Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 971: Go away

After all, as the head of the four kings of Mingjiao, Dai Qisi is far from comparable to Quanzhen Sect's three or four generations of disciples. Only a purple shadow flashed by, Quanzhen Sect disciples suddenly felt that there was a strange force on the sword. Come, stabbing to the side involuntarily.

Song Qingshu looked at the charming and incomparable woman next to her: "Didn't you leave? Why, can't you bear me?"

Daiqisi's face flushed: "Who can't bear you anymore, it's just that everyone is a companion after all, and can't bear to see you being chopped into a puddle of mud."

"I like Madam's arrogant attributes very much." Song Qingshu looked at her playfully.

"What is Tsundere?" Daiqisi was startled first, and then angrily said, "Besides, who wants you to like it?"

Hundreds of Taoists in the Chongyang official were all monks and monks. Suddenly, they were flirting and lingering softly. They were all embarrassed. The old were quite embarrassed, and the young were unavoidable. Everyone looked at each other, and some couldn't help blushing. Zhang Zhiguang shouted: "The Double Ninth Palace is a clean place, so you can say these indecent words here!"

Song Qingshu sneered coldly: "It's not only indecent words, I still have to do something indecent, what can you do to me?"

As soon as the voice fell, he opened his arms, took Dai Qisi's slender waist, and hugged her in his arms, and then kissed her hard in her stunned eyes.

Dai Qisi's mind suddenly went blank, and for a moment she forgot to struggle and let the other party kiss her blushing. The little dragon girl, who was hugged by Song Qingshu on the other side, looked at the two curiously. I don’t know why. The scene was a bit familiar. She couldn’t help thinking that in the inn that night, the master sister and Song Qingshu were by the bed in front of her. In the scene of Dianluan and phoenix, the originally pale cheeks suddenly became blush.

Pu Cha Qiucao was even more weird, thinking that he hadn't paid much attention to Tang Kuobian's husband before, but she didn't expect him to be such a bold person, even though she was very dissatisfied with Tang Kuobian's open hooking with women other than his wife. , But at this moment, she also had to admire the heroic spirit of the other party, and now she was in the siege, as if she had nothing to do with the heroes.

"If Big Brother Yang is holding me like this..." Pu Chaqiucao had certain images in his mind, and suddenly the deer collided and a girl's heart burst.


"Stopping the morals!"

"It's just outrageous!"


The Taoist priests of Quanzhen Sect in the main hall couldn't help being very angry, and they attacked again with their long swords.

There were so many people, the sword light flickered around, and there was almost no place to dodge. Dai Qisi's face turned pale, thinking that when her husband died, she didn't die with him, but today she is going to live and die with Song Qingshu instead.

She was holding her sword and was about to step forward to meet the enemy. As for how many swords she could hold, she had no time to think about it. Who knew that a strong force came from her waist, and she fell back into Song Qingshu's arms again, and he heard him in her ears. Faint voice: "Leave it to me next."

It turned out that Kung Fu Song Qingshu had barely controlled the injury of the little dragon girl at this moment, and saw that he was holding the little dragon girl with one hand, and freed the other hand to press into the void. The dozens of swords scattered on the ground before trembled, all true The Taoist priests also noticed the abnormality. Just as they were in a state of uncertainty, dozens of swords on the ground suddenly flew into the air. With Song Qingshu as the center, they began to spin rapidly, forming a dazzling sword curtain.

The Taoist priests who were close to him could not escape, and their skins and flesh were spattered and blood flowed, frightening them to retreat hurriedly. In the beginning, the sword curtain was just

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Dancing in the land of Song Qingshu three feet, as they retreat, the entire aperture range suddenly expanded to nearly ten feet.

Song Qingshu hugged the little dragon girl in this way, and took Dai Qisi and Pu Cha Qiucao to the outside of the main hall leisurely as if taking a walk, Quanzhen taught no one dared to come closer along the way.

Dai Qisi looked at the shimmering sword curtain around her, her red lips parted in surprise, is this really martial arts? No wonder even Mingzun was defeated by him! But at a young age, how did he develop this martial arts?

Don’t say Daiqisi, even the little dragon girl who has always been light and windy is looking around curiously, her eyes flickering, she thinks that she can barely control dozens of swords at the same time with the net power of heaven and earth, but the control range can only be within The whole body is only a few inches, and it must not be expanded to more than ten feet away.

Moreover, because she controls too many swords, the strength of each sword will inevitably be reduced a lot. As a result, the real master cannot break the defense. It is inevitable that she seems a little tricky, but the opponent's sword formation does not have this aspect at all. The problem with dozens of swords spinning around at high speed, anyone who dares to approach a little bit will be crushed into flesh immediately.

Pu Cha Qiucao's reaction was actually the coldest one. After all, she was a little numb by the magical martial arts that the other party showed one after another. In addition, she always thought that Song Qingshu was Tang Kuobian, and she treated Tang Kuobian with a wife like Tang Kuobian. Husband, it’s hard to have any other ideas—the only idea is to marvel at the eyes of Princess Gobi’s choice of son-in-law. You must know that Tang Kuobian has not always had a high sense of existence in the capital, who knows that he is so amazing. Yan's a character.

Seeing that the people in Song Qingshu saw others as nothing, they walked out in a swaggering manner, the Quanzhen disciples in the hall were all faceless, and Zhang Zhiguang's thoughts changed: There are so many of us around them, and one of them is still seriously injured. If they were to leave like this, what face would I have in the future to fight for the position of master?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhiguang shouted: "Don't be frightened by him. This sword curtain is just looking great. Let's rush up together. I don't believe he can control those swords!"

Many Quanzhen disciples agreed, but no one dared to really rush up. After all, the sharp voice whizzing past the sword curtain was clear and audible, and it was really not like a strong outsider.

Seeing that everyone was not moving, Zhang Zhiguang suddenly flashed in his mind and shouted: "Don't be afraid, everyone, let's throw the sword over!"

Tiangang Beidou Formation has trained similar cooperation. If it encounters a difficult enemy, sometimes it will shoot each other swords, and the person on the other side will receive the swords of the companions, and the enemy is likely to be forced into a mess, revealing flaws.

After being reminded by Zhang Zhiguang, all the Taoists awakened like a dream, raising the sword in their hands flat, and then using their other hand to hit the end of the hilt with internal force, and for a while, countless swords suddenly shot towards Song Qingshu in the middle.

Song Qingshu let out a cold snort, and the sword curtain surrounding his body suddenly accelerated a few minutes, and then there was a clanging sound in the hall. The long swords hit the sword curtain, as if water droplets hit the stone wall and suddenly scattered. Open.

For a while, sharp swords flew in the hall, all flying in irregular trajectories. Although Quanzhen disciples were trained to receive swords from each other, how could they catch this kind of swords that flew without trajectory?

The hall exclaimed again and again, it turned out that the group of roads were all injured by the flying swords, and almost no one could stand safe and sound.

Song Qingshu looked around. In the entire hall, except for Ouyang Feng on the other side who competed with the Seventh Quanzhen for internal strength, the surrounding area was really dense, plus the distance was really far away, and the long sword that flew past arrived.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Da Shi's strength has mostly disappeared, so I was shocked by their anger, and they all fell to the ground, and they did not affect them.

Qiu Qianren originally had some headaches in the Big Dipper formations, but these fast flying swords disrupted the opponent's formation. He took the opportunity to severely injured several opponents and broke the entire formation in one fell swoop.

Song Qingshu was also incomparably astonished. He didn't expect that the situation would reverse in an instant, and the entire Quanzhen Sect had basically lost its combat effectiveness.

Putting away the sword curtain, Song Qingshu stretched his feet hard, and the whole person instantly appeared in front of Zhang Zhiguang, condescendingly looking at the Taoist priest who was lying on the ground with two swords stuck in his body, and a witty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. : "Zhou Lang made a brilliant plan to settle the world, he lost his wife and broke down."

Zhang Zhiguang saw that because of his own bad idea, the entire Quanzhen Sect was likely to be destroyed here, he couldn't help but feel ashamed, and he couldn't help but get into the ground directly.

Who knows that Song Qingshu suddenly raised his voice at this time: "Thank you for your help, so that we can subdue your teacher up and down without any effort, this commander will never forget this credit."

"Zhang Zhiguang, you beast!"

"Traitors who eat inside and out!"

"The dog thief who deceived the master and destroyed the ancestor!"

"Despicable and shameless traitor!"


Hearing Song Qingshu's words, the Taoist priests in the main hall glared at Zhang Zhiguang and yelled.

Zhang Zhiguang almost wanted to cry without tears. He had the intention to explain but didn't know how to speak. After all, the facts were defeated, and he would not believe it if it was him. But this black pot is too big, he can't remember it, even if others don't believe him, he has to explain it.

But when he was about to speak, Song Qingshu's voice rang in his ears again: "I can make you the next Quanzhen Master, but it depends on your knowledge."

Zhang Zhiguang was in a daze. The other party was standing three feet away without moving his lips. Why did he hear his voice? However, after all, he was an outstanding figure among the three generations of Quanzhen Sect disciples, and he was considered well-informed, and he quickly remembered the fascinating knowledge of Wu Lin Zhong Yin to enter the secret.

In addition to the shock, Zhang Zhiguang's mind turned rapidly. Now that the opponent controls the audience, it is a foregone conclusion. No matter how he resists, it will not help. It is better to obey the opponent. After all, the opponent cannot be in charge of the Quanzhen Sect. He needs a spokesperson for interests. You can use this opportunity to get the coveted position of master.

Seeing Zhang Zhiguang's face changed, and there was no explanation at all, Song Qingshu knew that he had already moved.

The reason why Song Qingshu forced Zhang Zhiguang to oppose the entire Quanzhen Sect was to make him have nowhere to go, so he could only hold his thighs tightly to continue to sit firmly. Otherwise, if you choose a person who is deep in the heart of teaching everyone to be the head teacher, in case the other side has any other thoughts, it will not be easy for the Quanzhenist force to want to take it back again.

"Brother Feng, Brother Qiu, I'll leave it to you here. You help Dao Chang Zhang clear up the mess, I will go down the mountain first." Compared to Quanzhen Sect, Song Qingshu is more concerned about the life and death of Little Dragon Girl and is eager to find a place to heal her.

Ouyang Feng was trying his best to answer the question. Qiu Qianren smiled and said: "Marshal, please rest assured, leave it to us here."

Song Qingshu was about to leave, but the little dragon girl in her arms struggled to raise her head, her eyes slowly sweeping away from the palace, and she whispered, "Wait, where is Yin Zhiping?"


Alas, on the highest level of death, Qixi and his wife quarreled

(End of this chapter)


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