Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 978: Chongyang Life is not weaker than others?

While Dai Qisi rushed over, Ouyang Feng's toad power was also at its peak. Just as she was about to make a move, she suddenly stopped her body: "Huh!"

Daiqisi also didn't know why she rushed up in desperation. Could it be that she fell in love with this young man? She shuddered all over, and she immediately rejected this speculation. After thinking about it, she can only attribute it to the fact that she has invested so much in Song Qingshu. Although she is passive, the other party is indeed a thigh worth relying on. She and Xiao Zhao are probably in the future. Really rely on him to deal with Mingzun.

"So I must not let him die now, otherwise I have sacrificed so much, isn't it in vain!"

Dai Qisi bit her silver teeth and rushed in with her long sword. Even though the strong wind and heavy figures are on the court now, she can't even see who is who, but she thinks about how she can be $wán$$ROBA. , ≦.▼︾.⊕ What can also affect the white-robed old man, Song Qingshu has the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

However, when she approached the battle between the two, she immediately realized that she was wrong, and the mistake was very outrageous. The aftermath of the two martial arts and the gestures between the gestures has filled the area of ​​a radius of ten feet. She suddenly joined in, these The scattered strength seemed to have found a catharsis, and it rushed to her with a bang.

Dai Qisi's mind suddenly went blank. No matter who the two people in the field were, they were the top existences in the whole arena. A single palm could make her hate on the spot. What's more, these powers are almost two people attacking together now?

"Chiba, I don't know if I can see you after I die..." At this moment, Dai Qisi was very clear in her mind, and she suddenly realized how to tell him that she was out of touch if she really saw her husband by the time. What happened, and when he asked why he died, did he tell him that he was trying to save the... adulterer?

Just as Daiqisi was suffering from gains and losses, a soft force suddenly came from her waist, and her whole body fell into a warm embrace.

"My sister sacrificed her life to save her life, this kindness, the younger brother must have done her best to die and then repay it."

There was a familiar voice in her ears, Dai Qisi's pretty face turned red. How could she not tell that this was Song Qingshu's voice, and what made her more embarrassed was what the other party said reminded her. The two people had a friendly scene that night, when she was tossed all night and finally couldn't help holding her arms around him and shouting good brother. This incident made her very annoyed after she woke up.


Wang Chongyang didn't take the flirting and cursing between the two to heart, instead he was thinking about how the other party escaped this inevitable situation. You have to know that he has completely blocked all retreats just now, and he is sure of his heart. Who knows that he just escaped like this!

Looking back on the whole process just now, Wang Chongyang still had no clue, but the flying sword controlled by Song Qingshu was about to touch his body.

The seven figures merged into one, and Wang Chongyang pressed his palms into the void, and the inner strength of his body that had reached the state of transformation was sprayed out, and the flying sword in the sky was suddenly broken.

"How did you escape from my Tiangang Beidou formation just now?" Wang Chongyang did not continue to make a move, standing in place with his hand and asked.

Song Qingshu recovered from flirting with Dai Qisi, and smiled slightly: "I stepped out in one step."

Wang Chongyang only thought that he was ridiculing, and his face sank: "Okay, then let me see how you step out again!" As soon as the voice fell, his figure was divided into seven again, and he surrounded Song Qingshu at a much faster speed than before. In the middle.

Daiqisi hurriedly said: "You push me out quickly, otherwise you must be very dangerous if you have more burdens."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Sure enough, my sister still misses my safety in her heart."

Daiqisi's face flushed: "Bah, I want you to die, but I don't want to be implicated by you."

"Don't worry, my younger brother is not only... big, but also great." Song Qingshu bit Dai Qisi's ear and said, making her angry and anxious, thinking about when this is the time, and he actually said this kind of **** in front of outsiders. words.

Wang Chongyang couldn't help being very angry when he saw his indifferent look, thinking that I really didn't dare to kill you!

But after all, Wang Chongyang, a grandmaster, saw Song Qingshu holding a woman in his arms, he still managed to take a shot. Even if this is the case, the seven figures once again sealed all the other side's retreat.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and tightened her hands so that Dai Qisi's soft and plump body was pressed tightly against her body, then raised her feet and took a gentle step to the side.

Wang Chongyang was stunned to find that the opponent had jumped out of his formation again, and faintly stood at the North Star position. We must know that although the Tiangang Beidou Array is magical, it is impossible to have no flaws. The position of the North Star is the biggest flaw of this array. If the enemy occupies the position of the North Star, he can use the master to drive away the slaves, and the Beidou formation will bind his hands and feet, and he will not be free.

However, being occupied with the position of the North Star is a mistake that can only be made by the beginners of the formation. If it is made by the Quanzhen Seven Sons, it will never allow the enemy to easily occupy the position of the North Star, let alone the founder of the formation, the martial arts cultivation base is better than the whole Wang Chongyang is a hundred times true seven sons.

Wang Chongyang naturally knows that the position of the North Star is important, so he pays great attention to the formation of the formation. If the opponent is fighting for the position of the North Star, he has already prepared dozens of ways to deal with it, making the enemy usher in continuous attacks.

But he was absolutely defensive, and the opponent still appeared in the direction of the North Star!

"Huh?" Wang Chongyang didn't believe in evil, immediately changed his formation, and attacked again. This time he didn't keep his hands, and moved three points faster than before.

I saw Song Qingshu put her arms around Dai Qisi, stepped aside, and appeared again in the direction of the North Star!

"How can it be!"

Don't say it was Wang Chongyang, even the others in the hall looked at everything in front of them with their eyes wide open unbelievably. The Seventh Son of the True Realm might be limited in skill and could not see any way, but Ouyang Feng could see clearly.

Perhaps the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, Ouyang Feng can clearly see that there is an obstruction in front of Song Qingshu, but he stepped out, as if the obstruction in front was air, and appeared directly on the North Star.

As if there are two rooms next to each other, you take a step against the wall in this room, and then you appear in the next room in the next moment. No wonder that even Wang Chongyang is so gagged.

Wang Chongyang continued to change formations. After repeating this for a few rounds, the seven figures suddenly changed back to a person. He stood still and looked at Song Qingshu with a complicated expression: "No need to fight anymore, I... lose. Up."

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking of the eight characters left in Lin Chaoying's ancient tomb that Chongyang Life was not weaker than others. It was so ironic to recall at this moment.

Of course, in fact, Wang Chongyang has not lost the match between the two so far, and he still vaguely stood on the upper hand. In the end, he really fought life and death. With his decades of cultivation and knowledge, the probability of winning would still exceed 50%.

However, Wang Chongyang has his own pride. Before the sword fell into a disadvantage, and then the proud Tiangang Beidou formation was easily broken. The key is that he still couldn't see how the opponent did it!

If he is still stalking at this point, then he has fallen into the lower class.

"Concession, concession!" Song Qingshu arched his hands and cried out for luck. He had a relaxed look just now and even flirted with Daiqisi from time to time. In fact, they were all pretending to deliberately create an illusion of ease.

At first in the outskirts of Kaifeng, he understood the principle of "man in painting" and vaguely touched the threshold of the law of space, so he could achieve the effect of near teleportation in a short distance, but this trick is extremely labor-intensive. Now he is almost alive. The endless internal strength could not withstand such a terrifying consumption, really fighting with Wang Chongyang, it must be him who couldn't support it first.

"Well, it's time to think of a name for this trick. Every time I use it in the future, I will call out the name of the move first. Although I am a little bit second, but with my Yushu Linfeng style, the effect is definitely full. It's full." Song Qingshu couldn't help but yy.

At this moment, Wang Chongyang's figure suddenly flashed, and he instantly appeared beside Xiaolongnv. Pu Cha Qiucao was his opponent. He could only watch him hold Xiaolongnv's shoulder, rushed out of the hall, and disappeared. In the mountains and forests.

"This little girl has a deep connection with me, I will take it away first."

Hearing Wang Chongyang's words, Song Qingshu was furious, and hurriedly chased him in the direction where he disappeared, and asked Ouyang Feng and others: "Control the Quanzhen Sect and wait until I come back."

Song Qingshu was speeding through the mountains and forests, thinking bitterly in his heart: He really has a deeper relationship with Xiaolongnv, how can this **** Wang Chongyang compare to me! Wang Chongyang has become the lover of Xiaolong's grandparents and grandmothers, not even a lover. I am a serious brother-in-law, the kind who slept in a bed! Keke, the latter one doesn’t count. Therefore, no matter how you look at it, she is more qualified to be Xiaolongnu's guardian when she was seriously injured.

Thinking like this in his mind, and I don’t know how long he has been chasing, Song Qingshu’s eyes suddenly condensed, and the whole person stopped. It turned out that Wang Chongyang was standing not far away waiting for him, while Xiaolongnu was placed on a large rock next to him. Leaning.

"Knowing that I can't run, so I won't run?" Song Qingshu said coldly. The reason why he dared to chase it out was because he was confident that Wang Chongyang's effort could not be compared to him. Big problem.

Wang Chongyang suffocated his breath and said depressedly: "Young people nowadays are confident enough."

"I'm telling the truth." In fact, Song Qingshu didn't wait to see Wang Chongyang when he was reading "The Legend of Condor Heroes" before. What use is martial arts no matter how high it is, it disappointed Lin Chaoying's life!

While Lin Chaoying was alone in the cold tomb, she combined the Jade Girl swordsmanship with the Quanzheng swordsmanship into a new set of magical swordsmanship, in order to one day fend off the enemy with the two swords of the lover; in her boudoir. In, I bought a box of dowry by myself, and even Feng Guanxia was ready...

What did Wang Chongyang do when faced with the affectionateness of the girl? In order to fight for a sigh of relief, he would rather be a monk than a Taoist priest than with her. Finally, after Lin Chaoying died, he sneaked into the ancient tomb and saw the martial arts in the "Jade. Female Heart Sutra" everywhere restraining all true martial arts, and actually resorted to the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" Breaking the "Jade. Female Heart Sutra", engraving the cracking method on the sarcophagus, humiliating the descendants of the ancient tomb, and leaving the sentence "Chongyang Life is not weaker than a person".

It is simply inexplicable, this kind of man has a blatant title in his previous life as a scum man, a proper scum man!

In addition, he suddenly robbed the little dragon girl, so Song Qingshu didn’t bother to be polite with him.

Seeing the latest development of the derailment case, there is new news that Ma transferred all of Wang's cash and has gone abroad with his two children?

I go, what kind of world is this!

Pharaoh, hope this is not true

By the way, I also found a coincidence,

In the history of Wang Chongyang, his real name was Wang Zhe, and it happened that Song Qingshu happened in the plot.

And this time the adulterer is called Song Zhe

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