Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 982: Coexisting in the darkroom

"When I became a gangster, I still set up a memorial arch..t." Song Qing slandered. Wang Chongyang's practice and those in his previous life who opened his mouth and closed his mouth, "I tell you one thing, don't tell anyone else" and so on. What's the difference?

But with his current cultivation base, he doesn't need a yang finger to deal with the enemy. Of course, it can be used as a boudoir secret...

If the founder of Yiyangzhi knew Song Qing's thoughts, he would probably jump up from the coffin and poke him to death with Yiyangzhi.

After thinking about it, Song Qing agreed, "Okay, I promise you."

Wang Chongyang nodded, but he quickly thought of a key question: "Yiyang Zhi is the unique knowledge of the Duan family in Dali. To master it, it takes decades of hard work. Even the great masters like Master Yideng took 30 years to use it. To save people, you now learn not to be too **** the battlefield?"

Song Qing said with a smile: "The main reason why it took them decades of hard work to barely claim to be proficient is that their skills are not enough, and it takes time to accumulate to have enough internal strength. I am different from them, and now they are practicing their body skills. One yang finger is more than enough."

In the original book "Eternal Dragon Sword and Dragon", it is said that it takes more than ten years to practice without a first level. As a result, Zhang Wuji has been able to reach the highest level for a long time by relying on the internal power of shocking ancient and modern. In the final analysis, it is the difference of internal power.

Of course, Song Qing has a plug-in that he can learn right away, but it is too horrible to say it. It is still more reasonable and reasonable to explain it with such a reason.

Wang Chongyang really recognized his statement. He got a Yang Zhi from Master Yi Deng and learned it quickly. It did not take decades of hard work to achieve success like the disciples of the Duan Clan in Dali.

"Okay, I will teach you the formula for one yang finger now, listen carefully," Wang Chongyang said slowly, "the three suns are clutched, the sun is not open, the sun is closed, the shaoyang is the pivot, the three classics are not allowed If you miss each other, don't float, and fate is a Yang..."

When Wang Chongyang finished the formula, Song Qing felt a move in his heart, only to feel that there were a few strands of innocent energy in his body, and he subconsciously stretched his finger to the side. When he hugged a thick and thin pillar, he was suddenly pierced through a finger-sized round hole.

Wang Chongyang stood on the side in a mess in the wind. You must know that he was responsible for the inner strength of the innate skills and the Jiuyin Scriptures, as well as the first cultivation base of Huashan Lunjian. He learned a Yangzhi from Master Yideng. It took a few months to barely be considered proficient. This stinky boy actually only listened to the formula and learned it, and seeing his skill, it seems that he has reached the three realms. The entire Dali Duan family, except for the master Yideng, is one Yang Zhi's accomplishments are probably not as good as him.

"Thank you Lao Wang for his merits." Song Qing said overjoyed.

"You just have to remember your promise just now," Wang Chongyang shook his head happily, "This time I have my wish to go north. I don't want to be entangled by those disciples and grandchildren, so I will leave first."

Song Qing hurriedly said, "Hey, haven't you told me how to use a Yang finger to treat internal injuries?"

"You use a Yang finger to open up her meridians, and her internal injuries will heal without treatment..." After leaving a sentence, Wang Chongyang had disappeared in the distance.

Although Wang Chongyang’s words are very simple, with Song Qing’s current cultivation base and knowledge, it is easy to figure out the principle of the healing of the first yang finger. He was planning to treat the wounds of the little dragon girl, and suddenly thought of using the one yang finger to heal the surgeon. The wastage is huge, and if someone interrupts in the middle, whether it is the little dragon girl or herself, she will be in a very dangerous position.

Originally, he could let Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren protect the law for him, but the two of them have always had a vicious mind, and the ghost knew whether they would have dissatisfaction in the middle. Although the two seem to be quite loyal now, it was based on their own powerful force. Once they started to treat the dragon girl's injuries, it was almost undefended for the two.

As it was said that the gentleman would not stand under the dangerous wall, after thinking about it, Song Qing still dispelled the idea of ​​letting the two protect the law.

As for Daiqisi Pucha Qiucao, he even ruled out the two directly. Even if the two women are reliable, their martial arts can't stop the real masters.

After several thoughts, Song Qing had already figured out the powerful relationship, and then summoned Daiqisi Ouyang Feng and others to give a few orders, let them be stationed at the foot of the mountain and wait for themselves, and then he picked up the little dragon girl and quickly disappeared into the mountain. between.

The whole Zhongnan Mountain, if it is said to be secret, is there a place comparable to the tomb of the living dead?

"Little Junior Sister, there are many people on the mountain, I plan to take you into the ancient tomb for healing, what do you think?" Song Qing said, looking down at the little dragon girl in her arms.

"Okay." The little dragon girl hummed softly. In her heart, the ancient tomb is probably the place where she feels most at ease and relaxed. Hearing that the other party was about to take him back to the ancient tomb, she couldn't help feeling a bit of joy.

"However, the entrance of the ancient tomb has been sealed by the broken dragon stone. To enter the ancient tomb, I can only take the waterway. With my current injury, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive." The little dragon girl quickly thought of a problem, her delicate eyebrows frowned slightly. Up.

Song Qing's heart moved: "I have a way." After saying that, he hugged her for a vertical leap in the mountains, and soon came to the place of Quanzhen Sect, which was originally a very important department of Quanzhen Sect. It was guarded on weekdays. Strictly, but today Quanzhen Sect suffered this change, the guards here had already come to the Sanqing Hall to support, so when the two arrived, the whole attic was empty.

The result of the first frame in the west is as described in the original book "The Legend of Condor Heroes". Song Qing was overjoyed. He immediately rushed over. There was a brass lock on the box. He stretched out his hand to break the lock and open it. On the lid of the box, I saw that the box was full of books. I lifted the box and turned it upside down. The boxes are all scattered underground. The box is made of camphor wood. The wall of the box is eighth thick, which is very strong.

Song Qing's toes were a little bit, and he hugged the little dragon girl and came to the top of the frame.

Xiaolongnv saw that he had her toes on the shelf, but she held her in the air as steady as a mountain, and she couldn't help but secretly admire her. Brother-in-law's futility was far incomparable to me and Guoer.

Song Qing reached out and touched the top of the shelf, which was covered with oilcloth. It was designed to prevent the rainy house from leaking and soaking the precious pictures. He pulled two large oilcloths and put them in the box, and said with a smile, "So you can enter the ancient tomb."

Xiaolongnv Bingxue is smart, she quickly understood his intentions, she was very happy, and smiled and said, "Your idea is really good."

You must know that Xiaolongnv is cold and frosty on weekdays, except for Yang Guo, she does not say anything to anyone. Song Qing sees her lips smile and speak softly, and she wins her pity for a while, and thinks I have to save her life anyway.

Under the guidance of Xiaolongnv, Song Qing held her in one hand and the box in the other, and soon came to the entrance of the tomb channel, and then picked her up and put it in the box.

The reason why she didn’t carry her in the box just now was because Song Qing subconsciously wanted to hold the little dragon girl for a while. Of course, the little dragon girl would not notice this kind of thought. If it was Huang Rong who was a ghost or Zhao Min, I've already exposed his tricks long ago.

"I will try my best to walk faster, lest you get frustrated." Song Qing said before closing the lid.

The little dragon girl shook her head slightly: "It's okay, you still walk a little bit slower, so as not to accidentally walk into the fork." She has just drawn the map of the waterway inside to Song Qing.

"Don't worry, I never forget." Song Qing laughed.

Little Dragon Girl thought of his shocking kung fu, it was only natural to remember him, and she couldn't help but smile.

Seeing her delicate and flawless cheeks, Song Qing had an urge to lean over and kiss her, but after all she recovered, gently closed the lid of the box, tightly wrapped the tarp over the wooden box in two layers, and then wrapped the box. Put it in the stream, take a deep breath, and dive in with the box.

With his current internal skills, it is effortless to sneak at the bottom of this small creek. After the creek plunges into the ground, it rises and falls. He follows the waterway. When there is mud and stone obstructing the road, the wooden box is not easy to pass. Split the palm. For fear that the little dragon girl was suffocated in the box, she walked very quickly, and after less than a stick of incense, she got out of the water and reached the underground tunnel leading to the ancient tomb.

Song Qing hurriedly pulled off the tarp and opened the lid of the box. Seeing that the little dragon girl was slightly fainted, she couldn't work hard after she was seriously injured, and she couldn't help but flustered: "Little Junior Sister, how are you?

The little dragon girl smiled slightly and sighed quietly: "I'm finally home!"

Song Qing hurriedly picked her up, and then turned east and west under her command, and finally returned to the room in the ancient tomb.

The little dragon girl tried to open her eyes and looked, but when she saw the table and chairs tipped over, she was a little bit slanted, and she was the same as when she left after a fierce fight between herself and Guoer and Master Li Mochou that day.

Song Qing looked at the gloomy stone chamber, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. It was too lonely to think that this girl had lived in this place for most of her time.

He was stunned for a while, and suddenly felt a drop of water falling on the back of his hand. Turning around, he saw a string of crystal clear tears slowly falling from the white and flawless cheeks of the little dragon girl.

It turned out that the little dragon girl returned to the place where she grew up, and she suddenly had many thoughts. When she was not around, she thought that she was hit with all the strength of the five sons of Quanzhen. I am afraid that it is too bad, and even if the injury can be cured, she is already because Yin and Zhao disliked her, and made a marriage with Miss Guo Jia...

Thinking of all sorts of things, the little dragon girl couldn't help but feel deeply sad and miserable.

"Little Junior Sister, brother-in-law wouldn't be so shameless, did you cry ugly?" Song Qing knew that she was sad, so she deliberately said with a straight face. He has already returned to his original face now, and he is naturally indifferent to ugliness.

The little dragon girl was startled first, and then sneered: "That's how you tricked the senior sister into your hands?"

Her smile was like the first melting of ice and snow, and the flowers were in full bloom. Song Qing was stunned for a while.

Paying attention to his gaze, Xiaolongnu's pale cheeks gradually became blushing: "You can find a place to put me down first."

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