Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 974: First move flag

Ouyang Feng stopped talking, and aroused the interest of everyone in the palace. Not to mention that Jin Guo and his party, even the Quanzhen Sect, were very curious about the identity of the person, but it was a pity that he didn't say half of it. Wait angrily and anxiously.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Brother Feng, you don't have to say that I probably know who he is. Don't worry, it's still uncertain who wins and loses in this battle."

T can hit Ouyang Feng severely with one move, looking at the entire martial arts, even Zhang Sanfeng may not be able to do it, the only possibility is that the opponent's martial arts just restrained Ouyang Feng.

t Ouyang Feng’s toad skill is very magical, but the only drawback is that he has accumulated too long, so he was restrained by a yang finger to a certain extent. This is the saying of "Nanhuo Kexijin" circulated in the martial arts, but a master of one lamp Between Xiu base and Ouyang Feng but no one else, even if martial arts fight against each other, it is absolutely impossible to hurt Ouyang Feng with one move. As for the other masters of Yiyang Zhi, the highest level of cultivation is in Tianlong Temple, and Song Qingshu wanted to steal "Six Meridian Sword" sword classics, fought with the group of monks in Tianlong Temple, the cultivation of those people is clear, no one has the ability to hurt Ouyang Feng.

Once again, it means that martial arts is far above Ouyang Feng. The whole arena is counted and counted, and there is only one person, that is, the supernatural power Wang Chongyang, the first of the five uniques.

Although there are rumors that he was dead a long time ago, the world of 14 golden books can be integrated, and Song Qingshu will not be surprised if anything happens.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Ouyang Feng was taken aback, and then nodded: "Yes, my current cultivation base may not be lost to him."

The white-robed old man suddenly became interested, he laughed and said, "I thought you would only speak up at a young age, but since Mr. Ouyang also said the same, you must have extraordinary martial arts, I would like to see it. , You are a junior in martial arts, the old man will let you three tricks first."

Qiu Chuji hurriedly reminded: "Predecessors, be careful, this man's martial arts is really unseen in our lives, and his volley sword technique is really unpredictable!" Song Qingshu had controlled dozens of swords in hundreds of Taoist priests before. Coming and going freely in the encirclement, the impression left on them was really shocking.

The white-robed old man didn't care, put his hands behind him, and said proudly: "That old man really wants to see."

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Song Qingshu is not happy because he can make the move first, but is slanderous. He has read so many novels and film and television works in his previous life. Anyone who makes the move first, even if the move is gorgeous, is just a foil. It's just another person, this flag is really unreliable.

However, he quickly distinguished between the reality and the illusory world. Since he was asked to make the move first, the advantage should not be taken for nothing.

"In that case, I'm not welcome."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and raised it into the void. The three-handed sword that fell on the ground suddenly flew into the air, the tip of the sword trembling slightly at the white-robed old man, and the sound of dragons groaned continuously.

Sure enough, the white-robed old man was a little moved. There are no masters of swordsmanship in the world, but it seems that he has never seen such a sword in the air.

"I don't take advantage of you. There are three swords here, even if I made three moves." Song Qingshu just reached out and pressed it. The three long-armed long swords looked like three shooting stars flying towards the white-robed old man. Shot away.

"Senior, be careful!"

The five Quanzhen sons exclaimed in unison. The power of this trick made them feel palpitated from the side. They knew that if they and the white-robed old man moved in a different place, they might not even be able to move under this powerful pressure. The terrifying aura from this sword sound, not to mention a flesh and blood body, even if the Sanqing statue in the hall was hit frontally, it would probably be turned into powder.

Dai Qisi's expression is complicated. The hand that Song Qingshu showed is too amazing. She has a special status. She has seen countless masters over the years, but the only people who can barely compare with him are Yang Dingtian and Zhang Wuji, and Persia. Huo Shan, the old man in the mountain, as for the Treasure Tree King and the Three Envoys, I am afraid that he would not even be worthy to carry shoes for him.

Pu Cha Qiucao was completely overwhelmed by Song Qingshu today, thinking that fortunately his brother was not here, otherwise he saw this scene, and then thinks that he has been the number one master of the Kingdom of Jin for all these years, and he can't find a seam to get in? Tang Kuo argued that this man's city palace was really deep enough, and he kept a low profile for so many years, but the result was nothing but a blockbuster.

Xiaolongnv's mind is much simpler. She is seriously injured, and her beautiful eyes are half-open and half-closed. It's just that this battle is related to the savior, so she started to watch the battle, but she turned her gaze more.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) When the white-robed old man was puzzled, he was puzzled: "This man's figure is so familiar. I should have seen it somewhere, but why can't I remember."

"Good job!"

The white-robed old man made a leisurely comment, before reaching out, his sleeves were rolled up in front of him, and the three menacing long swords seemed to be manipulated by an irresistible force, and they all retracted into his sleeves.


There were a few crisp noises. It turned out to be the sound of the old white robe shaking his sleeves and the three long swords falling to the ground.

Everyone looked at the three long swords, and saw that the few swords that had been shining before were now dim, all twisted lying on the ground quietly like twists, and they couldn't help but exclaim.

Daiqisi can't help looking at Song Qingshu's back with worry, and the other party easily took this trick. He is afraid today...

Pu Cha Qiucao also frowned slightly, thinking that there are so many masters in the Central Plains martial arts, Tang Kuo's martial arts is so high, the other side actually has an unfathomable master that can be matched, in case Tang Kuo's debate is unfavorable, we can only rely on Three thousand elite soldiers rushed in, no matter what the master, he would be chopped into meat sauce.

On the contrary, it is the little dragon girl Gujing who does not wave. In her opinion, life and death are irrelevant. Moreover, whoever wins or loses between these two people is not a mistake.

Song Qingshu didn't show too much unexpected expression. If he guessed right, the other party was really that person, and of course this trick wouldn't hurt him.

The white-robed old man said loudly: "Boy, your swordsmanship can be called a superb skill, but it's a pity that there are too many tricks."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "That just ran into your Excellency. Looking at the whole arena, the trick just now is enough to deal with most people."

The white-robed old man pondered for a moment, and nodded slightly: "Yes, there are really not many people in the whole rivers and lakes who can take this trick from you just now."

Song Qingshu replied: "Your Excellency has already let me, now you are welcome."

The white-robed old man smiled slightly: "Okay, since you just made three swords, the old man will give you three fingers." As he stretched out his fingers and tapped three times in space, three bursts of strong, irresistible currents surge To Song Qing wrote the door.

(End of this chapter)

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