Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 959: In a big battle

Song Qingshu came to the side of the two women and found that there was a huge round flat in front of him, surrounded by mountains, and there was a large pond at the foot of the mountain. The water waves reflected the moon and the silver light was shining. Not surprisingly, it should be the sword washing pool that Ouyang Feng said before. .

At this time, there were hundreds of Taoists standing sparsely in front of the pool, all in yellow crowns and gray robes, holding long swords, and the sword light was dazzling.

Song Qingshu's eyes condensed. It turned out that there were groups of seven people in the group, and there were fourteen Tiangang Beidou formations. Every seven Beidou formations form a big Beidou formation. From Tianshu to shaking the light, the momentum is really extraordinary. The two big Big Dipper formations are positive and strange, and each other is horns.

Song Qingshu was suddenly stunned. It's no wonder that the two of them stopped moving. Just now, the Tiangang Beidou formation almost forced them to be helpless. Now the power of this formation is more than ten times stronger.

"Whoever came, dare to trespass into the Chongyang Palace, and report your name!" The leader is a one-year-old Taoist, Song Qingshu has no contact with the Chongyang Palace, nor can he recognize his Taoist name.

Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qiancheng also came up at this time. They are in the middle of the rivers and lakes. Even Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji belong to their younger generation. They can't recognize the people of Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing's generation, let alone the person in front of them.

When questioned by the Taoist priest, Song Qingshu smiled slightly without getting angry, and replied: "We are the envoys of the Jin Dynasty imperial court. This trip is for the purpose of edicting the noble religion."

"Jin Guo?" Hearing his answer, the Taoists whispered one after another. Quanzhen Sect has always claimed to be righteous in the arena. The founder of the school, Wang Chongyang, was also an anti-gold righteous man. How could they not know this as a disciple? Layer relationship?

For many years, Jin Guo had done a lot of troubles on his own, and he didn't have the time to pay attention to the Chongyang Sect. Therefore, the two sides had nothing to do with each other. Why did the Jin Guo court suddenly come here to do something about it?

Although that Taoist was only a four-generation disciple in his teaching, he was old and well-informed, knowing that this emperor would be unacceptable, otherwise the Chongyang Palace would not be able to gain a foothold in the world.

But now the Chongyang Palace is within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Kings, and the Chongyang Palace does not dare to blatantly resist the imperial court. The superficial effort is still to be done. The man coughed and replied: "I hope the envoy, forgive me, our teaching is going on today. The new head teacher takes over the ceremony. During this period, no foreign guests will be received. The envoys can take a rest at the foot of the mountain. After the teacher completes the head teacher's succession ceremony, he will send someone to invite you."

He intends to adopt a tactic of dragging words to buy time for the people in the teaching and discuss a proper way to deal with it, so as not to be caught off guard and completely tore his face with the Jin Dynasty court.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded, no wonder that there were fortifications on this road. It turned out that today was the ceremony of the new head teacher of the Chongyang Palace. So on the way up the mountain, there were not only the ordinary Tiangang Beidou formations, but also the two Beidou formations, just to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to invade.

After all, the Chongyang Palace was once the largest school in the world. Although some generations are not as good as one generation in recent years, the foundation is still there. The reason why the Mongols was caught off guard by the Mongols in the original book "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is because it changed within a day. Two head teachers, coupled with Zhao Zhijing's first line and Yin Zhiping's first line fighting with each other, the disaster caused Xiao Qiang to lead to the emptiness of defense.

In this world, Zhao Zhijing has been killed by Song Qingshu, and no one competes with Yin Zhiping for the position of teaching, the Chongyang Palace can naturally deploy guards.

Hearing what the Taoist said, Song Qingshu understood his intentions in an instant. Before speaking, Pu Cha Qiucao spoke first: "What did the Taoist say? As the saying goes, choosing a day is not as good as hitting the sun. With our imperial edict, wouldn’t the new head of your religion be renamed and justified?"

The faces of those Taoists were full of anger, thinking that the head of our own sect, why do we need the canonization of the Jin Kingdom to be justified? If it weren't for the importance of the matter, they might have spoken out.

The elderly Taoist's face sank, and he replied coldly: "Pan Tao has just said that our teacher will not meet foreign visitors during the ceremony when the head teacher takes over."

Qiu Qianren sneered: "What if we have to go up?"

The elder Taoist snorted coldly, drew out his sword and waved it in the air. The blade slashed the wind, and the voice buzzed for a long time: "Pan Dao shoulders the heavy responsibility of defending the mountain. ."

As soon as his voice fell, the rest of the Taoist priests each wielded their long swords, and their ninety-eight sword blades dangled back and forth, prompting a gust of wind, and the sword light formed a web of light, which was extremely dazzling.

Because Yin Zhiping took over as the teacher this time, all three generations of disciples are his brothers, so naturally they have to participate in the succession ceremony in person. Therefore, the guards on the mountainside are all four and five generations of disciples. It was a well-chosen master of the same generation, so this time swinging the sword at the same time, the momentum is not to be underestimated.

Ouyang Feng snorted: "Wang Chongyang's disciples and grandchildren are becoming less and less effective. Relying on the Tiangang Beidou formation he left behind, his tail is raised to the sky. Isn't he good at bullying the less with more? The old man still doesn't let go of the Tiangang Beidou formation. In the eyes."

The Taoist priests suddenly became angry: "Your Excellency is really good at talking. If you are so capable, you can come and try the Beidou Great Array of the Sect." Most of these people are young disciples. They have never seen the scene of Ouyang Feng rushing to the Chongyang Palace back then. It would never be so rude.

Ouyang Feng laughed: "Try it!" As soon as the voice fell, the whole figure flashed, and he rushed to the seven Taoist priests nearest to him.

His speed is so fast that other people can't react to it, and it's too late to help. Fortunately, the seven young Taoists were well-trained on weekdays. They almost instinctively handed the sword to the left hand, connected to each other, and all out the right palms, blocking his move with the power of seven.

Decades of experience has made Ouyang Feng's use of power so wonderful, and may even be above Song Qingshu. An ordinary palm has the effect of turning decay into a magical effect. The forward pushing force is certainly very strong, and even more powerful is still there. The next one shrinks. The seven Taoists fought hard to block his violent push. Unexpectedly, there was a vigorous traction forward. The seven could not stand on the ground, and fell all over by the Lord's body. Although they immediately jumped up, all of them were dusty. All are ashamed.

Seeing that he had a powerful shot, the old Taoist Xu threw seven nephews down in one move. He couldn't help being shocked. With a long roar, he drove the fourteen Beidou formations, overlapping together, expecting that the enemy would be there. Even if the palm strength is ten times stronger, it will be difficult to push 98 people with both hands.

Ouyang Feng let out a shock. He didn't expect the opponent's formation to react so quickly, and the power should not be underestimated. He had personally taught the Tiangang Beidou Formation back then, but he had never seen this Beidou Formation before. It is estimated that Qiu Chuji and a few people later researched it.

After being prompted by Song Qingshu before, he thought that even if he met the Seven Realms himself, he would have the confidence to easily break the formation, but now there are two big formations, one positive and one reverse, and there are a total of 14 Big Dipper positions. How can he deal with it separately? ? ——

Dai Qisi's story has been passed on

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