Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 976: Kai Wushuang

Qiu Qianren knew that Ouyang Feng had always been arrogant. Seeing that he actually offered to confront the enemy together, he was suddenly surprised, but he still chose to trust the other party’s judgment and cooperated with Ouyang Feng to step forward, forming a horn with Song Qingshu, faintly Wang Chongyang surrounded the middle.

Wang Chongyang glanced at him and said coldly: "Shangguan Jiannan, the former gang leader of the Iron Palm Gang, is such a heroic hero. He has fought all his life to resist the Golden Man, but his successor has become a running dog of the Golden Man! No matter what, just drop by today. Clean up the door for Shangguan Jiannan."

After all, Qiu Qianren was also a clan family, and he was furious when he heard that, "I'm not afraid that the wind will flash his tongue!"

Wang Chongyang snorted coldly and fell into Qiu Qianren's ears, making his heart shook. Qiu Qianren only felt that there was a flower in front of him. The other party had already appeared in front of him, and he had no time to react. ≮≮≮, ≦.↑≈.︾

"Your opponent is me, why look for someone else to be unlucky."

Song Qingshu appeared in the middle of the two men at the very moment of his life, fending off Wang Chongyang's attack, pulling Qiu Qianren back several feet.

"Huh?" Wang Chongyang did not catch up, but looked at Song Qingshu in surprise, "I thought your martial arts were enough to surprise me, who knows that your light work is better."

"Your light work is not bad." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and pushed Qiu Qianren next to Ouyang Feng with a soft force in his palm, "It's good for two of you to watch the battle. I will deal with this person."

Only then did Qiu Qianren react, recalling everything that had happened between the sparks and the fire just now, his face couldn't help being pale. The white-robed old man didn't know who was sacred, and the moment of coercion made him unable to move.

However, there was also a factor for him to underestimate the enemy just now, and then let him face the opponent. Although it is estimated that he will lose in the end, it will not be as ugly as before. Of course, if he has a choice, he will never face that person again.

"Brother, you..." Ouyang Feng hesitated to speak, apparently a little bit optimistic about Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu shook his head and said, "Brother Feng can rest assured, I know who he is, and I will be careful."

There was a look of surprise in Ouyang Feng’s eyes. Before, he was worried that Song Qingshu had heard of Wang Chongyang’s name before he was timid, but now he sees no mood swings on his body, and he is so confident in the face of Wang Chongyang. .

Ouyang Feng knew that Song Qingshu was not the kind of arrogant person. Since he said so, he must be certain in his heart. It seems that there must be a battle this time.

For a while, Ouyang Feng couldn't help but become curious. Since the last time Shenlong Island passed, he has never seen Song Qingshu exert all his strength. Maybe he can find out this time.

Wang Chongyang said strangely: "The kid is really confident."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Young people, just bold."

Wang Chongyang nodded: "Yes, in fact, you are quite temperamental to me, but it's a pity that you are a golden man, and you have the ability to shock the world. If you stay in the world, it will be a great disaster for thousands of Han people. , So I will never keep my hand next, you have to be careful."

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and inhaled, and there was an extra long sword in his hand. To deal with a master of this level, it would be unwise to waste any effort to control the flying sword, and every bit of strength must be cherished.

"I haven't used a sword for many years," Wang Chongyang pulled out a long sword inserted on a nearby pillar, and looked at the word Chongyang carved on the sword, his eyes full of memories, "but yours Martial arts are very powerful. If I don’t use a sword, I’m afraid it’s hard to kill you.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Should I be proud or regret it."

Wang Chongyang said proudly: "If you can force me to draw a sword, there are only a few people in the world. Of course you are proud of your young age."

Song Qingshu replied: "If I can force me to shoot with all my strength, there are only a handful of people in the world. Your Excellency is proud enough."

Wang Chongyang was startled slightly, and then laughed loudly: "Interesting, really interesting, look at the trick!"

Halfway through his laughter, Wang Chongyang had already swung his sword towards Song Qingshu. If it is an ordinary contest, he will never attack like this as he is, but it is a pity that this contest is related to the dispute between Jin and Han. He hates Jin Ren the most in his life, and Song Qingshu's martial arts performance is even better than the four martial arts of the year. At a high level, he doesn't care about his personal reputation for the sake of the idea in his heart.

Although Song Qingshu had been talking to him, he didn't relax for a moment. When he saw him with a sword, he hurriedly swung his sword to greet him. In the blink of an eye, the two of you came and attacked me.

The five sons of Quanzhen looked at each other, and Liu Chuxuan said hesitantly: "Brother, the swordsmanship of this predecessor seems to have the shadow of Quanzhen swordsmanship."

Qiu Chuji was also carefully observing the two men's moves. Quanzhen's five sons counted his highest cultivation level. After watching for a while, he shook his head and said: "This senior's swordsmanship is somewhat familiar, but when you look closely, there is no one. The trick is the same as our Quanzhen swordsmanship. His move just now seems to contain Shaolin and Kunlun techniques. The next move..."

Having said this, he suddenly realized that he didn’t know how to continue, because the two people in the field changed their moves too quickly. Often the first move was changed to the second move at the beginning. On the surface, it seemed that there was only time to make one move, but two. People have changed a dozen swordsmanship one after another.

Qiu Chuji was able to keep up at first, but after seeing the three tricks, he became confused. He didn't know why he used that trick. In his opinion, that trick was pointed to the empty space inexplicably, but the other person was like that. Facing the enemy, he hurriedly changed a few tricks to deal with it. After Qiu Chuji finally figured out the mystery, the two of them had already fought dozens of moves in the field. He had to give up thinking about the profound meaning of the two moves, and could only watch the excitement like a villager in the wilderness. That's it.

Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren's martial arts are far above the Quanzhen Five Sons. They can keep up with the battle. In the audience, Wang Chongyang and Song Qingshu are going to come and go. Although every move seems ordinary, they are all There are some common moves in the arena, but when you look closely, they are slightly different. Sometimes you change the angle and sometimes slow down. Those common moves actually have a return to innocence effect, which makes them dazzled.

The two asked themselves about changing places, and absolutely couldn't find a better way to deal with it. After fighting for dozens of moves, Qiu Qianren gradually fell out of rhythm.

The three women next to each other are also staring at the battle. Their martial arts skills are not as good as Qiu Qianren, so they can't tell the subtleties of the two sides' moves. You can only judge who has the more advantage and who has the more attack. .

Although Pu Cha Qiucao didn't like to change Tang Kuobian, the two of them worked for the Jin Dynasty court after all, so she naturally supported Song Qingshu.

Although Xiaolongnv’s personality is inconsistent with the world, Song Qingshu has just saved her, and she has never liked the people of Quanzhen Sect, so she quietly cheered Song Qingshu, but she was seriously injured, and the two of them fought each other. Dodged and quickly, she felt dizzy and dizzy after only looking for a while, feeling upset and vomiting, so she closed her eyes and leaned her head on Daiqisi's shoulder.

Daiqisi is holding the soft and boneless body of Xiaolongnv. Even though she is a woman, she can't help but feel a sway in her heart. It's no wonder that Song is desperate to save her. Which man like this woman will not be moved?

Although her skill is not as good as Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, she is also a Mingjiao saint, the first of the four great Dharma kings, and she can see who has the advantage only by observing.

At the beginning, the white-robed old man advanced in attack. Song Qingshu often had to defend seven or eight moves before he could make one or two moves. However, although he was at a disadvantage, his position was not in the slightest. After a while, Song Qingshu gradually paid three of his ten moves. Four strokes, and dozens of strokes were fought, but six of the ten strokes were all attacking by Song, but the white-robed old man was gradually on the defensive.

Ouyang Feng also looked weird, thinking that Wang Chongyang's servant might be smashed today. He is no better than Song Qingshu, and he must compare his swordsmanship with Song Qingshu.

Ever since Ouyang Feng knew Song Qingshu, he had never seen anyone who surpassed him in swordsmanship!

Wang Chongyang apparently also noticed his own disadvantages. After a few quick moves, he took the opportunity to jump out of the circle, staring at him in a daze, "You are from the Five Mountains Sword Sect? No, no one in the Five Mountains Sword Sect has this kind of skill in swordsmanship. , Um, have you ever seen Dugu seeking defeat?"

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, how could he listen to what he meant? It seemed to be the same as Dugu Qiufei?

"Xia Xia had a chance to visit Senior Dugu's sword grave." Song Qingshu replied.

Wang Chongyang was immediately relieved: "No wonder you have the sword intent of Dugu seeking defeat in your sword moves."

Song Qingshu couldn't help remembering that when he traveled the world and tried to use the advantage of the traversers to search for the legendary Musashi, the sword tomb of Dugu was one of them. It is a pity that the black iron heavy sword has been taken away by Yang Guo when he went, so as not to be empty-handed. And back, he took away the wooden sword in the sword mound. At that time, he was still very upset and felt that there was nothing to gain, but later his cultivation level gradually increased. In retrospect, he realized that the biggest treasure in the sword mound was not the **** sculpture, nor was it a mysterious iron epee, but Dugu Qiuqiu was carved on the cliff. Those words on:

"For more than 30 years,

Killing all enemies and traitors, defeating all heroes and heroes, the world is even more helpless, helpless, but secluded in the deep valley, with eagles as friends.

Woohoo, I want a rival in my life to be unavailable, so loneliness is embarrassing! "

Sword Demon Dugu Seeks to Defeat

Those with insufficient skill can only read from these words the life of Dugu seeking defeat, madly dragging and blasting the sky, even those with enough skill and insufficient swordsmanship can't see anything, but when Song Qingshu's cultivation base has risen, his understanding of swordsmanship When it was time to return to the original state, I recalled the words on the cliff, but all I saw were the sword intent left by Dugu's defeat.

"Since you have obtained the true legend of the sword intent of Dugu Qiufei, I am no longer your opponent for the simple sword," Wang Chongyang admitted frankly, "but you have to be careful about this next move."

I saw him stepping on the seven stars and turning around Song Qingshu with an extremely mysterious pace. Everyone in the hall felt that there was a flower in front of them, and they suddenly found him in the form of seven figures, faintly surrounding Song Qingshu in the middle.

"Tiangang Beidou formation! It's Master's Tiangang Beidou formation!" Qiu Chuji's expression suddenly became extremely excited, and the five sons of Quanzhen burst into tears.

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