Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 953: Two options

"Han Qianye" held her hand and smiled slightly: "Did you miss me these years?"

"Yes!" Dai Qisi nodded her head hurriedly, her voice choked a little, "I have been thinking about it all the time."

"When did you miss me the most? Han Qianye" a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Daiqisi's face flushed, she didn't know what she thought of, and whispered: "In the dead of night."

"These years have made you suffer. Han Qianye" Opened her arms, Dai Qisi hesitated for a moment, moved her steps, and stepped forward to accept his hug.

"Thousand ↖↗↖↗↖↗, ≦.︾@. Ye, since you left, I don’t think about food and tea. If it wasn’t for the Western Region monk who killed you back then, I would have gone down to accompany you. "Daiqisi burst into tears, and soon wet the shirt on the other's chest.

"Don't say such silly things, you have to live well, Han Qianye" gently stroked her soft hair, and kept comforting, "The more wonderful you live, the happier I will be."

"Really?" Daiqisi looked up at him blankly.

"Of course it is true. Han Qianye" replied with a smile.

Daiqisi bit her lip and shook her head after all: "But without you, how could I live a wonderful life."

"Didn't I come to accompany you now? Han Qianye" stretched out her finger to support her chin and kissed slowly.

Seeing the other party getting closer and closer to her lips, Dai Qisi's eyelashes kept trembling, apparently struggling, with her ingenuity, how could she not know that the "husband" in front of her was made by Song Qing, but Song The blue dress is so similar, almost carved out of the same mold as Han Qianye, giving her a sense of time and space, as if her husband is really standing in front of her at this moment.

She has been alone and lonely all these years. She has missed her husband year after year, so even if she knows the person in front of her is a fake, she is unwilling to pierce her, hoping to see her husband for a while. .

But Song Qing is obviously not Liu Xiahui, who is not in a mess, should he let him take advantage of him?

Daiqisi hesitated for a while, her lips had already touched one another, her eyes widened.

That strange feeling made her unable to deceive herself anymore, hurriedly pushed the other person away, turned her head, and muttered, "You are not Chiba."

"Han Qianye" smiled slightly and restored Song Qing's original voice: "What if it is, so what if it is not, and what does it mean to see the lady herself?"

"Your disguise skills are really brilliant, and even I can't see any flaws. If it weren't for Qianye's death for many years, I might have been fooled by you." Dai Qisi couldn't help but sigh.

Song Qing shook his head: "I didn't intend to lie to you from beginning to end."

Dai Qisi was taken aback, and she quickly understood that if Song Qing really wanted to lie to her, she didn't have to pretend to be Han Qianye at this time. After all, the two were still talking just now and immediately became another person, and the fool would doubt it.

"I just saw you look gloomy, and deliberately pretended to be Mr. Yinye, to understand your lovesickness." Song Qing laughed.

"Huh, I want to thank you again? You want to be so kind, so why take the opportunity to take the opportunity to belittle me?" Daiqisi said angrily.

"I'm not the kind of saint who does good deeds without asking for anything in return, so what if I take the opportunity to ask for a little reward?" Song Qing's natural expression made Daiqisi unable to refute for a while and couldn't help but stay there.

Song Qing stretched out her arms around her waist, and put her in her arms: "Have you forgotten your situation, Madam, are you still my prisoner?"

Hearing the word "captive", Daiqisi Rouran's body suddenly stiffened, and Song Qing continued: "I have told you before, and I will get you tonight anyway, but when the assassin just assassinated you For my sake, I can be more generous, so that you have the choice."

Daiqisi hurriedly asked: "What choice?"

Song Qingxiemei smiled, and whispered in her ear: "You can choose what kind of face I will show you in a while, you can choose me or Han Qianye."

Dai Qisi's pink face immediately flushed: "Shameless! Indecent! Bastard!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Madam Song Qing," Song Qing didn't care. "If Madam has enough scolding, you can make a choice. Should you choose me or your'husband' Han Qianye?" He deliberately added the word husband The pronunciation is too heavy.

Daiqisi said angrily: "Aren't both of you you?"

"There is still a difference," Song Qing shook his head, "For example, I look like Han Qianye now, you should be more receptive."

"You bastard!" Dai Qisi turned her head away in anger.

"Since you are unwilling to make a choice, then I will help you choose." Song Qing said as she gestured to remove the mask on her face.

"Wait!" Daiqisi hurriedly stopped him, her face changing, as if a little voice was squeezed from her throat, almost inaudible, "Just...just now."

Song Qing showed an expression that he had known such a long time ago: "It's better to be respectful than fate!"


When Ouyang Feng saw Dai Qisi who was following Song Qing on the second day, he couldn't help but teased: "Congratulations, brother for adding another confidante." With his eyesight, how can he not see Dai Qi The thick spring that radiates from the fringe of the eyebrows?

Song Qing smiled triumphantly, pulled Dai Qisi away, and pressed her shoulders and said, "Come on, I've seen Brother Feng."

Dai Qisi's face was flushed red. She was always arrogant. It was embarrassing to be conquered by Song Qing. Now she was teased by the two again. She pulled her face down and spoke. For a while, she just smashed her face. To be sullen.

Ouyang Feng didn’t care, he laughed: “I’ll be a family in the future, so why should my younger siblings be shy? When I first met my younger siblings in the Western Regions, my younger siblings were so graceful that even the elm bumps like my old brother were a little moved. I haven't seen each other for a few years, my younger siblings are still enjoying the country like this, but my elder brother is about to die."

When he was yelled by one of his younger brothers and sisters, Dai Qisi couldn't help but her cheeks were hot, and she subconsciously replied: "I'm not your younger brother and sister."

Song Qing laughed: "Brother Feng can call her Madam Han in the future."

Ouyang Feng was startled at first, and then he came to understand: "You boy is really...but you are really capable. I saw Madam Han again in the Golden State Palace before. Although she is still beautiful, there is a faint bit of misery between her brows. And the gloomy color has caused a slight loss of color compared to the style of the purple shirt dragon king back then, but only one night, you actually let her shine again, admire, admire!"

Ouyang Feng was originally a member of the evil way. Although she is not good at being a woman, she has no scruples when she speaks. Where is Dai Qisi from the sidelines to withstand the jokes of an old and a little hooligans, even though she has been a woman for many years, she still looks like a girl. Blushing with shame, he ran back to the tent.

The two men couldn't help but smiled. After a while, Ouyang Feng suddenly said with a serious face: "Brother Song, you also know that with my martial arts still old, I don't have any other ideas in this life. The only hope is to get revenge on Guo Jing and Huang Rong. Husband and wife, they not only killed my Kerr, but also made me crazy for more than ten years. I must avenge my hatred."

"But Guo Jing is no longer under me in martial arts. Coupled with my age and frailty, he is in his prime of life. I may not be able to beat him when he really fights. In addition, the reputation of his couple is close to the peak now, and the Southern Song Dynasty government is backed up. My strength alone is not enough, so I only took refuge in the Hailing Palace before. Now I am confused with my brother. I have no other requirements. I only hope that my brother will avenge me."

"I don't know how Brother Feng wants me to help?" Song Qing hesitated, and said, "Huang Rong was kind to me before. If you want their lives, I'm afraid..."

Ouyang Feng shook his head: "I and them are considered old acquaintances, knowing that neither of them is greedy for life or death, and they might not even wrinkle their brows if they simply kill them. How can they understand me? Hate in the heart?"

"What does Brother Feng mean?" Song Qing asked suspiciously.

Ouyang Feng looked at him with a smile but a smile: "Your kid has a bad stomach, how can I not guess how I want to retaliate against the couple?"

Song Qing's face was hot, and he said nonchalantly, "Although I have some guesses, I'm not sure."

Ouyang Feng said with a smile: "Don't think about it, it's just like you guessed it. Don't their husband and wife pretend to be affectionate? Aren't they well-known couples of the gods? The old man wants to dismantle them, let Huang Rong remarry, let Guo Jing marry another! Only in this way can we hurt both of them at the same time, and this can also be regarded as revenge for Kerr."

Song Qing was dumbfounded: "Brother Feng, your plan is really bold enough. I only guessed that you were targeting Huang Rong, but I didn't expect you to ask Guo Jing to marry another."

Ouyang Feng took a special look at him: "The fact that your kid conquered women is unparalleled in the world. The task of hooking up Huang Rong naturally falls on you. Although I don't want to admit it, you are not only young and handsome, with outstanding martial arts, but you also have a twist. The hand is the power of the cloud and the hand is the rain, and the ancients have no better than this, and it can almost be called the perfect lover of all boudoir girls."

Song Qing said hurriedly: "Brother Feng is too acclaimed, too acclaimed." But the flying look on his face showed that his true thoughts were not so humble.

Ouyang Feng saw through his careful thoughts at a glance, and he didn't care about it, and snorted: "Huang Rong may be heartbroken at the beginning when you hook up with Huang Rong, but after a long time, she will definitely enjoy it. This is inevitable. That girl is too cheap. That's why I need to ask Guo Jing to marry another, so that she will always remember that her beloved husband is hugging other women for fun, so that she will suffer for a lifetime."

Song Qing was stunned and couldn't help but thumbs up: "Brother Feng deserves to be Western poison, it is poisonous!"

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