Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 975: Wang Chongyang's true strength

t Sanqing Hall, due to a war and the flying of long swords, a hole broke in the roof of the main hall. At this time, the wind blew outside, and several leaves fell from the roof, which happened to hit the white-robed old man and shot it. The power of the fingers instantly turned into powder.

Therefore, although everyone in the temple can't see the shape and trajectory of his finger force, it is enough to know the lethality geometry of this finger force through this moment.

t "One yang finger?"

Song Qingshu quickly recognized the martial arts used by the other party. Yiyang pointed out that this type of martial arts is mainly to seal people's acupoints. The techniques are magical and non-ordinary people can untie it. It can be used to tap acupuncture points at high and deep places and hurt the enemy invisible. For those who are advanced and deep, the power of the finger is dedicated to breaking the true energy of the enemy's inner family.

In fact, this is also very easy to understand. For the same magnitude of force, is the force area that is swiped by a palm or the force area that is pointed by a finger is large? The concept of pressure is already available in junior high school physics.

Master palms in the arena can often slash palm power, but when encountering finger-strength masters with equivalent skill, they often suffer a bit, because as long as the palm wind is pierced by a small hole by the finger force, no matter how powerful the palm wind is, it will Immediately fall apart. Of course, if it weren’t for the physical attack in the air, the effect of close combat would be greatly reduced. After all, **** are much more fragile than the palm of the hand. Even if the fingers can pierce the palm of the opponent, your fingers will also be palmed. Force to break.

Song Qingshu understood this truth, so he was not so stupid as to use his body protector's true energy, nor did he use Jianglong's eighteen palms. Instead, he stretched out his fist and blasted the opponent's fingers with one punch.

Everyone in the hall saw a faint layer of crystal light flowing on Song Qingshu’s fist, followed by a loud bang, and the vigor spread out, forming a strong whirlwind in the hall, and many Quanzhen disciples with insufficient skill were even caught I can't open my eyes.

Song Qingshu had to thank the junior high school physics teacher. Since the palm wind is easily broken by the force of the finger, he will use a heavier fist wind to attack. Compared with the palm wind, the thick fist is not so easy to be penetrated.

The white-robed old man condensed his eyes and looked at him tightly: "Da Fu Moquan? Why do you know the martial arts of "Nine Yin Zhenjing"?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback, knowing that his martial arts has reached the current level, and he rarely uses ready-made moves for all moves. They all follow his heart and make corresponding changes according to the actual situation.

Just now his punches were combined with the punches in Wudang, Emei, and even the eighteen palms of Jianglong. Even the disciples of Wudang and Emei were hard to recognize, because they did it.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) After the change, the moves are specious and will not be the same as any of their martial arts.

Of course, if the old man in the white robe recognizes his move from Wudang Emei, Song Qingshu is not surprised at all. After all, it is difficult to hide from the real top master, but the other party actually recognized him as a big Fumoquan at a glance!

And the essence of his fist just now was based on the intent of the Da Fu Mo Fist. If the fists of Emei, Wudang, and Beggar Gang are skin-like, then the Da Fu Mo Fist is the soul of the punch he just took, but he only took it. The meaning did not take its shape, and I didn't expect it to be recognized by the other party.

"I don't understand the "Nine Yin Scriptures"." Song Qingshu's identity is sensitive at this time, so naturally he doesn't want to reveal too many secrets, so he can only ask questions and don't know.

The white-robed old man snorted coldly: "Originally, I saw you in your cultivation, and I also appreciated it, but as a golden man, you actually learned the supreme mastery of the Han people. It seems you can't forgive you."

Song Qingshu didn't mind, as he learned the rough tone of the gold man and said, "If you want to fight, there is so much nonsense."

Ouyang Feng frowned, and hurriedly stepped forward: "I'll help you, Brother Qiu, come with you too."

Originally, with Ouyang Feng's reputation and status in the martial arts, he generally respected his identity, and would never make more deceptions, but the man in front of him was the number one Chinese supernatural power king Chongyang!

At that time, Huashan talked about the sword, the Eastern Evil, the Western Poison, and the Southern Emperor Bei Biao Zhong’s supernatural powers fought for seven days and seven nights on the top of Huashan Mountain. In the end, the remaining four masters were tied, and Wang Chongyang was recognized as the first.

Later, there were ignorant people in the arena that Wang Chongyang needed seven days and nights to subdue the other four people. They all speculated that even if Wang Chongyang's martial arts were higher than the other four, it was only because of the advantage of his age, and his height was limited.

But they didn't know that the martial arts of the Eastern Evil, the Western Poison and the Southern Emperor Beigai were among the first and second. Even if any two of them fought for three days and three nights, they would not be able to tell the outcome, let alone convince one of them to the other?

Wang Chongyang only took seven days and seven nights to convince everyone. How big is the gap between the two sides?

What's more, there were a total of ten competitions at the top of Mount Huashan. Except for the four competitions in which Wang Chongyang participated, which ended relatively quickly, the remaining six competitions between four contests were really dim and there was no victory or defeat. In the end, he was exhausted before he stopped.

Therefore, it took Wang Chongyang at most one day to convince the other four at the same time.

But these ways

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Li Ouyang Feng also figured it out later, after all, Wang Chongyang, the top of Mount Huashan, did not show his full strength in front of them, giving them an illusion that they might surpass him.

A few years ago, when Ouyang Feng saw Hong Qigong, the other party’s words clearly revealed that Wang Chongyang won the first place because he failed to practice the eighteen palms of the dragon and the dog-sticking method. Not yet known.

Ouyang Feng sneered secretly in his heart. In fact, he had the same idea at the beginning. Later, he painstakingly researched a set of Spirit Snake Boxing at Baituo Mountain Villa to prepare for the second Huashan Lunjian to win the championship. It is a pity that all these illusions were later on the Chongyang Palace. The time is shattered.

When news of Wang Chongyang’s death came out, Ouyang Feng hurried to the Chongyang Palace in order to capture the "Nine Yin Scriptures". The Seven Quanzhen Sons and Zhou Botong and others were not his opponents. He quickly grabbed Wang Chongyang’s coffin. When trying to seize the secret book of "Nine Yin Scriptures" in the hands of the other party, the other party suddenly broke out into trouble. As a result, he was instantly restrained by Wang Chongyang, and the other party used a yang finger to break a toad power.

Jianghu said it was because he didn't expect Wang Chongyang to die, and was hit by the opponent, but who is Ouyang Feng?

The dignified western drug has dominated the underworld for many years. What conspiracy and tricks have not been seen?

At that time, Ouyang Feng had guessed that there was a possibility of fraud, but it was not enough to resist the greed in his heart, and it should not be difficult to protect himself in martial arts, so he finally took the risk of going to the Chongyang Palace. When he arrived at Wang Chongyang's coffin, it could be said that he was fully on guard, but unfortunately he still had no strength to fight back in front of Wang Chongyang.

At that moment, the martial arts that Wang Chongyang showed was far from what Huashan did when he talked about the sword. Only then did Ouyang Feng realize how terrifying Wang Chongyang was when he tried his best. Fortunately, Wang Chongyang Nian was having a relationship with him at the time, and he did not take his life. He was only able to save his life by breaking his toad power.

Because this matter was too disgraceful, Ouyang Feng never explained it to anyone, letting the popular views prevail in the arena.

When he heard that Hong Qigong actually thought that he could surpass the former Wang Chongyang, Ouyang Feng's cold eyes were full of pity and contempt. The most fortunate thing in these years is that Wang Chongyang died early.

But who knew that he had come back from the dead now!

Although Ouyang Feng has practiced the Jiuyin Scriptures in these years, martial arts is no longer what it used to be, but when he thought of the fear of being dominated by Wang Chongyang, Ouyang Feng could not hesitate to face, and offered to join forces with Song Qingshu and Qiu Qianren to confront the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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