Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 964: Inside and outside

Seeing that the opinion of accepting the emperor had the upper hand, everyone in Yin Zhiping's line was very anxious, and Li Zhichang hurriedly got up and said, "Brother's words are absurd!"

Zhang Zhiguang glared at him: "Brothers are respectful and respectful, why is it absurd?" His words are obviously against his will. The gray-bearded Taoist is only the oldest. Everyone gives him a face on the surface. Everyone knows that he is pedantic, and no one takes him seriously.

Li Zhichang naturally knew that Zhang Zhiguang was using the knife to kill someone, but now that he can only argue with reason and offend the brother: "The brother said that the family is compassionate and can save one more people, and that is the virtue of contributing to the good life of heaven. I agree with this, but the brother mentioned that if we are under the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, we can try our best to dissuade the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin from killing indiscriminately, but I do not agree with this sentence."


"Oh? Junior Brother... What does Junior Brother... have any advice?" The white-haired Taoist said, he was also a good temper, and didn't mean to be angry.

Li Zhichang said: "Everyone knows that the current emperor of the Kingdom of Jin Wanyanquan has a moody temper, and he always grants death to the princes and ministers. Over the past two years, dozens of high-ranking officials have been executed for no reason. Such an emperor has even the life of a Jurchen nobleman. If you don’t care, how can you care about the lives of ordinary people because of our few words of persuasion?"

There were cultivators in the field, and most people didn't understand the situation of the court. Hearing this, there was a lot of discussion.

Li Zhichang continued: "What's more, Senior Brother Zhang mentioned the truce between the Kingdom of the Kingdom and the Southern Song Dynasty. I also have different opinions."

Zhang Zhiguang had just been turned into an army by him, but he didn't react yet, and he was pressing on every step of the way. Suddenly he felt bad, and asked in a deep voice, "Jin Kingdom and Song Dynasty truce, is this still false?"

"The reason why the Kingdom of Jin and the State of Song ceased war was because Mongolia was forced to fight to the west. Now that Mongolia is the main force on the west, and the Kingdom of Jin has a respite, it may not stop the war," Li Zhichang continued, "The people of Jin have been beaten by Mongolia. In their eyes, the Song Kingdom is an easier target to conquer. This time, taking advantage of Mongolia's westward march, it is rumored that they intend to go south to seize the land of Song Dynasty to make up for the losses in the previous battle with Mongolia.

Zhang Zhiguang sneered and said, "This is just a rumor, it's really not enough to believe."

"Really?" Li Zhichang replied as if he knew he had this reaction. "But not long ago, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were ambushed by the gold man in Kaifeng Mansion. You must know that they are the pillars of Xiangyang City. Just get rid of them and capture Xiangyang. Get twice the result with half the effort, and you can see the golden man's wolf ambition!"

Zhang Zhiguang shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, this is just your personal guess. Why be alarmist here."

Li Zhichang exclaimed: "Okay, it turns out that you are acting as a spy by the order of Emperor Jin Guo!"

Zhang Zhiguang was startled first, then furious, and shouted, "What did you say?"

Li Zhichang said: "Whoever speaks to the people of the Kingdom of Jin is a traitor."

Zhang Zhiguang suddenly jumped up and shot Li Zhichang down with a palm. In the diagonal stab, both palms pierced out, and at the same time he took the blow, but it was Qiu Chuji's other two disciples who gave the palm, one of them was Qi Zhicheng.

Zhang Zhiguang was even more angry and shouted: "Wow! Uncle Qiu has many disciples, do you want to bully others?"

Yin Zhiping slapped his palms and said, "Brothers, please sit down and listen to what the younger brother said." The head teacher of Quanzhen Sect has always been extremely authoritarian, and the Taoists immediately sat down and did not dare to argue. .

Another narrator said humanely: "Yes, let's listen to the instructions of the real master. He said that if he is sealed, he will be sealed, and he will be sealed if he is not. It is him who is sweating, not you and me. What are you talking about?"

Although Zhang Zhiguang was not upset in his heart, the neutrals spoke, and he couldn't offend the anger of the people, so he had to listen to what Yin Zhiping said.

Li Zhichang, Wang Zhitan, and others knew that Yin Zhiping was loyal and righteous. They wanted to make a decision based on his words, and there was indeed no need to fight, so everyone looked at Yin Zhiping and listened to his ruling.

Yin Zhiping said slowly: "The younger brother has no virtue and incompetence, and he has the important task of being a head teacher. I didn't expect to encounter this important event on the first day." He raised his head and was in a daze. The eyes of the sixteen major disciples were all watching him, and there was no sound in the temple.

After a long time, Yin Zhiping said slowly: "This sect was created by the patriarch of Chongyang, and it has been carried forward by Zhima Zhenren, Liu Zhenren, and Qiu Zhenren. When the younger brother succeeds as the head teacher, how dare he violate the lessons of Wangma Liuqiu's four real people? Brothers, now the Mongolian army is attacking Xiangyang south, invading my territory and killing my people. If these four seniors are here, will they be subject to this edict or not?"

After hearing this, Qun Dao meditated on Tu Chongyang, Ma Yu, Liu Chuxuan, and Qiu Chuji's usual actions: Wang Chongyang has been dead for a long time, and the third generation of disciples have not seen it; Ma Yuqian is kind and honest, and aims to be quiet and inaction; Liu Chuxuancheng Mansion It was so deep that it was not easy for the disciples to guess his mind; but Qiu Chuji had a fiery temperament and was extremely loyal and righteous.

When everyone thought of him, they shouted in unison: "Qiu Zhangjiao will definitely not accept it!"

Zhang Zhiguang frowned and said loudly: "Now the head teacher is you, not Uncle Qiu."

Yin Zhiping said: "My little brother is talented and dare not violate the teacher's instructions. Besides, I have sinned a lot, and I will die."

Having said that, he bowed his head and said nothing. Now that Zhao Zhijing is dead, Qun Dao doesn't know the meaning of his words. It is not clear that he was guilty and frustrated because of the despicable act of drugging Xiaolongnv. They thought he was nothing but The words of self-humility, I only think that the characters "the sins are serious and the death is more than guilty" are too heavy and a bit nondescript.

Zhang Zhiguang let out a "hum", stood up, and said, "In this case, the headmaster is determined not to be immune? Has the headmaster ever thought about what to do with the three thousand golden soldiers under the mountain?"

Yin Zhiping said sadly: "Little brother's fate is really not a pity, but I teach Lingyu, but it can't be slightly damaged."

His tone gradually became impassioned, and he said: "The heroes of the present, are righteous to fight against foreign insults. The Quanzhen School is known as the authentic martial arts. If we descend to the Kingdom of Jin, what face do we have to meet the heroes of the world?"

The group cheered loudly, and Li Zhichang, Wang Zhitan, Qi Zhicheng and others said loudly: "The teacher's brother is reasonable."

Zhang Zhiguang and his party were all faceless, but Yin Zhiping, as the head teacher, Qiu Chuji's line of power was strong, and at this time they received the support of the neutral faction, and they couldn't do anything against it.

Yin Zhiping stayed in the center, his confidant brothers stood by his side, and then sent someone to fetch weapons for emergency, and then said: "Please ask the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin."

Song Qing and his party were in the side hall, and the two women were facing each other, which was causing him a headache. Hearing the message from the Taoist priest, he couldn't help but was overjoyed, and hurriedly led everyone to the Sanqing Hall: "Everyone has been discussing for so long, and there must be a conclusion. Up?"

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