Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 962: The frustrated maid

Seeing that the Taoist priests in the main hall cast their eyes on Dai Qisi with a dull look, Ouyang Feng coldly snorted: "Wang Chongyang’s disciples are really inferior to one generation. They should have cultivated immortals and asked, but now they are all greedy and lustful. man of."

Yin Zhiping's face flushed, and the peerless face of Xiaolongnv couldn't help but floated in his mind. He wanted her to smile at me, so I asked what kind of fairy to ask.

The other disciples couldn't help getting angry while embarrassed, and they all scolded: "Bold fanatics, dare to insult the Patriarch of Chongyang!"

Only then did Yin Zhiping see Ouyang Feng’s face clearly, and he couldn’t help being shocked, and blurted out: “Xidu Ouyang Feng!” He had witnessed Ouyang Feng’s uproar in the Chongyang Palace back then, so wouldn’t he fail to recognize this demon? .

Hearing what he said, there were bursts of cold air in the hall. Although many of them had not seen it with their own eyes, the reputation of Xidu is beyond. Everyone knows that they are as famous as the Chongyang Patriarch. How can they dare to say it? raving. Especially considering that the other party has never dealt with the Chongyang Palace, I am afraid it will be difficult to be kind today.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and stepped forward and said, "Dear masters, don't be nervous. Today, we are here on behalf of the Jin Dynasty court to confess noble religions, not to find fault." After finishing speaking, he winked at Qiu Qianren.

Qiu Qianren nodded, walked forward and stood in the middle of the hall, took out a roll of yellow satin, spread his hands, and read: Sui Kaixuan, Hongren, Guangyi Dazheng, is in charge of Taoist institutes..."

As the main hall of Quanzhen Sect, Sanqing Hall is magnificent. The whole hall is extremely empty and can even accommodate hundreds of people at the same time. But in such a large space, it is clear that Qiu Qianren's voice is not seen in every corner of the hall. A person can hear clearly, and there are probably few people in the temple of profound skill alone.

Some of the older disciples among the three generations of disciples looked at each other. They had recognized that this shameless old man was the famous iron palm floating on the water, and they were suddenly worried. Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren joined forces. Who can stop the entire Chongyang Sect? they?

Three generations of disciple Zhong Song Defang was always clever and saw that the situation was not good, so he slipped out of the temple quietly, planning to inform Qiu Chuji who was retreating in Yuxu Cave, because there were too many Taoist priests in the temple, and with the help of his companions, his movements were nothing. Noticed.

At this time, Qiu Qianren had almost finished reading, and seeing no one kneeling down to listen to the decree, he said loudly: "Quanzhen Sect Master takes the decree."

At this point, Yin Zhiping had no choice but to bite the bullet and bowed to salute, and said, "The leader of the teacher, Qiu Zhenren, is sitting in the gate. Now Xiaodao takes over as the teacher. The emperor of the Kingdom of Jin’s emperor is not given to the trail, and the trail dare not dare. Worship it."

Qiu Qianren said with a smile but not a smile: "This edict was originally not necessarily granted to Zhenren Qiu, whoever is the head of the Quanzhen Sect will be honored to receive the edict."

Yin Zhiping said: "The trail is without virtue and incompetence. I really dare not worship it."

Qiu Qianren smiled and said even more weird: "You're welcome, hurry up and take the order." He has been in the arena for so many years, don't he know the origin of Wang Chongyang and the Kingdom of Jin back then? As Wang Chongyang's disciples and grandchildren, how could these Taoist priests accept the edict of the Jin Kingdom? Isn't that deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor?

In fact, he was anxious that the Taoist priests on Chongyang Chongyang would refuse, so he justified the killing. There are three thousand elite soldiers under the mountain. Once they get the signal, they will kill the mountain and let the Chongyang Palace be removed from the rivers and lakes, in order to be offended by the Chongyang Palace. The hatred.

Yin Zhiping was anxious, but after all, he was the most outstanding figure among the three generations of disciples. He soon thought of a way to deal with it, which is to drag the word tactics: "The honorable pet suddenly descends, hastily. Please come to the apse to serve tea. Xiaodao discussed and discussed with you brothers."

Qiu Qianren suddenly sneered: "I don't know what's worth discussing."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Since they want to discuss it, let them discuss it carefully and weigh the stakes clearly. But I would like to remind you that the time for discussion should not be too long. We still have three thousand elite soldiers at the foot of the mountain, if it is time. When they grow up, they are hungry. Maybe they will go up the mountain to ask your teacher for some rice, noodles, vegetables and the like."

His tone was flat, but the threat was overwhelming, and the Taoist priests in the temple changed their expressions.

"Naturally, I won't let everyone wait for a long time." Yin Zhiping grinned reluctantly, and immediately sent the four Taoists who taught the secondary office to receive guests and invited them to the back hall for tea.

Song Qingshu's heart was secretly refreshed. It turned out that the feeling of overwhelming people was so good. It is no wonder that many of the protagonists in the previous life who crossed the novel most hoped to cross into a dude and bully the male and female.

When everyone came to the apse and just sat down, Dai Qisi coughed and looked at Pu Cha Qiucao with a smile: "Since Qiucao has promised to be a maid for me, why not come and serve tea?"

"You!" Pu Cha Qiucao glared at her bitterly, and finally bit his lip and took the tea from the Taoist hand to Dai Qisi, "Here, the tea you want."

Daiqisi shook her head: "Is this the attitude that a maid should have? Can't even say one please?"

Pu Cha Qiucao's chest rose and fell sharply, and even Song Qingshu thought she would turn her face, but she calmed down and said lightly: "Please have tea, Madam!"

"It's pretty much the same," Dai Qisi smiled contentedly, but instead of reaching out to take the cup of tea, she groaned at Song Qingshu, "Let's serve the tea for the son first."

Pu Cha Qiucao was so angry that he poured the tea in her face onto her face, but soon thought that if Song Qingshu hadn't helped her, she would have to be a maid for a lifetime. In this way, he would have to offer him a cup of tea.

Thinking like this in his mind, Pu Cha Qiucao immediately balanced a lot, and brought the tea to Song Qing before writing: "Master, please use tea."

Daiqisi's playful voice rang again: "Should the maid serve tea to the master while kneeling?"

Pu Cha Qiucao couldn't help it anymore, and said angrily: "Daiqisi, don't go too far!" After so long along the way, she naturally knew the other person's name, but she was not from the rivers and lakes, and she didn't know. Dai Qisi was the purple shirt dragon king back then, and even if she was a member of the rivers and lakes, with the exception of a few Mingjiao people, it was difficult for others to connect Dai Qisi with the purple shirt dragon king.

Dai Qisi didn't get angry, and said with a smile: "In fact, you just have to say in front of the soldiers and soldiers that you are a believer, so you don't have to be this maid."

Pu Cha Qiucao's chest was up and down again, and Song Qingshu's face looked weird: "I used to think this girl had no chest and butt, but now it seems that the chest is quite predictable."

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