Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 985: Prehistoric power

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, what's the situation?

Of course, he would not pretend to be passionate about Xiaolongnu being subdued by her masculine charm, so close contact, smelling the masculine masculine aura on her body will make her body soft and so on.

Xiaolongnv has practiced pure-hearted kung fu since she was a child, and even if she really loves men, she is determined not to be so gloomy.

As a result, he noticed that her body was abnormal, and Song Qingshu's first reaction was that the other party had become confused. But he quickly ruled out this state. From the beginning to the position, the little dragon girl didn't have the luck to resist, how could she become crazy?

t "Quie'er~" The little dragon girl stretched out her hand to stroke Song Qingshu's cheek, looked at him with watery eyes, and murmured softly in her mouth.

"Why would she recognize me as Yang Guo?" Song Qingshu felt stiff when she felt the soft hands of the little dragon girl, but she was puzzled.

How did he know that people who are seriously injured and dying will have various hallucinations when they are treated by Yiyang Finger. When Huang Rong was treated by a lamp that year, Huang Rong had a nightmare, dreaming of Ouyang Feng, Ouyang Kela , Qiu Qianren, put her on the stove for a while to barbecue, and then ice her with ice again, and when she is cold, go to the fire...

Whether it was Ouyang Feng, Ouyang Ke or Qiu Qianren, they were the people Huang Rong feared the most at that time.

Xiaolong's female son is different from Huang Rong. What kind of enemies and friends are all past moments to her. She has never taken it to heart. The only thing in her heart is Yang Guo, so her dreams will only be related to Yang Guo.

If this is the case alone, Xiaolongnv would not mistake the other person for Yang Guo. It just so happens that Song Qingshu’s true qi is completely different from Master Yideng. Master Yideng’s true qi is peaceful, but Song Qingshu’s true qi is a combination of Huanxi Zen’s nine-yin zhenqi and Shenzhaoqi, and is born with a fusion of Yin and Yang. The attributes, coupled with the special attributes of Huanxi Zhenqi, are an irresistible drug for women.

When Song Qingshu played with her confidante on weekdays, he occasionally injected joy and innocence into each other's body to increase the interest, the effect, just like Wei Xiaobao's perennial flattery, "It's like a torrential river, endless, and It's like the Yellow River is flooding, and it's out of control", cough cough... It was unexpectedly good anyway.

But whether it was Ah Jiu or Zhou Zhiruo, after experiencing it once, he blushed and forced him to take an oath, not to use Huanxi Zhenqi on them.

Song Qingshu pityed their bodies and naturally agreed, so Huanxi Zhenqi was basically in a state of shelving.

Of course, just now Song Qingshu healed the little dragon girl, and she would never be so dirty that she deliberately injected Huanxi Zhenqi into her body. It's just that Song Qingshu's Jiuyin Zhenqi and Shenzhao Zhenqi are more or less mixed with a few traces of joyfulness.

If it is normal healing, when he deliberately converges, that little dose of Huanxi Zhenqi will not have much effect when it enters other people's bodies, but this time I use a yang finger to get through the whole body of Xiaolongnu's odd meridians and eight channels, Huanxi Zhenqi. Although the dose was small, it just went directly into the meridians of the Little Dragon Girl. As Song Qingshu opened up her meridians, Huanxi's true energy flowed through the whole body of Little Dragon Girl.

When the little dragon girl was half-dreaming and half-awake, she was inspired by the most primitive human beings, so she opened her eyes and saw Song Qingshu subconsciously regarded him as her sweetheart Yang Guo.

Fortunately, she is the little dragon girl who has been pure-hearted since she was young. If an ordinary woman was blown over by joy, she might have turned into a slave to her **** and rushed towards the man.

Little Dragon Girl feels hot in her body at this time,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) But I don't know what to do. I just pulled the neckline subconsciously, trying to dissipate the body's heat, and at the same time, my body couldn't help but stick to Song Qingshu's body.

Song Qingshu looked through her neckline and saw the vast snowy scenery. His heart jumped and he hurriedly looked away. If other women were like this, he might have laughed at him with his temperament, but the little dragon girl seemed to be a dream that was so beautiful in his heart that he was unwilling to take advantage of the danger to blaspheme a beautiful woman.

Although he didn't know the reason, he knew that it was definitely not Xiaolongnu's real thoughts at this time.

With Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms, Song Qingshu is as restrained as a first-time brother. He doesn't know where to put his hands. It doesn't seem very good to hold the soft body in his arms, but he seems too idiotic if he doesn't hold it...

When Song Qingshu was struggling, the little dragon girl in her arms suddenly burst into tears: "Quieer, why are you leaving me?"

Song Qingshu was startled, worried that her severe emotional fluctuations would affect her injury and lead to a loss, so she followed her words: "I haven't left you, don't you think I am by your side now?"

But Xiaolongnv said to herself: "Actually, I don't blame you when you leave me. I can't compare to Miss Guo. She is beautiful and from a famous family. She is the daughter of Uncle Guo you most respect..."

Song Qingshu hurriedly interrupted her: "Don’t talk nonsense. In my heart, a thousand Miss Guo’s family can’t compare to a finger of yours." This is what he said sincerely, but when Xiaolongnv heard it, It was Yang Guo who was showing her thoughts.

t "Really?" Xiaolongnv listened with enthusiasm, raised her head and asked in a tired voice, the water in her eyes was very moving.

Song Qingshu has always heard Xiaolongnv’s voice that feels quiet and cold. This is the first time that she has heard her speak in such a charming and sweet voice. For a while, her bones are crisp and she hurriedly raised her hand. Swears: "If I have a half-word, I will strike five thunders that day..."

Before he finished speaking, three smooth fingers had been pressed on his lips, and Xiaolongnu smiled sweetly: "No such poisonous thing, I believe you."

Song Qingshu subconsciously shook the opponent's hand, looking at the beautiful and refined character in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little silly for a while.

t "Am I good-looking?" Xiaolongnu was a bit shy at first, but she quickly looked back at him openly.

Song Qingshu's mouth opened, and only felt that the throat was extremely dry. For a while, he was a little speechless. After a long time, he just spit out two words: "Good-looking!"

Besides, he couldn't find other words to describe the beauty of the woman in front of him.

"Then do you like me?" Xiaolongnv showed a shy face, but she kept staring at him nervously, as if she was afraid of hearing some heartbreaking answer.

"Of course I like it. If I could marry you as a wife in this life, it would be dead and no regrets." Song Qingshu said, suddenly woke up, and seemed to follow the other party into the play.

Alas, Song Qingshu, Song Qingshu, the little dragon girl is now delirious, are you also confused?

At this time Song Qingshu had completely opened up the meridians of Xiaolongnv's whole body, she only needed to rest for two days, and she would be able to recover as before. Thinking about how to wake her up, suddenly two soft and moist lips stuck to her mouth.

Song Qingshu was stunned. He was actually kissed by the little dragon girl? The little dragon girl, who has always been icy and clean, is so bold?

The brain is still a mess, but the body is

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Neng has already made Song Qingshu respond to the beautiful lady, Xiaolongnu's actions are jerky, but this not only did not arouse his unpleasantness, but added a touch of excitement, because it shows that this is the first kiss of Xiaolongnu .


The little dragon girl was already soft, and she was so maturely kissed by Song Qingshu, her body was even more tender and lusty, almost completely hanging on him.

After a long time, Xiaolongnu's delicate lips were slightly red and swollen. She stretched out her hand to hook his neck and her eyes sparkled: "Today I want to be your wife."

Song Qingshu only felt a roar in his head. At this moment, a fairy-like girl was enthralled with affection, even if she was a hundred steel-making, she would turn into softness.

At this time, it didn't matter what reason or morality was, Song Qingshu's eyes gradually became red, his nose became heavy, and he stretched out his hand to hug her.

"Wait!" The little dragon girl suddenly pressed his chest.

Song Qingshu thought she had recovered soberness, and suddenly became a little annoyed, how could she be so unbearable.

Who knows that what is waiting is not Xiaolongnv's scolding, but her soft voice: "I have put on the bride's clothes, but you are not like an official bridegroom."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, he was not just like him, he was not the groom's official at all.

The little dragon girl leaned forward and looked for it in the dowry box beside her. After a long time, she took a red flower and inserted it on Song Qingshu’s head. She said happily, “There is no groom’s clothes in the box, but it barely looks like a The bridegroom is official."

Song Qingshu didn't know what to say for a while, Xiaolongnu chuckled, "What are you still doing? She is already your wife."

Song Qingshu smiled wryly, even though he was very excited, but reason allowed him to control the power of the wild in his body.

Seeing that he was motionless like a goose, the little dragon girl pursed her lips, grabbed his hand, and reached in through her loose skirt.

"Do you like it?" Xiaolongnu asked with a blushing face.

With Xiaolongnv's usual temperament, even if she really faced Yang Guo, she would never be so bold, but now she is full of joy and true energy in her meridians, she has long been secretive, and her behavior is bolder than usual.

Of course, from another aspect, if an ordinary woman’s meridians are full of joy and anger, I am afraid that she would have become a slutty, slut, and woman as long as possible at this time. The little dragon girl just made such a move, it is already The smallest scale.

Song Qingshu's tentacles are all warm and soft, how can the great power in his body be restrained? With a low growl, the whole person rushed over.

When Yang Guo sneaked into the ancient tomb from the waterway and was heading to his previous room, there was a burst of soul-corrupted hum from the passage of the ancient tomb. His face was red and his heart jumped: "Could it be Li Mo What kind of concubine did you bring to the ancient tomb for fun?"

However, he quickly shook his head. Although Li Mochou is cruel, he has always cleaned himself up and will never do such a scandalous thing.

Yang Guo's expression was ashen. In his heart, he had already regarded the ancient tomb as his and Xiaolongnv's private domain. How could outsiders be allowed to get involved: "It must be Hong Lingbo's stinky girl!"

Apart from him and Xiaolongnv who knew the secret path of the ancient tomb, only Li Mochou was the master and apprentice. Since it was not Li Mochou, it could only be Hong Lingbo.

As for the little dragon girl, Yang Guo didn't even think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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