hardened: "Whether I am lonely or not has anything to do with you?"

"Naturally it is related," Song Qingshu smiled faintly, "I said so much to let you know that today I will get your body no matter what, you can resist desperately with resentment in your heart, or you can learn and close like that. Enjoy with your eyes. Anyway, you finally accept me as a high probability event. Why not advance this time so that you can avoid a long period of pain and resentment?"

"Are you sure I will accept you in the end?" Dai Qisi sneered again and again.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "How can I know if I don't try?" After speaking, he stretched out his hand.

Daiqisi's expression changed and she hurriedly carried out her light work and ran out. Her light work was already very good, and she was able to perform at a super level under her eagerness, and she almost reached the door of the tent in the blink of an eye.

But before she had time to be happy, she bumped her head on a sturdy chest. It turned out that Song Qingshu had already stood at the door waiting for her.

Because of the violent castration, Dai Qisi was a little dizzy, and she couldn't help but fell back, seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, Song Qingshu stretched her arms and put her arms around her waist to support her.

"Let go!" Dai Qisi finally came back to her senses, blushing and staring at her. It turned out that the two postures were extremely ambiguous at this time, their lower abdomens were tightly pressed together, Song Qingshu's hands were also placed on her soft waist. Above, even though she was separated by layers of clothes, she could still feel the heat from the other person's body. How could this make her always stand up to her self-consciousness?

"Are you sure?" Song Qingshu smiled playfully.

"Let go!" Dai Qisi emphasized again.

"All right." Song Qingshu put his hand back after speaking, and immediately heard a scream.

It turned out that Daiqisi's entire upper body had been suspended just now. If Song Qingshu hadn't been supporting her, she would have fallen to the ground. Now that Song Qingshu released her hand, she would naturally lose her center of gravity.

But she still didn't fall to the ground after all. Human instincts made her hurriedly stretch out her hands and scratch around, trying to borrow something to keep her balance.

Finally, she caught a big warm and powerful hand in a panic. Those big hands were very calm and soon stopped her falling trend.

Only then did Dai Qisi see that the hand she was holding was Song Qingshu's hand, her face flushed suddenly, because of the little fright before, her heartbeat speeded up, and for a while she seemed to be back when she first saw Han Qianye. The feeling of Xiaolu bumping, looking at Song Qingshu's smile at this time, it seems that it is not as annoying as before.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed, the skill of making girls summed up by countless old drivers in the past life is really awesome! Even a woman like the Purple Shirt Dragon King who has a lot of suitors around her is so dizzy, standing on the shoulders of giants, it feels really good.

Of course he would not give up such a good opportunity, stretched out his hand to pull Daiqisi up, and slowly approached her rosy lips.

Daiqisi's eyelashes quivered a few times. I don’t know why. At this moment, her brain seemed to be short-circuited. There was no thought of rejection at all. She let her two lips get closer and closer, and then she even slowly closed her eyes. .

But when she was about to close her eyes, she suddenly saw a black figure outside the tent rushing behind Song Qingshu. She immediately woke up. At this moment, she had no other thoughts, but subconsciously pushed Song Qingshu away: "Be careful! "

In fact, Song Qingshu had already noticed that there was someone behind her, but she didn't expect that Daiqisi would rescue him. She froze in place for a while and didn't react. Didn't she wish me death?

The black shadow saw that the shot she was determined to win was defeated, and gave Dai Qisi a little annoyedly. Then she was also frightened by the peerless appearance of the other party. She couldn't help but stunned. Dai Qisi originally had a face of disaster to the country and the people, especially Now she is full of peach blossoms, and her eyes are sentimental to show her charm to the extreme.

Song Qingshu looked from the side, and the black shadow was wrapped in black clothes, but with a tall and slender figure, with a convex curve, it was easy to judge her gender, especially the gun in her hand seemed a bit familiar.

"Pear Flower Gun?" Song Qingshu was startled.

After all, the black shadow is a woman. After the initial surprise, he quickly recovered. Only then did he remember the mission of the trip, and hurriedly raised his gun to stab Song Qingshu. Who knew that he looked up and saw his appearance and could not help exclaiming Voice: "Why are you?"

"Long time no see, Si Niangzi." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, because when he molested Daiqisi in the tent, he would naturally not be so perverted as to use Tang Kuo's mask, but reveal his own face. If you meet other assassins, it's a big deal to just kill them, but the opponent is Yang Miaozhen who has a lot of connections with him, so it's not easy to start.

"There is an assassin!" At this time, the guard outside also noticed the movement, and suddenly yelled.

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