Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 963: Misfortune Xiaoqiang

Pu Cha Qiucao has never hated a person so much, especially a woman, with a sneer in his heart: He is just a favored girl of a consort, and after all, a woman who cannot be seen.

Tang Kuobian's current source of power is only relying on his princess wife. After returning to Beijing, he will reveal what happened on the road to the royal family, so that the emperor and princess know that their good husband has raised a woman outside. I don't believe Tang Kuobian can keep you.

Thinking about this, Pu Cha Qiucao felt much better, and then he came to Song Qing and knelt down before writing, and said faintly: "Master, please have tea."

Song Qingshu had a headache. How could the other party give up when Dai Qisi humiliated Pu Cha Qiucao like this?

□↑wán□↑□↑Roba, @.▽$.∧ But Daiqisi is this kind of arrogant and self-willed temper. He wants to completely subdue the other party, but it is not good to scold her when she has fun. Compare the two It's still more important for Daiqisi, after all, Pucha Qiucao is only the eldest lady of the Pucha family, but it does not completely represent the interests of the Pucha family.

So even though Song Qingshu hesitated, he still took the tea that Pu Cha Qiucao handed over. Of course, in order to ease the atmosphere, he still pretended to help the other person up: "Miss Qiucao, please get up!"

Pu Cha Qiucao stood up silently, biting her lip without answering, just stood beside her with a calm face, Dai Qisi was contented to stand aside, not being aggressive anymore after she had a breath of ill feeling from this period of time.

At this time, Yin Zhiping invited sixteen major disciples to sit down in the other courtyard and were discussing countermeasures: "This matter is so big, the younger brother dare not take the initiative, and we must listen to the opinions of the seniors."

Li Zhichang shook his head and said: "The Kingdom of Jin has invaded our country and harmed the people. How can we be granted him?" Although the Central Plains has been ruled by the Kingdom of Jin for many years, Li Zhichang still claims to be a Song native.

Zhang Zhiguang said: "Zhongnan Mountain is Mongolia's control, and our Taoist temples are also in Mongolia. If we refuse to receive the edict, seeing Quanzhen Sect is a catastrophe."

Qiu Chuji's martial arts is the highest among the Seventh Son of Quanzhen. In addition, he has a hot temper and many apprentices, so his line is the strongest in Quanzhen Sect. However, there are rivers and lakes in some places, and the third-generation disciples are not monolithic. Many other disciples are not close to Qiu Chuji. They usually surround Zhao Zhijing. The two forces can be considered evenly matched, and they are fighting against each other.

Now that Zhao Zhijing is killed outside, Zhang Zhiguang is second only to Zhao Zhijing in martial arts and prestige, so he is of course pushed as the new leader of the small group. They have always been at odds with Yin Zhiping. Such a good opportunity will naturally Come out and sing the opposite.

Of course, this does not necessarily mean that Zhang Zhiguang is really willing to accept canonization, but Yin Zhiping and the others are clearly opposed to canonization, and Zhang Zhiguang is a spokesperson against Yin Zhiping's line. If he agrees with the other party, wouldn't he lose the capital to settle down? And more importantly, as long as Quanzhen Jiaozhen finally accepted the canonization according to his point of view, his prestige would immediately overwhelm Yin Zhiping.

Any disputes over viewpoints, lines, and everything are all imaginary, in the final analysis it is just a power struggle.

Li Zhichang said, "Senior Brother Zhang is wrong."

Zhang Zhiguang raised his voice and said, "What's wrong, please ask Senior Brother Li for advice."

Li Zhichang said: "I dare not give directions. But Brother Zhang, who is our founder, Chongyang, who is our founder? Who is your master Quanzhen Seven Sons?"

Zhang Zhiguang said in amazement: "The patriarch and master's generation of great protectors are the masters of the Three Puritanism."

Li Zhichang said: "They are all mans upright, patriotic and caring for the people. Everyone was born and died, and they have fought **** battles with Jin Bing."

Zhang Zhiguang naturally did not dare to deny: "Yes, Chongyang real person and Quanzhen seven sons are famous in the world, who in the martial arts does not admire?"

Li Zhichang said: "If I want to teach the real people of the previous generations, all of them are not afraid of power, and are determined to save the people from fire and water. Quanzhen Sect is considered to be a real catastrophe. What are we afraid of? Will you not be insulted?"

These few words were awe-inspiring, and Yin Zhiping and more than a dozen major disciples were shocked.

Zhang Zhiguang sneered and said, "Senior Brother Li is not afraid of death. Everyone else is greedy and fearful of death? Patriarch has a hard time starting a business, and this teaching can have today's scale. How much effort did Patriarch and the seven teachers spend at this time? In the end, we improperly handled and destroyed the vigorous Quanzhen Sect. How do we see the ancestors in the ground? When the five teachers are switched out, how can we explain them?"

These words made sense, and several Taoists immediately echoed them.

Zhang Zhiguang said again: "As the saying goes, there are no eternal friends or enemies. The golden man is my mortal feud, but the situation is different now. Now Mongolia is in full swing, occupying Sichuan, Xiangyang, etc. of the Song Dynasty. In recent years, the Kingdom of Jin has ceased the war with the Kingdom of Song, and at the same time objectively blocked the majority of Mongolian troops for Da Song. We accept the edict of the Kingdom of Jin, and to a certain extent, we are also helping Da Song!"

This remark was even more reasonable and reasonable, and even the few Taoists who had always been neutral were a bit shaken.

Another disciple of Qiu Chuji, Wang Zhitan, saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly said: "Although the Kingdom of Jin appears to have a truce with the Song Dynasty, but the wolf ambition of coveting the Jiangshan of the Song Dynasty has never died. Not to mention the pressing of the Mongolian army in the future, in case the Kingdom of Jin supports. Don’t stop, and instead go south to seize the land of the Song Dynasty to make up for the loss. Isn’t the country of Song Dynasty at stake! You and I are both citizens of the Song Dynasty, how can you receive the edict of the enemy country?”

Turning his head to Yin Zhiping said: "Brother Master, if you receive an edict, you are a big traitor, you are a sinner of the ages of this religion. Even if my neck blood is splashed on the ground, I, Wang Zhitan, cannot rest with you." Up to this point, he was full of vigor.

Zhang Zhiguang stood up quickly, stretched out his palm on the table and patted, and shouted, "Junior Brother Wang, are you trying to use force? How dare you be so rude to the real master?"

Wang Zhi frankly said: "We are just reasoning. If we want to use force, would we be afraid of you coming?"

This situation is also interesting. The people of the anti-Yin Zhiping faction are Yin Zhiping. If someone who doesn't know sees it, it will definitely confuse the positions of both sides.

Seeing that the two sides insisted on each other's words and did not act against each other, the aggressive ones would shake their old fists and draw their swords to fight each other. A gray-bearded Taoist waved his hand again and again and said, "Senior brothers, if you have something to say, don't be impatient."

Wang Zhi said frankly, "What should I say to my brother?"

The Taoist said: "According to me, uh, uh... if the monks are compassionate and can save one more people, then that is the good life that contributes to the heavens... uh, uh... if we are the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin The emperor can do his best to dissuade the king of the Kingdom of Jin from killing indiscriminately, and it does not violate the teachings of the patriarch. It can also use the power of the Kingdom of Jin to deal with Mongolia and win the opportunity for the great Song to recuperate."

Several other Taoists echoed: "Yes! Yeah!" They have always been a neutral generation, and they adhere to the principle of doing more than doing less. They really don't want to see the Chongyang Palace suffer from war, not to mention what Zhang Zhiguang said just now. It is reasonable and reasonable that they subconsciously prefer to accept the edict.

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