Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 954: Happy Journey

The two are so familiar with each other. Ouyang Feng wouldn't mind this kind of joke. He glanced at Song Qingshu with slanted eyes, and he laughed: "Compared with my brother, these methods of my brother are simply not worth mentioning."

Being praised like this, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart. He was clever in terms of methods. He might be better than Ouyang Feng, but when it comes to viciousness, he really can't compare to the opponent.

After laughing for a while, Ouyang Feng couldn't help but frowned: "With your help, I have some confidence in getting Huang Rong to remarry, but Guo Jing's stupid boy has a streak and is upright. He wants to let him. I'm afraid it will be difficult to do what I'm sorry for Huang Rong."

"Really?" Song Qingshu replied noncommitantly, but the feeling of meeting Zhao Min and Hua Zheng in the inn came to mind. ▽▽▽, ↑.+←.≤form, you must know that Huazheng can only be counted strictly. It was Guo Jing's fiancée. As a result, the two did not come together because of the hatred of the country and the family, and Huang Rong's intervention.

Huazheng was originally a prairie girl with a hearty personality, but when Song Qingshu saw her last time, the sadness and weakness on her face looked like a lady from the south of the Yangtze River.

Ouyang Feng couldn't do anything just as Song Qingshu, so he said, "I can't rush about this. Let's think about it slowly. There must be a way to the mountain. Instead, the assassin yesterday had to talk to you."

Hearing him mention Yang Miaozhen, Song Qingshu also recovered and listened intently.

It turns out that yesterday Yang Miaozhen led Qiu Qianren all the way to a pre-prepared ambush. If Ouyang Feng arrived in time, Qiu Qianren would have folded there. Because of Song Qingshu's instructions, Ouyang Feng did not embarrass Yang Miaozhen, and the other party was also afraid of the two masters Master, the two sides tried each other a bit, and then each returned.

"That assassin is obviously a young girl," Ouyang Feng suddenly looked weird, "Isn't it your friend who saw you and the Purple Shirt Dragon King get jealous together?"

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Brother Feng, your imagination is really rich. Why didn't you find you gossiping like this before?"

"Hey, if it's not your old friend, why do you ask us to be merciful and not to catch her?" Ouyang Feng had an expression on his face that everyone knew.

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, knowing that this kind of thing was getting darker and darker, so he simply left him to guess randomly. After finding something to dismiss him at random, he went back to the tent to look for Dai Qisi.

Daiqisi was sitting on the bed alone, sulking, and when she saw him coming in, she turned her body to the other side.

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled, and walked over and asked: "Why, are you angry?"

"You know that you have violated me." Dai Qisi bit her lip, and felt more aggrieved as she said it. "It doesn't count as if you have violated me last night, but today you brought your friends to laugh at me!"

Song Qingshu sat next to her and put her arms around her shoulders, and turned her around: "What a ridicule, Ouyang Feng is very close to me. He treats you as his own talent and joking with you like that. He never heard him take a bite. Are my younger siblings called affectionately? If he is ten years younger, maybe I will be jealous."

Daiqisi gave him an angry glance: "How old is Ouyang Feng, let alone ten years old, even if you are twenty years younger, you don't need to be jealous."

Song Qingshu looked at her with a faint smile, "Why?"

"Because..." Dai Qisi blushed, "You know it yourself."

"I really don't know. Would you like my wife to explain to me?" The smile on Song Qingshu's face increased.

"Indecent!" Daiqisi couldn't help taking a sip.

Song Qingshu reached out and hooked her chin, and couldn't help sighing: "Madam smiles so beautifully. Before, her stern face will inevitably be a waste of the face of disaster to the country and the people."

"Who did I show you with a stern smile before?" Dai Qisi sighed, her expression in a daze.

"Oh?" Song Qingshu's expression moved, "Madam means you can show me a smile later?"

Dai Qisi flushed, and hurriedly said: "I didn't mean that..."

Song Qingshu interrupted her and smiled softly: "Okay, you don't need to explain, I know you don't mean that, but this is my vision. I want you to show it to me in the future."

Daiqisi felt dizzy when she heard it, and after a long time she came back: "You really can make women happy. If I knew you and Chiba at the same time, I might actually be tricked away by you in the end."

"Don't use words like cheating, can true love be called cheating?" Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"Bah, who really loves you." Dai Qisi didn't know what was wrong with herself, why she looked like a little girl in front of a man much younger than herself.

"Although not now, I believe you will fall in love with me one day." Song Qingshu laughed.

"Do your spring and autumn dreams." Dai Qisi directly threw the pillow on the bed onto his head.

"Wow, did you dare to murder her husband, did you raise a little white face outside? Quickly explain it honestly!" Song Qingshu deliberately put on a vicious look, and began to tickle her.

Dai Qisi exclaimed, deliberately avoiding, but Song Qingshu's martial arts is so brilliant, where can she hide? Soon after being scratched, the flowers tremble, and the whole body becomes soft, and he falls on the bed accidentally.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to press it up and smiled evilly in her ear: "Quickly, who is the name of that little white face? Isn't that the kid with the surname Han that we saw last time?"

Dai Qisi is both angry and funny, and Han Qianye is my husband, OK? You really want to say that you are a little white face, right? She was so scratched that she repeatedly told her forgiveness, and she blurted out subconsciously what she thought in her heart.

"Yeah, it seems that I am the little white face." Song Qingshu said with a bit of "later knowledge", looking straight at her.

Dai Qisi's face was flushed, her full chest was slightly ups and downs, and some scattered nose sprayed on his face, making Song Qingshu's heart also itchy, feeling the soft touch of her body, Song Qingshu couldn't help it anymore and kissed him directly. Up.

At this moment, the voice of a soldier came from outside: "Enlighten the Marshal, now the whole army is almost ready, please get in the car first."

Song Qing was slanderous, thinking that the carriage outside could not have this rouge horse riding comfortably, but now in broad daylight, his skin is not thick enough to let three thousand people wait for him to be absurd in the tent.

Daiqisi also blushed and sat up, and while tidying up some messy clothes, she glanced at Song Qingshu murmurly, thinking about what evil she had done in her previous life, and only in this life was she folded in his hands?

Especially when she thinks that the other party is a few years older than her own daughter, Daiqisi has a headache. When Xiao Zhao sees him, does she call her brother or uncle? How should I explain the relationship between the two to my daughter?


The whole army finally set off. On the next journey, Song Qingshu either hugged Daiqisi in the tent at night or put Daiqi ribbon into his luxurious carriage during the day.

Because Song Qingshu strictly forbids anyone to approach, the other soldiers didn't know what they were doing in hiding. They only knew that the woman next to the marshal was radiant day by day, and everyone secretly guessed whether such a beautiful woman was reincarnated as a vixen.

Ouyang Feng has a profound skill, and occasionally hears some delicate gasping sounds that make him blush, and he has to sigh inwardly: "It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward, and the generations are more than the generations."

Qiu Qianren secretly smacked his tongue, his new master is so capable, he actually let the arrogant and arrogant purple shirt dragon king willingly be his **** pot!

Qiu Qianren was born in a gang at the bottom of the rivers and lakes, so some of the words inevitably tainted the vulgar language among the listed wells.

Song Qingshu enjoyed the blessings of the world along the way, and a few days later, the large army finally arrived at Zhongnan Mountain, where the Chongyang Palace is located.

Song Qingshu finally got out of the carriage that stayed away from home, along with Dai Qisi. As soon as she showed up, there was a sound of cold breathing around her. Dai Qisi had caused disaster to the country and the people. Coupled with Song Qingshu's day and night cultivation and moisturizing during this period, it exudes amazing beauty.

Looking at the stunning beauty with apricot eyes and peach cheeks, even Pu Cha Qiucao, who has always been uncomfortable with Song Qingshu, had to admit that if she was a man, there was such a beautiful woman by her side, I am afraid she would hug her every day. To make her happy.

Looking at everyone's eyes full of envy and jealousy, Song Qingshu's expression is calm on the surface, but deep inside, it is full of joy. It's no wonder that all the heroes and heroes like to find beautiful women for company, not only are they cool, but also Enjoy the admiration and envy of people around...

Song Qingshu coughed lightly, and drove those mixed thoughts out of his mind. After all, as the Marshal of the city, he couldn't make any derogatory actions, so he looked up the mountain with a solemn expression and began to think about the next arrangements. .

Suddenly, Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, and he saw a stone stele under a pine tree at the foot of the mountain. The long grass covered me, revealing the word "Changchun". He walked over and brushed the grass and saw that what was engraved on the stele was a poem. The poem said: "The sky is coming down, Hu Wei can't save all the souls? All the souls are lingering day and night, swallowing their breath and dying speechless, looking up to the sky. Shouting and reluctant, a small and trivial thing is in the shape of a labor. Ande can be mixed up, and the creation will be free from the creation of elves."

"It turned out to be a poem written by Changchun Ziqiu Chuji." Song Qingshu was silent. In history, Quanzhen Sect was not an anti-Mongolian righteous person, but sent Qiu Chuji to hook up Temuzhen very early, and later became Mongolian in the Central Plains. Taoist agents, if it hadn't been defeated by Tantric in the world-famous debate, they might have been established as the state religion of Mongolia.

Because of this relationship, Song Qingshu has always been unfavorable with Quanzhen Sect, especially Qiu Chuji. The two sides also had enemies at the Golden Snake Conference.

However, when Song Qingshu saw this poem, he had to admit that although Qiu Chuji had such problems, he had at least a compassionate heart. He went to see Temuzhen back then, although it was for Quanzhen Sect, but to a large extent he also let him No hundreds of people have been spared from the suffering of the Mongolian slaughter, and this merit can be regarded as infinite merit.

Song Qingshu from later generations received a people-oriented education from an early age, unlike the world's heroes who treat human lives as weeds, so Qiu Chuji's move is very much in line with his wishes.

It depends on your behavior that year, to save the Chongyang Palace from a military disaster!

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