Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 955: Gambling and conspiracy

Song Qingshu immediately ordered a member to lead a large group of troops to stay down the mountain, and he and other masters took a few guards up the mountain, and if necessary, they would send a signal to summon the large group to go up the mountain.

Of course, in Song Qingshu's mind, this kind of situation will hardly happen. After all, besides himself, there are masters such as Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren on this trip. The teacher can't eat and walk around.

A group of dozens of people went all the way up the mountain. At the front was a group of soldiers exploring the way. Song Qingshu and Dai Qisi were walking in the middle. Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren were guarding from left to right. They both had enmity with the Chongyang Sect. Walking up the mountain, there was a hint of excitement on his face.

Pu Cha Qiucao led the Pu Cha family's guards behind them, looking at the close figures of Song Qingshu and Dai Qisi, she secretly frowned, hesitating whether to tell Gobi about the matter after returning to Beijing.

The group went up the mountain like this, and soon met two Taoist priests, but they were immediately stopped. Song Qingshu was unwilling to commit more crimes during this trip, so they blocked their acupuncture points and threw them into the weeds on the side of the road. People continue to walk up.

After walking in this way for more than an hour, Song Qingshu had to stop and look up along the mountain road, only to see the steep roads along the way, rocky rocks, and numerous cliffs. I couldn't help but secretly slap his tongue: This Chongyang Palace is easy to guard and difficult to defend. If the area of ​​attack is occupied by the art of war, the five thousand people under his command may be able to defend the 100,000 army.

Since Song Qingshu's accomplishment in his light work, he has not walked the road at such a slow speed. At the current speed, I don't know what year and month he will go.

"Brother Feng, how long will it take to get to the Chongyang Palace?" Song Qingshu consulted and looked at Ouyang Feng beside him.

Ouyang Feng had sneaked into the Chongyang Palace several times, and even visited the extremely secret ancient tombs, so he could not be more suitable as a guide.

After looking at the surrounding environment, Ouyang Feng replied: "Here is the Golden Lotus Pavilion. Going up, it is Sun Moon Rock, and then Baoziyan. After Baoziyan, another walk is the Sword Pond. , Go up the Xijianchi and you will be where the Chongyang Hall is."

"How long will it take to walk at our current speed?" Song Qingshu asked with a frown. He also experienced the quenching of blood and fire on the battlefield.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Refining, knowing that in such a dangerous terrain, you must be quick to make a quick decision. I don’t know what’s going on today. The guards of the Chongyang Palace seem to be very slow, but he can’t expect the other party’s response to be so slow. When the Chongyang Palace sends a master to guard the danger, except for a few masters, other ordinary soldiers may be difficult for this group of people. Up.

"I'm afraid it will take about two hours." Ouyang Feng was impatient at this speed a long time ago, but he didn't know what Song Qingshu was thinking, so he didn't say anything.

"It's too slow to walk like this. The few of us who have done a good job will go up first and pull out the guards along the way. Ms. Qiucao, you will come up slowly with others." Song Qingshu ordered.

Pu Cha Qiucao hesitated and said: "The Chongyang Palace is known as the No. 1 school in the world. Will you guys go up too alone? Cause us to be defeated by each one?"

Pu Cha Qiucao comes from a military family. Although he has not really been on the battlefield, he knows some principles under his ears. Before seeing Song Qingshu keep the large army under the mountain, he was a little unhappy. Now that he has to divide his troops again, he has to go out. Protested.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "When Wang Chongyang was there, the Chongyang Palace was indeed the No. 1 school in the world. Unfortunately, the Chongyang Palace generation is not as good as the first generation. It is only strong outside, not to mention top masters like Mr. Ouyang and Qiu Gangzhu. They almost singled out the existence of the Chongyang Palace back then, not to mention going up the mountain together this time, Miss Qiucao don't have to worry."

Pu Cha Qiucao also heard his brother Pu Cha Shijie mentioned the names of Xidu Ouyang Feng and others, and he hesitated and said, "Okay, then, it's just that I want to go up the mountain with you."

She met Yang Guo for the first time at the coming-of-age ceremony. When she saw her, she secretly collected information on the person she loved. She knew that he used to study art in the Chongyang Palace, so this time she begged her father to send her to come with her, just to see how the person she loved lived Wherever he went, by the way, he avenged Yang Guo, who was bullied by those stinky Taoist priests.

But if Ouyang Feng and the others were allowed to go up the mountain first, if they would destroy the Chongyang Palace smoothly, wouldn't their trip be in vain?

Hearing that she was going up together, Song Qingshu hesitated: "But Qiucao, your light work..." He didn't say anything.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Too detailed, but the meaning is already obvious, this trip is all masters, you are a little girl, let it go.

Pu Cha Qiucao wrinkled her nose, snorted, and pointed to Dai Qisi and said, "Don’t bother me. Although my martial arts is not as good as Mr. Ouyang and the others, but the light work is still so-so, no matter how bad it is, it won’t. Is it worse than her."

As a woman, she subconsciously hates Song Qingshu’s behavior of hooking up and out, and by the way, even Daiqisi hates it. In her heart, Daiqisi is a vixen who destroys other people’s families-of course it is very beautiful. The vixen, as the eldest lady of the Pucha family, she naturally has no good feelings for such a woman.

"Are you sure?" Song Qingshu said with a smile. Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren on the side were also amused. Pu Cha Qiucao was young and had no knowledge of the world. The two of them knew Dai Qisi's identity, regardless of her being next to Song Qingshu. Like a plaything favorite, she was the famous purple shirt dragon king in the rivers and lakes at the time, ranking first among the four kings of Mingjiao. How can martial arts be comparable to her as a little girl?

Daiqisi also looked cold. During this time, she was very depressed. Everyone around her was better than her. Especially before Song Qing wrote, the martial arts and light work that she was proud of were simply not worth mentioning, who Ever thought that even a young lady could despise her martial arts?

"Of course!" Pu Cha Qiucao raised his chin, like a proud little peacock.

Dai Qisi said coldly: "Should we make a bet, who loses and becomes a servant girl?"

Feeling Dai Qisi's tone, Pu Cha Qiucao obviously hesitated, but when she saw the teasing at the corner of the other's mouth, she blurted out: "Gamble, but you can't ask others for help."

She looked at Dai Qisi from top to bottom. She had a charming peach face, a thin chest and a slender hip, long hips and long legs. The mountain breeze seemed to blow her down. Such a woman exists in this world. The only value is when a man vents on the bed as a plaything, is it possible that he really knows some clever martial arts?

"Okay!" Dai Qisi finally had a smile on her tight face these days, and at the same time a bold plan was gradually constructed in her mind.

(End of this chapter)


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