Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 969: Rush into battle

Song Qingshu frowned. He was about to heal Xiaolongnu at this moment. He couldn't get distracted, so he said to the person next to him: "Mr. Ouyang, Mr. Qiu, trouble you."

Ouyang Feng looked gloomy, even though he didn't think about how he would treat Yang Guo in the future, but Xiaolongnv still counted him as half a prospective daughter-in-law, but was injured by the five sons of Quanzhen. In addition, he was not taught by Quanzhen in the first place. To deal with it, this will add fuel to the fire, and he said in a cold voice, "Don't even want to live today for the Quanzhen Sect!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure rushed towards the Quanzhen five sons. Qiu Chuji and others were shocked and hurriedly lined up to defend against the enemy. They just suffered a big loss in the hands of the dragon girl with their bare hands, so as soon as they were free, they all With the weapon in hand, it was not so embarrassing to deal with Ouyang Feng, who had a higher martial arts skill.

At that time, Tan Chuduan died in Ou ∴wán∴∴Roba, ≯.@≤.▼ Yang Feng’s palm, the Tiangang Beidou formation was broken, and then Ma Yuxian passed away, and only five of the seven sons of Quanzhen were left. In order to deal with the top masters, they chose three generations. Among the disciples, Yin Zhiping and Zhao Zhijing, who were the strongest in martial arts, served as substitutes. Although they were not as powerful as the real Quanzhen Seven, they finally complemented the Tiangang Beidou formation.

It's a pity that Zhao Zhijing died, and Yin Zhiping was pierced through the chest by the little dragon girl with a sword. At this time, he was so angry that Qiu Chuji and others had to call Wang Zhitan and Li Zhichang instead. Fortunately, everyone in Quanzhen Sect is to study the Tiangang Beidou formation every day, and they rush into battle, although they are not in a panic.

On this day, the Beidou formation was completed, and the situation changed. "Tianquan Yuheng" fends off the enemy frontally, and "Tianji Kaiyang" on both sides sends palm flanks, and the "Shake Light" and "Tian Xuan" behind also turn up.

Ouyang Feng shouted four strokes, shook the palms of the four people, and couldn't help but frown. If the seven true sons are fighting alone, I am afraid that there is no enemy of him, but now they are connected with each other. The situation is But they are quite different. Each of these seven people has great power, far from being comparable to each other in wartime. Now they are launching the "Spirit Snake Fist", spinning around in the formation, and their bodies are flexible. , The palm shadow flies.

Back in Niujia Village, he had witnessed Huang Yaoshi being driven into a mess by the Quanzhen Seven Sons, and now he has personally experienced how dangerous the situation Huang Yaoshi faced was.

"Wang Chongyang is really a **** and man, and the Tiangang Beidou formation left behind allows his ineffective disciples to fight against the top masters." He hates and respects Wang Chongyang, and what he hates is his fraudulent death. He broke his own toad power, but he respected the other side's magical power, which is the first person I have seen in these years.

"Ah!" There was a burst of exclamation in the hall. It turned out that many disciples in the hall were concerned about their battle. Seeing the eight people fighting each other, they were gradually dizzy and the world turned around. I don't know how many Ouyang Fengs are coming and going. The disciple's cultivation was insufficient, and his eyes suddenly went dark, and he fell to the sky, and many people fainted.

The Quanzhen Five Sons, Li Zhichang and Wang Zhitan firmly took the position and fought hard to resist, knowing that only one person would have a slight dignity, and no one could survive today, and the Quanzhen Sect was destroyed.

Ouyang Feng also secretly complained in his heart. If he had set up a killer move just now, he would kill one or two opponents casually. The Tiangang Beidou formation was no longer successful. He thought that Tan Chuduan and Ma Yu were dead. At this time, but can't win, can't stop.

Both sides are riding a tiger in a difficult situation, and they are not allowed to do their best to deal with each other. Ouyang Feng has changed dozens of martial arts in a row in most of the hour, and he can only draw a tie.

The seven members of the Quanzhen Sect were also doing their best, yelling hello to each other, and their heads were steaming hot, and their robes were soaked in profuse sweat.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Qianren shouted: "Brother Ouyang, Qiu will help you!"

The five sons of Quanzhen secretly groaned, they are very reluctant to deal with an Ouyang Feng, and add a Qiu Qianren, how can there be any vitality?

Fortunately, there were many Quanzhen disciples in the hall, and when they saw it, they drew out their swords and stopped Qiu Qianren. Although their martial arts were far inferior to each other, they were better than the others, forming a Tiangang Beidou formation. Qiu Qianren couldn't take advantage of it for a while.

Hearing Qiu Qianren's call, Ouyang Feng said angrily: "Who wants your help!"

He is a man of arrogance. If he deals with masters of the same level, such as Huang Yaoshi and his ilk, he doesn’t mind teaming up with Qiu Qianren to get rid of them. But Quanzhen’s five sons are all his juniors, and Li Zhichang and Wang Zhitan are even more juniors. The younger generation, he dealt with these people dignifiedly. If he still needs help from others, wouldn't he be degraded by his reputation?

After fighting with the seven for so long, Ouyang Feng gradually had a solution. Although Li Zhichang and Wang Zhitan are outstanding among the three generations of disciples, their martial arts are still too far behind the Quanzhen Seven. As a result, there is always a sense of sluggishness between the formation and coordination. At first, I did not feel that they had been fighting for so long. , Ouyang Feng's vision has long been insightful.

I saw that he suddenly sold a flaw, which caused Li Zhichang to rush forward, and then turned around and hit him with a palm. The Quanzhen five sons were shocked, and they all tried to rescue each other. The Tiangang Beidou Formation had always depended on each other, even though Ouyang Feng attacked fiercely. , But they are confident that they can protect Li Zhichang safely.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Feng was originally a feint. Seeing that he had attracted the idea of ​​the five sons of Quanzhen, he hurriedly appeared in front of Wang Zhitan at the far end.

Wang Zhitan was shocked and hurriedly raised his sword to greet him.

With a puff, his whole body flew far away like a sandbag. If Ouyang Feng was not scrupulous about the counterattack behind him, he would have killed Wang Zhitan with just one palm. Even if that was the case, Wang Zhitan was also badly injured and no longer had the ability to fight again.

This time, as the rabbit flew and fell, Ouyang Feng broke the opponent's Tiangang Beidou formation, and Jin Guo and his party cheered loudly.

Song Qingshu said to Dai Qisi and Pu Cha Qiucao next to him: "Let's go down the mountain first."

At this time, he regretted that he was too big for a while, and he did not bring three thousand elite soldiers up the mountain, resulting in a heavy siege. Of course, if it weren't for Xiaolongnu to be in urgent need of treatment, he plus Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren would be enough to teach Quan Zhen to choose.

Seeing them moving towards the gate of the palace, I don’t know which Taoist shouted: "Don’t let them go!" These Taoists can also see clearly that Song Qingshu is the head of Jin Guo this time. If he can win him, no matter it is Ouyang Feng. When the master is still the three thousand elite soldiers at the foot of the mountain, they will all throw rats and dogs; if unfortunately let him get out of the organization to attack the mountain, the Quanzhen Sect will really be ruined today.

Song Qingshu looked around, but saw the sword light flickering in all four places, and every seven Taoists formed a team, overlapping several people around him at the core. Seven middle and upper martial arts Daoists combined their swords to fight against a first-class master. At this time, he was standing back and forth, equivalent to hundreds of first-class masters standing by their swords.

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