Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 970: Go back and forth

Song Qingshu snorted, took a step, and immediately seven Taoists blocked it with swords.

He was holding the little dragon girl in both hands at this moment, so he had no time to move, so he stretched out his feet and stomped on the ground. The seven people suddenly felt as if an earthquake had occurred. The original hard marble floor was shaking like a wave. They suddenly stood unstable and fell one after another. The sword in his hand was scattered all over the ground.

Seeing his stomping power is so powerful, even though the Quanzhen people are long-time enemies, they have never seen them before. I saw Zhang Zhiguang shouting: "Xuanji, shake the light and strike!"

Although Zhang Zhiguang is against Yin's line, he is also Quanzhen's disciple, and he understands the truth that if there is no skin, the hair will be attached. What's more, Yin Zhiping is now more wicked, if he can take the opportunity to make great achievements, then he will be the next head teacher. &-↙-↙-↙,※.◇∽.≮p;

Song Qingshu wanted to ignore how you yelled, so I just rushed to the outside. As for Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, they have high martial arts, and it is not difficult to get out of it, so naturally he does not need to worry about it.

At the moment, holding the little dragon girl and striding the first two steps, seeing another seven Taoists turn up and block, he immediately repeated the old trick and stretched his foot to the ground. I didn't know that these seven Taoists had the experience of their companions just now, but this time they were not in a hurry to rush forward with their swords. Instead, they were swaying, crossing positions, and passing by him.

Rao is a seven person who has been practicing the formation for a long time, and his body is fast. He still called out a few "ah, ah". It turns out that there are still two Taoists who have been shocked by the force from the ground, hurting their waist and breaking their legs. Ground.

At this moment, the fourteen long swords had been pointed at the back of Song Qingshu and Xiaolongnu, seven pointed at Song Qingshu, and seven pointed at Xiaolongnu.

Song Qingshu frowned. Although he could swing most of the fourteen swords away, but with so many Quanzhen disciples around, as long as one sword is left, the little dragon girl must be injured. He hesitated slightly, and another seven-handled sword pointed to the right side of Xiaolongnv. As a result, the situation is even more critical.

I only heard a scolding, it turned out that Pu Cha Qiucao next to him had made a move! Although she doesn't like Xiaolongnv because of Yang Guo, she is also an upright person. Just now because of her unintentional failure, she was seriously injured and she had already blamed herself.

Therefore, when she saw that the little dragon girl was in danger, she even ignored the dozen or so swords that stab her, and directly swung the sword to block the attack on the little dragon girl.

Song Qingshu hugged the little dragon girl in a hurry, pressed her close to her body, and then freed her with a hand. With a flick of her sleeves, she shook the dozen swords that were attacking Pucha Qiucao.

Pu Cha Qiucao was shocked, and when he saw that the tip of the sword that fell to the ground was only an inch away from him, he started to become scared: "Thank you!"

Although she has not liked the consort a lot, she thanked her sincerely this time.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Go out first."

At this moment, another twenty-one long swords flickered at Kung Fu, surrounding them.

Dai Qisi just took advantage of the chaos and used her light work to rush to the gate of the main hall. She was previously a prisoner of Song Qingshu, and then she lost her body after being confused by his attacking and rogue methods, even though she had to admit that Song Qingshu is a very good man. Charm, but after all, she has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and what she yearns for is a free and easy life. How can she be the impunity of another man for a lifetime?

As for Xiaozhao and Mingzun's grievances, in her opinion, it is too far away, and it is not urgent.

Therefore, she has always had the thought of running away, but she has always pretended to be very good, and did not make Song Qingshu aware of it, until just now she finally waited for a golden opportunity, whether it was Song Qingshu or Ouyang Feng and others, just take care of herself. If you are too busy, how can you have the time to pay attention to her?

As long as she stepped out of the entrance of this hall and down the mountain on the trail, then from now on, the birds will fly high and the ocean will leap. She wants to be the purple-shirted dragon king or the golden flower mother-in-law, just by her own mind, without having to look at other people's faces.

But when she was about to take that step, she didn't know why, she looked back, just in time to see Song Qingshu trapped in a siege, and dozens of swords around him pierced him.

"This person has reached the time when his life is at stake, and he is still holding that woman. Isn't it so lustful that he doesn't even want his life!"

Dai Qisi's face changed. She was very aware of Song Qingshu's martial arts. Even if she left him, he would not be in the slightest danger, but now she is holding a woman in her arms, and at the same time, a steady flow of internal force has to be transferred to the other party's body. , It turns out to be bad luck or not.

Looking at Ouyang Feng, he was expecting him to free up his hand to save Song Qingshu, but his belly was bulging like a toad, and he was facing Qiu Chuji, and behind Qiu Chuji's fuselage were the rest of Quanzhen Wuzi. people.

Seven Stars Gathering Against Toad Gong!

It turns out that Ouyang Feng severely injured Wang Zhitan just now. After breaking the Tiangang Beidou formation, he wanted to take the opportunity to take the life of the five true five sons. Who knew that the other party resorted to the Seven Stars Gathering and actually took a killer palm from him, and felt the powerful palm from the opponent's hand. Power, Rao Ouyang Feng didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly transported the toad to fight against it.

Ouyang Feng’s skill can be said to be far better than any one of Quanzhen’s five sons, but the other party’s seven-star gathering is really amazing. It can actually superimpose five people’s skill on one person. Ouyang Feng uses one person’s power to fight with five people, and it is a bit difficult. .

You must know that martial arts is one way of integrating various skills, and internal strength is just one of them. The internal strength of the girl like Xiaolong is far inferior to the Jinlun Fawang, Nimoxing, Xiaoxiangzi and others, and even Qiu Chuji can't match it, but with her double swords in her hand, she can beat a group of masters whose internal strength is far superior to her into dogs.

In the original book "The Legend of Condor Heroes", Yang Guo directly killed Nimo Xing, Xiaoxiangzi and Yin Kexi with an epee. At that time, the difference between the skills of the two sides would never be that big, but the battle situation was one-sided due to multiple factors.

Later, Yang Guo was forced by the King of the Golden Wheel to directly compete with his internal strength. If it weren't for the help of the little dragon girl Jade Fengzhen, he would probably have hatred on the spot.

Therefore, if the masters in the arena are not fully confident, they will never easily compete with others for internal strength. After all, competing for internal strength means that you give up all the advantages in other areas and can only hope to defeat the opponent with internal strength.

If Ouyang Feng hadn't underestimated the seven-star gathering of the Quanzhen Five Sons, taking advantage of the Tiangang Beidou formation was broken, he had countless ways to kill the Quanzhen Five Sons with his cultivation base, but it was a pity that he was dragged into the competition internally by the opponent without notice. With deep skill and toad skill in his hand, of course he wouldn't be afraid, but he couldn't tell the victory or defeat in a short time, so naturally there was no way to rescue Song Qingshu.

As for Qiu Qianren, he was also surrounded by several Tiangang Beidou formations at the same time.

Dai Qisi stomped her feet, picked up a long sword on the ground, and returned to Song Qingshu's side like a frightened figure with a little toe.

Recently, there is a plot stuck in the back, so I have not been able to speed up the progress. After the capture, the 12 chapters owed before will be completed as soon as possible.

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