Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 960: Reverse scale

After hesitating, the opponent's large formation had already encircled, Ouyang Feng let out a cold snort, split his palms, and ran straight to the Taoist with long beards, adhering to the principle of capturing the thief first.

Unexpectedly, one of the secrets of this formation is to attract the enemy to attack the coach, and the small formations take the opportunity to encircle the west and attack from the south to the north, and the enemy will fall into the pie. Ouyang Feng only ran seven or eight steps, his feelings were not good, the pressure behind him surged, and the two sides also tumbling up.

He was about to turn to the right, and two small arrays of fourteen long swords pierced at the same time. These fourteen swords were always in the right position, and they taught him how to dodge and avoid.

Song Qingshu's eyes flickered. It seems that he had underestimated Quanzhen Teaching before. Although apart from Wang Chongyang and Zhou Botong, it is difficult to find any decent top masters, but relying on this magical formation alone, ∮v∮v∮v, @.≥⊕.@ is enough to stand tall in the martial arts.

As a dignified poison, Ouyang Feng would naturally not be hit by this danger. He leaped suddenly, flew out with his right foot, and leaned forward with his left hand. He kicked a little Taoist into a somersault, and at the same time he longed him. The sword was snatched.

Seeing all the seven swords on his right waist, he swung his left hand out, the eight swords intersected, and with a click, each of the seven swords was broken into two pieces, but the long sword in his hand was intact.

The long sword he seized was no different from other swords. It was not a particularly sharp sword. It was just that his inner strength was brought to the edge of the sword, which shook the opponent's seven swords together.

The two Beidou formations next to each other immediately turned to protect each other with their swords. Ouyang Feng saw that these fourteen people each supported the right shoulder of the Dao Lu with his left hand, and the strength of the fourteen people had been united, and he couldn't help but become arrogant: "When the old man is afraid that you will not succeed?" The long sword was swung out and stuck. The sword in the hands of the fourteenth Taoist.

The man rushed inward, but the long sword in his hand seemed to be inlaid and welded in the copper cauldron and anvil, and it was actually not moving. The remaining thirteen people have their strengths, and the strength of the fourteen people must be combined to dissolve the enemy's stickiness.

Ouyang Feng noticed the sudden increase in power in his hand, and sneered: "Broken!" The right arm vibrated, and there was a bang, as if some giant object was overturned, all the 14 long swords were broken.

The fourteen Taoists vomited blood and fell back into the formation, their expressions horrified.

As a result, the Daoists have a more fear and fear in their hearts, and their moves become more stable. Although the 21 Daoists lost their weapons and suffered serious injuries, their luck has become popular and their power has not been significantly weakened.

Ouyang Feng felt that the enemy formation was getting stronger, and he was surprised. He also didn't know what other innovations Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji had made in the Beidou formation over the years, which made him feel a little bit tricky.

In fact, he was dignified by poison and sprinkled a little bit of poisonous snakes and the like. This big battle would not be broken, but he deliberately took this opportunity to get a glimpse of the mystery of this battle, so that he would not encounter the seven sons of the whole truth. During this period, if there was any clever change suddenly, it would be difficult to disassemble it in a hurry, and it would be too dull on his face, so he hasn't made a heavy hand since just now.

The Taoist Long Beard saw that Fang was gradually gaining the upper hand, and only said that Ouyang Feng's skills stopped here, and he sneered slightly in his heart, urging the formation even tighter.

Ouyang Feng observed for a while, and saw that the opponent’s Big Dipper formation had nothing to retain. He laughed grinningly and squatted to the northeast corner. However, seeing the two small formations in the southwest turning up like a shadow, his fingertips trembled. The long sword stabbed fourteen times in a flash, and the fourteen cold star seemed to be thrown out at the same time, and each sword pierced the "Yanggu Point" on the outside of the right wrist of a Taoist.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded his head, Xidu Ouyang Feng is not good at swordsmanship, but martial arts has reached this level, and he has already mastered all methods. The swords he just now were clearly the most excellent kung fu in swordsmanship, and his sword was like wind. It resembles electricity, but does not miss the point, just like shooting fourteen hidden weapons at the same time.

The group of Taoists exclaimed again and again, only to feel a pain in their wrists, their fingers were weak, and the fourteen long swords were thrown into the ground all at once.

In horror, everyone leaped back in a hurry to observe the wrist injury, but seeing the blood on the wrist, I am afraid that the stance has been broken.

Taoist Nagsu was immediately furious: "Your Excellency is a vicious method!"

Ouyang Feng smiled coldly: "I really don't know what is good or bad. The old man has been merciful if he didn't cut off their palms just now."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. He knew that Ouyang Feng was telling the truth. He probably didn't make a heavy hand because of his previous orders. After all, although his hand is broken, although he can no longer take the sword, his daily life is different from ordinary people as long as he pays a little attention. Not big.

However, Ouyang Feng had just injured someone in the family, and to say that would sound too ridiculous to the other party.

Sure enough, the Taoist priests in the Chongyang Palace were furious, and the Taoist Changxu did not say a word. At the moment, they issued orders to tighten the battle, thinking that the 98 Taoists surrounded you, squeezing you to death, and not squeezing you. How can you avenge your companions if you are stirred into a mass of meat!

Ouyang Feng didn't care, his left palm tilted, and his right palm pushed out to the left. Seven Taoists from the Beidou Formation turned to catch it. Ouyang Feng rushed to the North Star position, and the second Big Dipper followed.

At this time, there are a total of 14 Beidou formations, that is, 14 North Pole constellations. Ouyang Feng has no avatars, so he can't occupy 14 key positions at the same time. But he started to exercise lightly. He had just occupied the North Star position for a while, and immediately turned to the second North Star position. After a few turns, his body skills were fast. To others, it seemed that there were fourteen Ouyang Fengs. Soon there was chaos in the Big Dipper formation.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the Daoist Longxu rushed to send orders, order the roads to spread far away, stand firmly, and brake with silence, knowing that if everyone follows the other side and the other side runs fast, they will be able to take advantage of the gap to disrupt the formation, but If you stick to it, and the 14 Polaris positions are far away from each other, no matter how fast the opponent is, it will be difficult to seize them at the same time.

Qiu Qianren on the side could not help but admire: "The Chongyang Palace really has a profound foundation. Any four-generation disciple is so proficient in the formation method and reacts quickly. Son, these Taoist priests are standing still, so we might as well take the opportunity to go to the Chongyang Palace. ."

Song Qingshu nodded: "That's fine, Brother Feng, I'll bother you here."

Ouyang Feng replied faintly: "My brother, go up first, I'll be here right away."

Hearing these people's conversations did not put their own side in their eyes at all, the Taoist priests were furious, and the Taoist Taoists with long whiskers sneered and said: "The toad yawns so loudly!"

A murderous flash in Ouyang Feng's eyes, it turned out that the other party inadvertently committed his taboo. His fame and skill is toad art, so he is sometimes scolded by Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong, Huang Rong and other people. These people are nothing more. Everyone knows each other, and they are barely acquaintances. This Taoist district is a Chongyang Palace. What kind of disciple is it?

Ouyang Feng's face was sinking like water. He squatted underground, with his hands bent at shoulder level. With the gurgling noise in his throat, his belly swelled and shrank, and his whole body was like a big toad.

Song Qingshu sighed: "Brother Feng actually caused the real fire, and these Taoists can only ask for more blessings."

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