Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 983: Thousands of miles to meet

Song Qingshu put her on a chair, and then ran to the next room. The layout of the room was supposed to be the old grandmother’s room. She took down her bed and moved it to the side of the cold jade bed to rebuild it and lay it out. The bedding, helped the little dragon girl go to bed to sleep peacefully.

Seeing an altar of jade honey syrup in the room, Song Qingshu's eyes lit up. This is pure natural honey, and it won’t go bad after a few years. He poured a small bowl of honey syrup, mixed it with clean water, and fed the little dragon girl. After serving, Xiao Long Nu's pale cheeks finally got a hint of blood.

"Thank you." Although the little dragon girl is not well versed in world affairs, the only two of them in the huge tomb are now empty, and it is always uncomfortable not to say anything.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Speaking of which we are not outsiders, so why are you so polite."

Xiaolongnu pursed her lips and suddenly remembered something, and said, "Brother-in-law, you go to the grandparents' room and bring her gold box. Okay?"

Song Qingshu was startled, wondering if it was Lin Chaoying's dowry, why does she want this thing at this time? But of course he wouldn't refuse this request, and smiled: "You don't have to be so polite when you talk to brother-in-law."

According to her instructions, she ran to Lin Chaoying's room next to her and lifted the bottom of the boxes at the bedside.

The box is not very heavy, nor is it locked, the outside of the box is red lacquered with gold, and the pattern is elegant.

Xiaolongnv said: "I heard grandma's grandmother say that this box is the grandma's dowry. Later she did not marry, these things are naturally useless."

Song Qingshu had already guessed what it was inside. Hearing this, he gave an "um" and looked at this beautifully decorated box, but he felt infinitely desolate in his joy. Hey, who made her fall in love with Wang Chongyang? What about the scumbag?

Suddenly he was a little dumbfounded, because someone who was merciful like himself was a scumbag to outsiders, but he just didn’t know who was more scumbag compared to Wang Chongyang?

After much deliberation, Song Qingshu still thinks that Wang Chongyang is a bit more scumbag. The so-called dedicated person is the most ruthless, let alone an irresponsible person.

He was stunned at this moment. The little dragon girl had already uncovered the lid of the box, and saw that there were beads-inlaid phoenix crowns, golden embroidered xiamen, and red satin dresses, all of the finest materials, even though they had been separated for decades, It still seems to be as brilliant as new.

Xiaolongnv was seriously injured. Just this action made her feel weak. She had to say, "Brother-in-law, can you take it out, let me see."

Song Qingshu nodded and took out a piece of clothing from the box. Underneath the shirt was a comb box inlaid with pearls and a jade jewelry box. The rouge and gouache in the comb box dried early, and there was still sesame oil left. Holding half a bottle. As soon as the jewelry box was opened, the eyes of the two of them were bright, but they saw the pearl hairpin, jade princess, and gem earrings, which were brilliant and gleaming.

Little Dragon Girl rarely sees jewels, and I don’t know how valuable these accessories are. Song Qingshu is slightly taken aback, but seeing these jewels are exquisitely inlaid and elegant in style, each piece is not only as simple as a lot of effort, but also very expensive. Jewelry of this quality is rarely seen in the Golden Kingdom Palace. Lin Chaoying is just a member of the world. No matter how high his martial arts, how can he get so many precious jewelry?

His first reaction was that Lin Chaoying might study with Huang Yaoshi’s apprentice, and went to the Southern Song imperial palace with nothing, but he quickly rejected this speculation that these jewelry are used as dowry, how can a woman do Take some stolen goods as your dowry?

At this time, the little dragon girl suddenly asked: "Brother-in-law, I am dressing up as a bride, OK?"

Song Qingshu's heart was shaken, she didn't understand why she had to pretend to be a bride, is she interested in me?

He hurriedly replied: "You

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) I’m tired today, take a rest and dress up tomorrow. "

The little dragon girl shook her head and said, "No, I'm worried that I won't live tomorrow. I want to wear a wedding gown before I die."

Song Qingshu thought that with me, how could you have any shortcomings? However, seeing that the other party's attitude was firm, and he also wanted to see how the little dragon girl was wearing a wedding gown, he hesitated for a while before agreeing.

Xiaolongnu pursed her lips, picked up the rouge, adjusted some honey, and looked at the mirror, dressing up deliberately. In her life, this was the first time that she applied fat and powder. Her face was pale, so she didn't need to apply gouache, but she was completely bloodless after being seriously injured. A faint layer of rouge was applied to her cheeks, which really increased her beauty.

She took a rest, took the comb and combed her hair, and sighed, "I don't want to comb a bun."

Song Qingshu's heart was shaken, and he blurted out: "Why don't I help you comb it."

Little Dragon Girl looked at him in surprise: "Will you?"

"Of course!" Song Qingshu said triumphantly. He has so many confidantes. On weekdays, he spends a night on his face. When he gets up the next day, he often draws his eyebrows, combs his hair and so on, even though his technique is also very good at the beginning. It's unfamiliar, but there are so many opportunities for experimentation, and it's a good player to come and go.

"Then... okay." Xiaolongnv felt something wrong in her heart, but she didn't have the concept of ethics at all in her heart, so she hesitated and agreed. If you change to any other woman in the world, you will never let a man other than her husband touch her hair.

Song Qingshu came from a later generation, and didn't think there was anything. Of course, even if he knew there was a taboo, he wouldn't take it seriously.

When she came to Xiaolongnv, she saw a waterfall-like hair that was jet-black and beautiful, and it could be seen by others. Song Qingshu was amazed and picked up a comb and combed it for her.

"Little Junior Sister, you are so good-looking." Looking at the fairy reflection in the mirror, Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing.

"Really?" There was a hint of joy between the little dragon girl's eyebrows, but she wrinkled quickly again, "but I've never praised me like that before."

Song Qingshu thought that Yang Guo, the kid dealing with other women, was like a clever love sage, but he was extremely dull in front of the little dragon girl. No wonder the two in the original book clearly love each other, but they have gone through so many twists and turns.

"Yang Shaoxia must have long wanted to praise you, but Junior Sister, you used to be his master, and he respects you in his heart, so he is embarrassed to speak." At Song Qingshu's current realm, he naturally disdains to slander his rival behind his back, and instead speaks for him. .

"Really?" Xiaolongnv asked in surprise. When Song Qingshu was speaking for Yang Guo, she subconsciously got closer to him.

"Of course it is true." Song Qingshu stroked her smooth long hair over and over again, "Little Junior Sister, the bun is already combed, what do you think?"

The beauty of the little dragon girl belongs to the kind that is naturally decorated. In fact, the extra bun has destroyed her own temperament, so Song Qingshu just combed her with the simplest bun.

"Brother-in-law is not only strong in martial arts, but also so gentle and considerate. The master sister is really a blessing." Xiaolongnu smiled slightly, picked up earrings on the table and put on pearl hairpins, and wore a pair of jade bracelets on her wrists, under the cover of red candles. , Really beautiful and unparalleled, she turned her head happily and smiled, "Do you think I look good?"

Song Qingshu suddenly felt that his eyes were full of brilliance, and subconsciously praised: "It's so good-looking, and the Nine Heavens Fairy can't compare to you in the mortal world. I will put a phoenix crown on you!"

Picking up the phoenix crown, walked behind her and put it on her.

Xiaolongnv looked at the charming and incomparable woman in the bronze mirror, and suddenly sighed quietly: "It's a pity.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) I can’t see it. "

Song Qingshu was startled at first, and then felt sore. It turned out that the reason why she suddenly wanted to put on her wedding gown was because she was thinking of Yang Guo in her heart. She was happy for half a day and she was wrong.

However, he is also an open-minded person, and soon he can get his mood up: "Brother Yang will definitely see you in the wedding gown in the future." At the same time, he secretly added that although Yang Guo can see it, you may not necessarily It's his bride.

Little Dragon Girl didn't know what he was thinking. After hearing him mention it, she felt sore in her heart and finally couldn't bear it. She fell on the box and cried with a "wow".

Song Qingshu panicked, and subconsciously rushed forward, holding her in his arms: "Little Junior Sister, what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?"

"What else do you say'later'? Do I really have a "later"? I can't help crying when I think I'll never see a child again. Did not notice that he fell in the arms of another man.

Yang Guo, Yang Guo, you are so lucky! I don't know if a little boy entered the ancient tomb back then, would the little dragon girl love him like this?

While Song Qingshu sighed, he laughed and said: "Little Junior Sister, don't worry, I am here, and I promise to heal you and let you see Yang Guo again."

"Really?" Xiaolongnv is also a top-notch expert, knowing how many injuries she has on her body, so she will inevitably be a little suspicious when she hears him.

"Even if you don't believe me, you should believe in Wang Chongyang, he is as capable as your grandparents." Song Qingshu replied.

"That's true too." Thinking of Wang Chongyang's identity, Xiaolongnu smiled.

Song Qingshu said: "Little Junior Sister, look how beautiful the phoenix embroidery is on this dress, I'll help you put it on!"

Xiaolongnv was seriously injured at this time. Of course, it is impossible to change her clothes. However, even if she is innocent, she cannot agree to take off her clothes in front of a man. So Song Qingshu has no other evil thoughts. The red jacket and red dress embroidered with gold silk slipped over her blood-stained white dress.

The little dragon girl wiped away her tears, added some rouge, and sat beside the red candle with a smile: "Thank you, brother-in-law."

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "Okay, your wish is over, can you start to treat you now?"

"Yeah." The little dragon girl snorted softly.

Song Qingshu said to Xiaolongnv: "Relax your whole body, no matter what pains or abnormalities you have. Don't be lucky to resist it."

Xiaolong's female son was calm at first, and she smiled slightly when she heard the words: "I'm even dead."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Little Junior Sister is really smart!"

At the same time, a young man with a face full of wind and frost stood at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. Although he had broken one arm, his face was extremely handsome. I saw him looking at the mountain and muttering: "The world is so big, I don't know. Where is my aunt? Since passing by Zhongnan Mountain, it's better to go back to the ancient tomb."

Regarding the recent slow update, the main reason is to synthesize the plots of each country behind, because the book involves Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Qing, Xixia, Tubo, Dali, Gaoli, Hui. Department and the Western Regions, the author Although Jun can only be regarded as a half-hearted historical novice, he still wants to be more compatible with some events and figures in the history of various countries.

The biggest problem now is that although the general plot of each country has been designed, how can the events of so many countries be perfectly integrated into a whole is quite a headache. I have been doing this work for this period of time. , So the update has been a bit slower, but fortunately, it has already seen the first sight now, and the day to get through the two channels of Rendu should be fast.

Thank you all for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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