Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 977: Lao Wang and Lao Song next door

Before, because Wang Chongyang deliberately hid his identity, and the five sons of Quanzhen thought that the teacher and immortal had passed away for a long time, they didn’t think about that. But now, Wang Chongyang is forced to reveal his original skill by Song Qingshu, and they can’t recognize it anymore. She was blind.

However, they didn't speak loudly. First, they were worried that it would affect Master's competition. Secondly, since Master died fraudulently back then, it shows that there must be a reason. If the resurrection is spread out, it may affect Master's major events.

Thinking of the master's supernatural power, the five Quanzhen sons all refreshed. Knowing that he is there, no matter how high the martial arts of the invading enemy is, they can only come back.

Knowing that Master had a rare opportunity to make a move, the five Quan Zhen sons gathered up their minds to observe the start of the battle, only to learn one and a half tricks to benefit infinitely. △∷△∷△∷Bar, .※@.@

Wang Chongyang’s footwork is extremely mysterious and very different from the ordinary Tiangang Beidou formation. At first, Qiu Chuji and others thought that this was a new formation that Master later developed, but after thinking about it, they came to understand that Tiangang Beidou formation requires seven people to operate. , If the master still follows the usual footwork, how can he use the power of one person to display the Tiangang Beidou formation?

Seeing Wang Chongyang's figure interspersed, a person turned into seven people. Song Qingshu, who had always raised his hands and feet before, was suddenly embarrassed. The five sons of Quanzhen were deeply impressed: there is only such a stunning and stunning master as the master. Only by one person can the power of the Tiangang Beidou formation reach this level.

It is necessary to know that even if the seven people work together, even if they have a tacit understanding, it is far less than a single person. This is why Yang Guo's combination of two swords is not as good as Xiaolongnv's ability to fight each other alone.

Of course, there are gains and losses. The little dragon girl uses the Jade Girl Suxin Swordsmanship. Although the moves are faster and more subtle, but the power is not as powerful as when she combined with Yang Guo's double swords.

Wang Chongyang used the Tiangang Beidou formation by himself, and the tacit understanding of the formation cooperation was far better than that of the seven team members, but the power of the moves was definitely not as powerful as the seven Wang Chongyang team members.

But the law of heaven, it is never that whoever has greater brute force can win the final victory, the bison is far better than the liger, but unfortunately it can only be reduced to the liger's dish.

The same is true for martial arts, so the internal strength of the little dragon girl is far inferior to the Jinlun Fawang, Xiaoxiangzi, Nimoxing and others, but under the combination of the two swords, they beat the other party in embarrassment.

Although Wang Chongyang used the Tiangang Beidou formation alone, although his moves were not as powerful as the seven Wang Chongyang teaming up, in the eyes of the enemy, it was not necessarily better than the seven Wang Chongyang teaming up.

Song Qingshu can be described as miserable at this time. He just fought several swords in "Tianquan", "Yuheng" and Wang Chongyang. The next moment Wang Chongyang appeared on both sides of "Tianji Kaiyang" and sent his palm flanks, and Song Qingshu descended on the dragon. Eighteen palms blocked the opponent's palm strength, and felt the palms numb, and then two more Wang Chongyang swung his swords in the back of "Shake Light" and "Sky Jade", Quanzhen Swordsmanship was used by the five sons of Quanzhen to feel The power is mediocre, but it is used in Wang Chongyang's hands for subtle changes. The two swords are connected and the power is extremely powerful. Song Qingshu has just connected a number of tricks, and the true energy in the body is really not working smoothly. How dare you to harden it!

Song Qingshu hurriedly flashed his figure, relying on the "Nine Yin Scriptures" in the light of the snake and the raccoon to turn around in the formation. It's a pity that Wang Chongyang personally used the Tiangang Beidou formation, how easy it was to get him out of trouble, no matter how Song Qingshu flew up and down, he was always firmly surrounded by the formation.

Everyone in the hall has never seen such masters fighting so vigorously. Not only is Quanzhen disciple out of breath, even Ouyang Feng is so pale with martial arts.

In fact, Ouyang Feng is also very strange in his heart. After practicing Jiu Yin, martial arts is no longer the same as that of the past. Coupled with a weird move, even if he is against Song Qingshu, he may not have no chance of winning, but why is he facing Wang Chongyang? , But there is a deep fear?

After thinking about it, he can only blame the deep shadow left by the scene where the opponent broke the frog in the Chongyang Palace that year. It was not until just now that he carefully observed the process of Song Qingshu and Wang Chongyang’s sword match, Ouyang Feng slowly regained his confidence. Although he is not Wang Chongyang's opponent, it does not mean that he has no strength to fight.

However, when Ouyang Feng saw Wang Chongyang resort to the Tiangang Beidou formation, the confidence he had just established was shaken again. When some disciples with low skill in the temple saw the situation in the field, they might only guess that Wang Chongyang was fast enough and left seven afterimages, but with Ouyang Feng’s skill, they can naturally feel that the seven afterimages are not fantasy, but a real deal. Yes, in other words, there are seven Wang Chongyang attacking Song Qingshu together!

What level of Wang Chongyang is, the top of the Central Plains' five musts, even if you look at the whole world, it is the existence of the guarantee of the three. With seven Wang Chongyang teaming up, Ouyang Feng couldn't think of anyone else in the world who could contend with it!

He thought that he and Song Qingshu were in a different place. I am afraid that he would have been defeated a long time ago, and the other party can survive until now! And it's just embarrassing, but there is no obvious defeat, Ouyang Feng's admiration is three more points.

Song Qingshu, who was in the formation, persisted like a leaf of a boat in the raging sea. He knew that if he continued to fight in this way, he would be defeated, so he simply let go of the long sword in his hand and dealt with the king with the eighteen palms of the dragon. Chongyang's attack, and then use the Qi Yujian to make the long sword roam and spin around three feet away, taking the opportunity to disrupt the opponent's formation.

Ouyang Feng, who was watching the battle, his eyes lit up: "Fisting swords are flying away from the sword!" Song Qingshu was not as good as him at the beginning, so this trick made him mess around.

With a scream, Xiaolongnv woke up from a semi-coma, Dai Qisi hurriedly apologized to her: "I'm sorry, I accidentally pinched you just now." It turned out that she watched the battle in the field and saw Song Qingshu gradually fall into a disadvantage. She was so nervous that her palms were full of sweat. When she saw Song Qingshu suddenly resorted to this trick to move back a bit of a slump, when she was excited, she subconsciously moved her hands, but forgot that the little dragon girl was still in her arms.

"It's okay," Xiaolongnv showed a faint smile, her eyes moved away from the field, she couldn't help but be stunned, "There is such a magical martial arts in the world."

Dai Qisi only thought she was praising Song Qingshu's sword-riding skills, and she couldn't help but like her greatly. But she didn't know that Xiaolongnu praised the two in the field at the same time, and relatively speaking, it was Wang Chongyang who used the Tiangang Beidou formation alone to make her a little more amazed.

"This trick of you is amazing!" After Wang Chongyang got used to the initial frenzy, he quickly adapted to it, took a chance, and picked a sword on the flying swords flying around.

Wang Chongyang's skill was so good that Song Qingshu could no longer control the flying sword, and could only watch it being picked and flying aside, as if cutting tofu and inserting it on the marble floor with no effort.

That sword was just an ordinary saber for the disciples of Quanzhen Cultivation, but with the internal strength of the two top masters, it was not inferior to those magic weapons on the rivers and lakes that blow hair and break hair, divide gold and stone.

"What if you kill a sword?" Song Qingshu didn't rush, and with one move, the scattered long swords floated in the air, and in the next moment, they attacked Wang Chongyang's seven figures from all angles.

Wang Chongyang's eyes condensed, and he was not ready to parry the flying sword, but the seven figures attacked Song Qingshu himself. He knew that these flying swords were all controlled by Song Qingshu, as long as the opponent's deity was knocked down, these terrifying flying swords would not attack and destroy themselves.

Song Qingshu smiled wryly. With Wang Chongyang's skill, it is actually difficult to hurt him with this volley sword technique, so Song Qingshu didn't use it at first, but directly used a sword to compete with the opponent.

At this time, the reason for this is to use flying swords to affect the opponent's footwork. After all, Wang Chongyang wants to complete the Tiangang Beidou formation with his own power. He must have carefully calculated every step, as long as he can succeed in disrupting his footwork. , The opponent's Tiangang Beidou Formation naturally did not break through. Who knew that Wang Chongyang took advantage of the opportunity of his manipulation of the Flying Sword to expose himself to flaws, and urged the Tiangang Beidou Formation to attack him in one fell swoop, forming a mortal situation.


Dai Qisi exclaimed, how she didn't know the current situation. Although the flying sword was about to shoot Wang Chongyang, before then, Wang Chongyang's seven figures had already sealed Song Qingshu's retreat, making him unable to avoid it. Avoid, once Song Qingshu is subdued, the flying swords all over the sky will become kites with broken wires. How can there be the slightest threat?

Although Xiaolongnv looked at Song Qingshu nervously, despite her depression, she did not know why, even though she had never seen that big beard, but she could always feel a touch of kindness from the other person, not to mention the fact that she had just returned Saved her.

Although Pu Cha Qiucao didn't say anything, her trembling body had already revealed her true state of mind. She kept looking at the entrance of the hall, thinking why the three thousand elite soldiers under the mountain hadn't come up yet. When this happened, she absolutely must Severely punish the lieutenant!

Ouyang Feng squeezed his fists, and the frog was ready to go. He knew that once Song Qingshu was defeated, he would have nothing to do with the grievances between himself and Quanzhen Sect. He was planning to join the battle to help Song Qingshu regardless of the ethics of the rivers and lakes. It was a pity that Wang Chongyang. The Tiangang Beidou formation was too tight, and he couldn't find the opportunity to intervene.

You can only wait for the moment when the two people decide the victory and defeat, and then attack suddenly, even if Wang Chongyang's martial arts is higher than him, but the victory over Song Qingshu will definitely be a serious injury, and he should be 50% sure of the blow.

Some of the seven figures use the full-true swordsmanship, some use the three flowers to gather their palms, some use the palms of the heart, some use the big devil fist, some use the nine-yin white bone claws, and some use the legs to make white In the Python method, some used their innate power to use a Yang finger to attack Song Qingshu from seven different angles.

At this moment Song Qingshu had three heads and six arms, but he couldn't completely parry him. As long as he was hit by any figure, with Wang Chongyang's skill, he would not die and would be seriously injured.

Dai Qisi's expression changed, she pushed the little dragon girl into Pu Cha Qiucao's arms, she picked up a long sword and rushed over.


The north wind blows and the autumn breeze is cool. Whose wife keeps the vacancy? If you have any difficulties, I will help. I live next door and my surname is Wang.

But Wang Baoqiang's Weibo tells everyone that Lao Wang is also afraid of Lao Song next door.

Some people say that my **** predicts that in the plot of the book, Song Qingshu is going to put a hat on Wang Chongyang. As a result, there really happened in real life when a surnamed Song put a hat on Wang...

Song Qingshu said that he was just lying down with a gun.

Okay, the joke is over. Let’s get back to the subject. I still want to say something. Why do so many people like to read novels now? Because novels can satisfy readers’ unsatisfied desires in real life. Different readers’ desires lead to different types of books. . Some people like immortality beyond life and death, so they like cultivating novels; some like passionate battles and treasure adventures, so they like different worlds and fantasy; some like them; some like, cough cough...... So like to read this book.

Everyone has seven emotions and six desires. There is nothing shameful about this, but the reason why people are different from Qingshu is wrong, they are wrong, they should be beasts, because people have courtesy, righteousness and shame, and moral concepts of right and wrong.

Xiao Song can play ntr, but this is a novel after all. In reality, everyone should make a choice between desire and responsibility. It is a pity that some people choose desire, so they have to bear the spurn of the whole society.

Finally, I hope that the readers who read this book are all old drivers of Sanguanzheng!

The north wind blows and the autumn breeze is cool. Whose wife keeps the vacancy? You are not free, I will use it. I live next door and my surname is Song.

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