Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 979: Close to the horizon

Wang Chongyang also looked depressed, thinking that he was the best in the world. Even though many top masters did not show up at Huashan's swordsmanship, the result was that he was slumped in front of a younger generation today. The key is that he had no confidence in rebutting because he lost in the trial just now. .

Fortunately, Wang Chongyang’s temper has become much better over the past few years than it was decades ago. Otherwise, with his competitive temperament back then, he would definitely have to hold the opponent and try again.

Wang Chongyang coughed twice and took off the mask directly, revealing a clear face.

Even if he is not pleasing to the eye, Song Qing has to admit that even if people are at this age, but the eyebrows are still full of vigor, people can't help but raise a sense of immortality and independence. .

~±~±~±, ∷.▼≧.+ "It's no wonder that Lin Chaoying was so fascinated back then, this guy must have been a handsome male **** when he was young." Song Qing couldn't help but slander.

"Huh?" The little dragon girl leaning on the big stone took a close look at him, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "You look like Wang Chongyang." Every time the disciples of the tomb started, they would face Wang Chongyang's portrait. Spit a spit, although the portrait is only a back view, there is a frontal portrait of him on the Chongyang Palace Hall. How can she not recognize the little dragon girl in and out of the Chongyang Palace so many times?

She was pure in mind, and she didn't worry about the other party's reputation. What's more, the descendants of the Tomb Sect had never liked Wang Chongyang, so she called him by name.

Wang Chongyang was also taken aback, then smiled slightly and said, "Yes, I am Wang Chongyang."

"Aren't you dead?" Xiaolongnv stared at him blankly. In her heart, Wang Chongyang and Grand Master's mother-in-law were a generation. They had always thought that he was dead, but now he appeared in front of him alive. Isn't it strange that there are ghosts? .

Wang Chongyang didn't think he was disgusted: "This matter is a long story."

Then he looked at Song Qing and said, "I am waiting for you here specially."

"Wait for me?" Song Qing secretly warned, knowing that Wang Chongyang hated the Jin Ren, and it would be really wrong if the other party really wanted to kill him.

Hearing Song Qing's reaction, Wang Chongyang frowned: "You don't have to worry about it, I'm not trying to kill you."

"Then what do you want to do?" Song Qing did not relax his vigilance. After all, there is only one life, and the person on the other side has the ability to threaten his safety.

Wang Chongyang didn't answer directly, but looked at his face impatiently: "I took the initiative to take off the mask, why don't you dare to show your true colors."

Song Qing was stunned: "Do you know who I am?" He claimed that Yirongshu had reached its peak now, and if it hadn't been informed in advance, he would never fail to see any flaws.

Wang Chongyang nodded: "I didn't really see it at first, but in retrospect, I learned all the masters of the Kingdom of Jin back then. No one has martial arts as good as you, and it is even more impossible to teach you such an outstanding disciple. Moreover, your martial arts gather the strengths of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. Among them, the Buddhism line does not originate from Shaolin. It should originate from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, which is completely different from the number of Jin Guolu."

Song Qing was impressed. Wang Chongyang really deserved to be Wang Chongyang. At this moment, he knew the source of his martial arts clearly. It should be understood that most people only know that he knows the Taoist skills. No one knows except for those who are very close to him. He has studied Tibetan tantric kung fu.

"But this is the case, it is difficult to judge my identity." Song Qing said in a deep voice.

"It's natural," Wang Chongyang replied, "mainly because you can master the "Nine Yin Scriptures"."

"The "Nine Yin Scriptures"?" Song Qing was a little puzzled. Although the "Nine Yin Scriptures" is not a bad street, it can be regarded as widely spread.

Wang Chongyang smiled and said: "Although the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" has flowed in many directions, I just know the general direction. The Eastern Evil West Poison Southern Emperor Bei Biao, except for the Eastern Evil Huang Yaoshi, is more or less; my junior brother Zhou Botong will also There is also Guo Jing Huang Rong and his wife; the descendants of the Tomb Sect may also be; the Song Dynasty has a line of Jianshanyuan; the rest seems to be Zhou Zhiruo, the head of the Emei Sect, and her husband Song Qing."

After Wang Chongyang finished speaking, he stared straight at Song Qing.

Xiaolongnu turned her head and looked at him in surprise: "Are you... brother-in-law?"

No wonder he has a familiar feeling...

The little dragon girl was seriously injured and dying at this time. Relatively speaking, she became a little weak. She thought she would die silently between the mountains and the wild. She would never see her again. When she was sorrowful and dying, she suddenly saw one. Relatives, naturally, turn from sadness to joy.

She is helpless in this world. Apart from Yang Guo, there are only two senior sisters who can barely be considered relatives. Li Mochou has never dealt with her. The relationship between the two is not much better, but Bing Xueer, who only met later. Senior sister, gentle and kind-hearted, although the two have not been together for a long time, Xiaolongnu is very close to her.

In addition, Song Qing was in the inn at the time to help her resist the Mongolian master, and also killed Zhao Zhijing for her, so Xiaolongnu was very fond of this cheap brother-in-law.

Being stared at by Xiaolongnv's clear and water-like eyes, Song Qing couldn't bear to hide her from her again, took off the mask, and smiled at her: "Little Junior Sister, long time no see."

Seeing the handsome face in front of her, Xiaolongnu couldn't help but blush, and she couldn't help but think of the scene of him and her elder sister messing around with her that night, especially when he was still holding his hand, as if he could still feel it now. The heat in the palm of his hand.

"Little Junior Sister? You are also a member of the Tomb Sect." Now it was Wang Chongyang's turn to wonder, and at the same time his expression became ugly. Back then, he fought with Lin Chaoying for a lifetime, but in the end he even beat the other's descendants. But where to put this old face.

Song Qing shook his head and said, "I am not a person in the ancient tomb, but I have a lot of connection with the ancient tomb school."

Wang Chongyang was relieved. At this time, there was a vague whistling of Jin Bing under the mountain. He knew that the soldiers under the mountain were quickly attacking the Chongyang Palace, and he could not help but frown and said: "At this time, time is running out, so I will make a long story short."

"I failed in the fight against gold back then, and I couldn't help being frustrated. What's more terrifying was that I couldn't see any hope. So I got out of it with suspended animation and has been living in seclusion in Jiangnan since then."

"Jiangnan?" Song Qing's eyes moved slightly, wondering where Wang Chongyang would hide, the mountains, the capital, or... the court?

"Originally, I was determined not to return to the Central Plains in this life, but I accidentally learned from Yingluo not long ago that there was a young hero who was not only martial arts, but also lurking in the Dajin Dynasty. My heart is itchy, so I went north to take a look." Wang Chongyang looked at him thoughtfully.

"The girl in the yellow shirt?" Song Qing's heart moved. Could it be that the kung fu of the girl in the yellow shirt was taught by Wang Chongyang, but she asked with a smile on her face, "She really praised me like that?"

Seeing his lazy look, Wang Chongyang couldn't help being a little amused: "You have a lot of curses, do you want to hear it?"

"That's fine." Song Qing hurriedly shook his head. It would be okay if the woman in the yellow shirt scolded face to face. Being scolded by a beautiful woman's crisp and tender voice is not only painful but a pleasure, but if it is repeated by a bad old man like Wang Chongyang, It's too dull.

Wang Chongyang continued: "That's why I thought of Daxing Mansion to see how a young hero can get such praise from that girl. When I walked halfway, I heard that the Jin Kingdom sent a large army to encircle Quanzhen. Teach, I couldn’t rest assured, so I stopped by and took a look. I didn’t expect to meet you here."

Wang Chongyang paused, and gave him a meaningful look: "I didn't expect you to be better than what Yingluo said."

"The predecessor has passed the award." Song Qing smiled modestly. Before, he could pretend not to know each other, but now that both parties have made their identities clear, the face to be given is still to be given.

"What's the name of your trick just now?" Until now, Wang Chongyang didn't really want to understand how the opponent jumped out of his Tiangang Beidou formation.

Song Qing's heart moved, and subconsciously replied: "It's close to the end of the world." This is also the name that popped up in his mind, and he blurted out when he felt it was right for the situation.

"A short distance from the end of the world?" Wang Chongyang recalled just now that the two were clearly separated by a short distance, but how could they not attack each other. Isn't the actual distance between the two of them the distance between the ends of the world? He praised, "A good move! According to legend, the invincible leader of the Sun Moon God Sect is the No. 1 in the world, but with this move, the first name should also fall on you."

What kind of status is Wang Chongyang? Once his golden mouth was opened, if people in the rivers and lakes knew Song Qing would be the number one in the world.

Song Qing didn't answer, just where she was silly, but she wondered in her heart: Anyway, Dongfang Muxue is his own, and whoever gets the first place is regarded as fat and water not flowing into the field of outsiders.

Who knows that at this time, Wang Chongyang’s conversation changed: "But you kid is a bit unkind, why do you want to bring soldiers to destroy my Quanzhen Sect?" Quanzhen Sect was the painstaking effort of his life. Seeing that it is about to be destroyed, how can he? Not urgent.

Song Qing laughed: "I can't help myself. The court has assigned me this errand. There is no room for me to refuse."

Wang Chongyang snorted coldly: "You're nothing more than bluffing others, and you want to lie to me? Now that you have become the Supreme Commander of the Kingdom of Jin and the Marshal of the Capital, the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin may not be comparable to you."

Song Qing smiled bitterly: "Before the Hailing King rebelled, after a fire, several leaders of the court all died. The emperor, the kings of the Taizong line, the kings of the clan, and the three families have checked and balanced each other. It’s just being pushed to this position by the duck, just put a name on it, how can there be any real power?"

Of course he would not tell the truth to Wang Chongyang, otherwise he worked so hard to seize the power of the Kingdom of Jin, but became a service to the Song Dynasty. He would not do this kind of business that lost his wife and lost soldiers.

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