Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 980: Golden finger

Wang Chongyang nodded secretly when he heard it. He also knew that the high-level interests of the Kingdom of Jin were intertwined. If Song Qingshu single-handedly won the real power of a country so easily, he himself didn't believe it.

Noting Wang Chongyang’s expression, Song Qingshu drove the railroad while it was hot: “Actually, I took this job deliberately this time. Senior, you think, if other golden men lead the army, wouldn’t the Chongyang Palace become a piece of scorched earth? , It can also minimize the damage."

"Oh?" Wang Chongyang's expression moved.

Song Qingshu hurriedly said, "You see that I deliberately left the army under the mountain because I was worried that the army would go up the mountain and cause the Quanzhen Sect to suffer war. So I only brought a few people up the mountain to persuade them to surrender. I hurt the younger sister, so I was in a hurry to summon the Jin Bing to go up the mountain."

Hearing that Song Qingshu had done so many things for herself, the little dragon girl was slightly lost. Originally in her heart, Yang Guo was the only person in the world who treated her kindly, but now she discovered that there was another man who treated her so kindly.

Of course, this thought just passed away in Xiaolongnv's heart, and it didn't cause any ripples.

"Chu Ji is indeed a bit reckless." Wang Chongyang thought of the disciple's temperament, and couldn't help shook his head, "By the way, you have a little sister, what is the relationship between you and the Tomb Sect?"

I can't help but he is not curious, after all, he is inextricably linked with the Tomb Sect.

Song Qingshu replied whisperingly: "That's it, her master sister is mine... well, confidante." Originally, he wanted to say that Bing Xue'er belonged to his woman, but thought that Bing Xue'er did not want the relationship between the two to be affected by others. People know it, so they change to a more neutral word.

"Fairy Chi Lian Li Mochou?" Wang Chongyang frowned. Although he was at the top of the whole arena, he still heard of Li Mochou's foul name.

Song Qingshu coughed twice, and did not explain the misunderstanding. Anyway, Bing Xueer was unwilling to expose the relationship, so let him misunderstand him; and Li Mochou also took refuge in himself now, and in a sense, he can be regarded as his person.

However, Wang Chongyang's next sentence almost didn't choke him to death: "Isn't your wife Zhou Zhiruo, the head of the Emei faction?"

"Uh~" Song Qingshu's face was hot, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Wang Chongyang immediately woke up and said with a smile, "No wonder that girl Yingluo would scold you like that." At his age, many things have become clear, and some of the younger generation's romantic debts will naturally not be taken to heart.

Now Song Qingshu is really curious: "What did she scold me for?"

Wang Chongyang shook his head: "After you come to Jiangnan, ask her yourself, I won't spread the word indiscriminately."

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "Uh, okay." I don't know when I will have the opportunity to see the girl in the yellow shirt again.

"How do you plan to deal with the affairs of the Chongyang Palace?" Wang Chongyang once again focused his attention on this matter. No matter how detached he is, Quanzhen Sect also condensed his half-life's hard work, how could he not care.

Song Qingshu deliberated on the sentence and replied, "Can you let Daochang Qiu and the others agree on the surface so that I can go back for business, and at the same time, I can preserve the foundation of Quanzhen Sect for decades."

"No!" Wang Chongyang categorically refused. "The purpose of Quanzhen Sect is to resist the Jurchen Tartars and save the people of Li from water and fire. How can it bend to the court of the Kingdom of Jin?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "But now that the three thousand elite soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin have come to the mountain, I can't justify and stop them. Once the war starts, it will be the end of the jade and the stone."

Wang Chongyang replied coldly: "Quanzhen disciple sacrificed for the ideals in his heart, even though death is honorable."

Song Qingshu had to admire the man in front of him, he might have such shortcomings, but in the sense of resisting foreign aggression, there was nothing to blame.

Song Qingshu thought for a while and said, "Dare to ask seniors, is it important to restore the reputation of the Han people or Quanzhen Sect?"

Wang Chongyang was startled, and subconsciously replied: "Of course it is important to restore the Han people!"

"If the Quanzhen Sect is annihilated today, will it be beneficial to the restoration of the Han people?" Song Qingshu continued.

"This..." Wang Chongyang was silent for a moment.

Song Qingshu sighed: "The greatest bravery in this world is not to die vigorously for a certain ideal, but to live humblely for a certain ideal. In the past, death is actually the easiest one. With two eyes closed and two legs kicked, nothing is necessary. It takes care of it, but if you insist on living, you need the greatest courage, because it is likely to endure endless humiliation and have to face the verbal abuse and slander of the world."

"Now Quanzhen Sect chooses to die rather than surrender. What's the effect besides leaving a useless name?" Song Qingshu continued, "But if Quanzhen Sect can bear the humiliation and protect itself, plus I take control of the Golden State Center, wait until the time is right. On this occasion, we unite inside and outside to drive the Jinren out of the Central Plains together. Isn't it more meaningful than sacrifice in vain?"

Wang Chongyang's heart shook wildly, especially the sentence "The greatest bravery in the world is not to die vigorously for a certain ideal, but to die for a certain ideal to live humblely", which gave him the most feeling. He resisted for half his life and worked for decades. The number one in the world, he has lived in seclusion for half his life to sit and watch the changes in the world. He is no longer the stunned green back then, but has become much more mature and wise.

"If it weren't for you now that you have entered the power center of the Kingdom of Jin, I have seen such a glimmer of hope. I would rather die unyielding from the up and down of Quanzhen Sect." Wang Chongyang finally spoke, "I will let Quanzhen Sect accept the Kingdom of Jin. The emperor, but you must remember your mission. If you want to be prosperous and wealthy in the future and forget to restore the Han people, I will fight for this old life, and I will take your life."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "With a master like you, who is always thinking about it, how dare I not try my best."

Wang Chongyang's expression eased, "Do you know why I would believe you?"

"Who makes me look so upright and stalwart, look at my clear and innocent eyes, the honest and honest young man, who is honest and honest." Song Qingshu replied solemnly.

Wang Chongyang was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "No wonder that little girl Yingluo has never cared about anyone, but after going back this time, she kept hanging on her lips. Now I saw it with my own eyes. different."

"I don't know what is the relationship between Senior and Miss Zhao?" Song Qingshu's mind came up with the frosty look of the girl in the yellow shirt.

Wang Chongyang said in surprise: "You even know her surname Zhao?" You know that the yellow shirt girl walks in the rivers and lakes and rarely reveals her name. Even if her name is revealed, she is told under the surname Yang. Her real name is only known by a few of the closest people. .

"Is Senior Girl Zhao's master?" Song Qingshu tentatively asked, knowing that Zhou Zhiruo's talent for martial arts can be described as extremely high. As a result, the yellow shirt girl is about the same age, but she is more proficient in Jiuyin Zhensu than Zhou Zhiruo, except for Wang Chongyang. He really couldn't think of other possibilities except for the careful teaching since he was a child.

Wang Chongyang shook his head and smiled: "No, she is my first close disciple."

Song Qingshu was horrified: "Senior's friend is that?" He can discuss with Wang Chongyang as his peers, and was cited as a close friend by him. I am afraid that this man's martial arts and identity will not be under him. Beggar had a deep relationship with him back then, but each one can be called his close friend.

Wang Chongyang smiled without saying a word: "If you come to Jiangnan in the future, maybe you have a chance to see it."

Seeing that the other party didn't want to say, Song Qingshu couldn't force him, so he could only guess wildly.

At this moment, the little dragon girl leaning on the big rock suddenly coughed violently, and the bright red blood gradually spread out on her snow-white dress, like blossoming bright flowers.

Song Qingshu hurried over, and while holding her hand to lose true energy, he asked: "Little Junior Sister, how do you feel now."

Little Dragon Girl's hands are extremely tender, and she also has a cool air, which makes her feel extremely comfortable, but Song Qingshu has no time to pay attention to these now, but is investigating the injuries in her body.

Feeling her chaotic meridians, Song Qingshu couldn't help but frown.

At this time, Wang Chongyang also came to her, and a strong and incomparable true energy penetrated into her body, and the two masters worked together to finally stabilize her injury again.

"This girl's injury is quite tricky." Wang Chongyang frowned. Given his friendship with Lin Chaoying back then, of course he didn't want to see what happened to her descendants.

Song Qingshu said angrily: "Isn't your apprentice doing a good thing? Several old men with white beards actually joined forces to deal with a little girl and gave such a heavy hand! If you didn't see your face today, None of them want to live."

"Where can you be so murderous at a young age, I am responsible for curing you at the head office." Wang Chongyang was also depressed. Who was disrespectful in front of him in his martial arts capacity? As a result, I met such a wonderful junior, whose martial arts was not under him, and there was no concept of respecting the teacher and the Tao, which made him itchy and helpless at the same time.

The key is indeed Qiu Chuji and the others this time. The five people teamed up to beat Lin Chaoying's re-passed disciple, and Wang Chongyang, the master, was really shameless.

Song Qingshu was overjoyed and said, "Senior has a cure?" Actually, he can save it himself, rejoicing. Zen has a miraculous effect in treating internal injuries, but he uses his toes to think that Xiaolongnu will never agree with this method. Although Xiao Song is greedy and lustful, he still pays attention to food.

"Do you call me senior at this time?" Wang Chongyang gave him an angry look. "This girl's injury has been temporarily suppressed by me. Let's go back to solve the problem in the Chongyang Palace first, and I will teach you how to save it. "

Wang Chongyang still cares about the safety of the Quanzhen Sect. After all, Jin Bing is going up the mountain, and there are two big demons, Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren in the main hall, no matter which one is incompatible with the Quanzhen Sect, plus the current Quanzhen Sect. Having lost the ability to resist, if the other party really makes a ruthless move, Quanzhen's disciples are really in danger.

"Teach me the way to save?" Song Qing's writing was suddenly strange. Could it be Kato Taka's golden finger... Oh no, a positive finger?

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