Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 973: Legend of Martial Arts

\\t Ouyang Feng was very impressed with the martial arts shown by the opponent just now, because he had experienced it personally more than once.

\\t "But that person is obviously dead..." Ouyang Feng looked at the other party in amazement, and suddenly became a little puzzled.

\\tSong Qingshu's expression finally became solemn, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Feng, how are you doing now?"

\\tOuyang Feng shook his head slightly, gritted his teeth and finally squeezed out a few words: "Not so good..."

\\t is not only not so good, he can even feel the true qi in his body venting wildly. If he hadn't practiced the Jiuyin Scriptures in these years and moved acupuncture points in a hurry, I'm afraid that the other person’s finger would have broken his count Ten years of hard work.

\\t "One yang finger!"

Ouyang Feng was beaten by Wang Chongyang with a yang finger back then. After years of hard training, how could he fail to recognize this skill? The person in front of him is obviously not Master Yideng, nor the monks of Tianlong Temple in Dali, and whether it is Master Yideng or Zen Master Ku Rong with the highest rank of Yiyang Temple in Tianlong Temple, it is impossible to hit him severely with one move, then this Who is the person, eliminating all the impossible, the answer is ready to come out.

\\t"Although Mr. Ouyang is known as "Western Drugs" in the arena, but his behavior is not in vain for a generation of masters, he was originally a very good character, why now he is willing to degenerate and become the eagle dog of the Jin Guo Tartar. "The white-robed old man said in a deep voice.

\\t Ouyang Feng’s face was hot, and his true qi in his body turned into a pot of porridge. He couldn’t speak for a while. Song Qingshu asked, “Who is your Excellency and why are you an enemy?” Because the other party has a righteous name. No matter how to speak for Ouyang Feng, it would be better to just change the topic.

\\tThe old man in the white robe snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I hate Jin Guo Tartar the most in my life."

\\t Song Qingshu's breath was suffocated, and his belly was immediately sullied. People are thinking about Cao Ying and being in Han, oh, no, it's being in Cao Ying and being in Han.

\\t Of course, the reason cannot be explained to outsiders, and Song Qingshu is unwilling to explain it.

\\tThe white-robed old man looked at him up and down: "Looking at you, you should be a high official of the Kingdom of Jin."

\\t "Thanks for the award, I am now the Jin Kingdom Shangshu Order and the Marshal of the Capital." Song Qingshu thought that since he is going to act

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), that play must be done enough, and the momentum must not be weakened. \\t

The white-robed old man couldn't help but stunned, and said angrily: "The kid is really eloquent, thinking that the old man is a mountain villager. Is it so easy to deceive?"

He regarded Jin Guo as a foe throughout his life, and he naturally understood Jin Guo's bureaucracy. Shang Shuling is the political leader of the Kingdom of Jin Dynasty, and Marshal Du is the leader of the military. No matter which one he is, he is the most noble and respected person in the Kingdom of Jin. Although the person in front of him has a big beard, he can see that he is old. If you don't go anywhere, how can you hold such a key position, let alone serve as a military and political leader at the same time, wouldn't it be that the emperor is emptied?

Song Qingshu said indifferently: "Although your Excellency is not a mountain villager, it seems that the information is not very well informed."

The white-robed old man was taken aback and saw that no one of the golden men walking with him showed a strange look. He was surprised and happy, and then laughed loudly: "It's really hard to find any place to break through the iron shoes! The old man confronted him. Although there are occasional results in the Golden Kingdom for a lifetime, it will not help the overall situation in general. I did not expect that half of the body was buried in the soil and caught such a big fish!"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I'm afraid that your Excellency will catch a shark and trap yourself in it."

The white-robed old man snorted: "I'll come and learn whether your hand is good at your mouth."

Song Qingshu showed an embarrassed expression, and put her arms around Dai Qisi: "I can only deal with women when I use my mouth. Will I deal with men, or is it better for her."

Most of the people in the temple were cultivators, and no one heard the subtext in his words for a while, but even so, Dai Qisi was almost ashamed and angry, and couldn't help glaring at him fiercely.

The old man in the white robe didn't understand either. When he was impatient, his eyes fell on the little dragon girl in Song Qingshu's arms, and he couldn't help showing a look of doubt: "How can the descendants of the ancient tomb school get together with the golden man Danzi? Up?"

Although he didn't know the little dragon girl, he still recognized the other party's method of breathing luck at a glance. It was the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" undoubtedly, and his face was a bit ugly for a while.

How graceful Lin Chaoying was back then, how could her descendants befriend the Jinren?

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I just met Dragon Girl just by the water. Just now I saw the stinky ways of Quanzhen Teaching.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Shifu's disciples rushed forward, bullying her a weak woman more and less, and then he rescued her. "

The white-robed old man took a close look at Xiaolongnv and nodded: "Yes, she is indeed hurt by Quanzhen martial arts." Immediately, he looked back at Quanzhen Wuzi: "What he said is true, you people. I hurt that girl when I swarmed up?"

The five sons of Quanzhen looked at each other and all showed shame. Liu Chuxuan replied: "Return to seniors, we made a heavy hand against Dragon Girl because of a misunderstanding. We are really sorry for Dragon Girl."

The white-robed old man wondered: "Speaking of which, you are also her elders. To deal with a little girl, you need the five of you to work together? Do you need other disciples to help?"

Hearing the strange meaning in his tone, Liu Chuxuan didn't think much about it, and subconsciously replied: "Dragon Girl is capable of swordsmanship and fights alone. We are far from her opponents." At the same time, he showed a sense of shame.

The white-robed old man murmured to himself: "Lin Chaoying's descendant is so powerful?" His tone seemed to be full of annoyance and unwillingness.

This word fell in the ears of Quanzhen's five sons, and he suddenly felt ashamed of his master, and was ashamed for a while.

"Do you know Grand Master Grandma?" Xiaolongnv asked weakly with her eyes wide open.

"It's more than just acquaintance." The white-robed old man sighed and quickly recovered. After all, this trip is important. He looked back at Song Qingshu, frowned and said, "You are not going to hold this little girl and fight me. Right?"

Knowing his martial arts skills, Song Qingshu didn't dare to entrust him, so he hurriedly handed the little dragon girl to Dai Qisi, and said to her and Pu Cha Qiucao, "Help me take good care of her."

When the two women took the little dragon girl to one side, Song Qingshu began to concentrate on looking at the white-robed old man and got up. The other side stood there casually, as if blending with the heaven and the earth, and he was secretly startled.

At this moment, Kung Fu Ouyang Feng finally straightened out the chaotic qi in his body, and was able to remind him: "Be careful, brother, he is..."

Ouyang Feng suddenly stopped speaking. It turned out that he suddenly realized that if he had said the name of the person, it might have affected Song Qingshu's psychology of the decisive battle. After all, the name of the person was really too loud, and it has become a legend in the world. , Whoever runs into him will be a three-pointer short in momentum.

(End of this chapter)


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