Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 986: I couldn't clean it even if I jumped into the Yellow River

Yang Guo cautiously fumbled to the place where the sound came from. Originally based on his temperament, if he found a bunch of men and women cheating in other places, he would never be interested in taking a look in the past, but would choose to go straight away. Over.

But the ancient tomb was regarded by him as a private place for himself and the little dragon girl, how could he tolerate other people tarnishing this place?

As the so-called catching thief and stolen goods, catching gangsters, he was so worried that he would be stunned, so that he would not admit it when Hong Lingbo killed him. Therefore, he deliberately touched there quietly, and with his current martial arts, there was no sound when he walked.


There was another sweet and greasy snort from the tunnel. Yang Guo's heart beat wildly when he heard it. He thought that Hong Lingbo, this stinky girl, was really shameless, and it wasn't embarrassing to call such a loud voice!

As he got closer and closer, his brows gradually frowned, because the voice that came became clearer and clearer. It didn't seem to be Hong Lingbo's voice, but more like...like an aunt's voice.

"No, no..." Yang Guo shook his head hurriedly, dispelling the terrible conjecture in his mind, but his previous angry mentality had already become uneasy.

"It's actually in Aunt's room." Yang Guo clenched his fists, looked at the lighted room not far away, took a deep breath, and walked over slowly.

He wanted to rush in directly, but he hesitated when he got to the door, so he decided to check it out first.

So he quietly came to the door and looked in anxiously through the gap in the stone gate.

Seeing a new bed next to Hanyu's bed, Yang quickly recognized that it was the bed in the grandmother's room next door, but this was not what he cared about. His attention was all attracted by a man and a woman on the bed.

The woman's body is snow-white, with bright black hair scattered on the snow-white back muscles. The black and white are intertwined to form a very visually impactful picture.

But what is more visually striking is that she is completely naked. She is now being held in the arms of a man, and the two sides are entangled, and the atmosphere is so warm!

Yang Guo's whole person is like falling into the ice cellar. Although most of the woman's body is blocked by the man's body, how familiar he and Xiaolongnv are. It is too exaggerated to say that one finger and one hair can be recognized, but occasionally half of his face is shown. It was enough for him to recognize his Bingqingyujie aunt.

Yang Guo's hands and feet were cold, and it didn't take long for a monstrous anger to hit his forehead. He couldn't be more clear about Xiaolongnv's temperament. He would never do this kind of thing with other men. The only explanation was that he was forced by him!

He pulled out the profound iron epee behind him, and Yang Guo spit out fire and rushed straight in, but he just took a step, his figure stopped abruptly, because he saw the ice and jade little dragon girl in his mind. He actually took the initiative to stretch out two pink jade arms to hook the man's neck, and then he raised his head and kissed him.

There is no such thing as being forced!

Yang Guo was still a little unbelievable, and was about to desperately ask for it. As a result, the bride's wedding dress scattered on the bedside and on the ground suddenly came into his eyes.

The beautiful wedding gown seemed to be mocking him, and the color was extraordinarily bright red and dazzling.


Yang Guo's body was full of anger, and he only felt a sweet throat, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out. He no longer wanted to see the heartbreaking scene in front of him, and turned and ran outside.

"why why why!"

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Yang Guo has a voice roaring in his head. He doesn't know why he wants to run. Is he afraid of embarrassing Xiaolong Girl because of the face-to-face encounter, or he doesn't want to face this reality. He doesn't know, now the only The idea is to leave here, as far as possible from here.

In the room, Song Qingshu raised his head thoughtfully and looked at the direction of the door. He couldn't help but smile. With his current cultivation level, how could he not notice that someone was approaching?

Before Yang Guo arrived at the door, he found out. He was worried that Xiaolongnu was seen by other men. He had already been murderous, but later found out that the other party was Yang Guo, so he couldn't do anything.

"Finally, what's the matter with you?" An elegant fragrance came, and Xiaolongnv's body was attached again.

Song Qingshu thought that you had been mad at your past, but now, he is worried that his success will fall short, and smiled slightly: "Nothing, let's continue."

"Yeah~" Xiaolongnv nodded her head shyly, her eyes already blurred.

Song Qingshu's face was clear and bright, and the palms on her body continued to slide.

For a moment, Song Qingshu was indeed out of control by the huge temptation in front of him, but when he was pressed on the soft and boneless body of the little dragon girl, he heard her muttering two "Guoer" in her mouth. When he was writing, he immediately woke up.

If he is taking advantage of the danger like this, what is the difference between Tian Boguang, who he most despises in peace day, and a prostitute like Yun Zhonghe?

Now Xiaolongnv clearly treats him as another man, so she is willing to let him do things like this. Song Qingshu also has his pride and principles. How can she be willing to get her in this situation?

Song Qingshu really likes the little dragon girl, even to the point where he likes it very much, but he knows that this kind of like is just a man’s possessiveness for stunning beauties, plus the subtle influence of the image of the little dragon girl in the film and television works of the former world. It has nothing to do with feelings.

Only when the man and woman are in agreement, when they reach the last step, the soul and the body are united, and at the same time they reach the peak of beauty. It would be too dull to just get the body.

Song Qingshu finally understood that what she wanted was that one day the little dragon girl looked at herself affectionately while she was conscious, then took off her clothes shyly, and dedicated her all to herself without reservation.

Although he knows the relationship between Xiaolongnv and Yang Guo, the probability of this happening is too low and too low, but how can he know the final result if he doesn't pursue it?

Even if Little Dragon Girl was Gu Jing Bubo in the end, she chose Yang Guo without hesitation, it was also a destiny arrangement.

Sometimes regret is also a kind of beauty in life. Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang did not marry Yang Guo forever. Guo Xiang traveled all over the world looking for his elder brother for a lifetime. Zhang Sanfeng hid the iron Luohan that Guo Xiang gave him for a hundred years...

Just because there are countless uncertainties, love makes countless people drunk, and at the same time makes more people sad.

After thinking about all of this, Song Qingshu finally calmed down in an extremely restless state, but the calm returned to calm, and the immediate matter still had to be resolved.

He was lost in the charm of the little dragon girl before, so his judgment was greatly diminished. Now that he wakes up, looking at the look of the little dragon girl now with blurred eyes and love for peach cheeks, he has a general guess in his heart, and then investigates. At her pulse, Song Qingshu finally confirmed

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) The reason why she is so abnormal is because of the influence of joy and true spirit.

You can't make Little Dragon Girl do anything for the sake of being Liu Xiahui, who is still pregnant. She was already recovering from a serious injury, and her body was very weak. In addition, she had been practicing pure inner strength since childhood, and she was most taboo against violent emotional fluctuations. If the accumulation of ** in the body cannot be released in time, consider the ancient tomb sect. Her internal strength will go mad at every turn, and her life will be worried at every turn. Therefore, under the conflict between the two, not to mention any damage to her body, at least her internal strength of the tomb sect is about to be abolished.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu has a lot of confidantes around her in recent years, and several times encountered the situation of a woman around her with aphrodisiac. Since being pushed back by He Qing that time, he has worked hard. For the dignity of men and the chastity of women, he has developed a set of detoxification methods that do not need to be a humanoid antidote.

Although Xiaolongnu's current situation is not Chinese medicine, the essence is actually the same.

Song Qingshu practiced the joyful meditation method, and his yin and yang two qi had long been described as perfect. Therefore, his palm seemed to be attached to the body of Xiaolongnu to caress, in fact, he was using the yin and yang two qi to dissolve the hot **** in her body.

But Xiaolongnv's meridians are full of joy and true qi, which is a common mystery. It can be compared with medicine? Although Song Qingshu has worked hard to reconcile the balance of Yin and Yang in her body for her, the progress is really slow.

Halfway through, the little dragon girl only felt hot all over, and she unconsciously tore off her clothes.

At first, Song Qingshu put on her again, but every time she put on the little dragon girl, she pulled it off, and she muttered to herself: "No, I'm so hot~"

Although Song Qingshu decided to be Liu Xiahui, it was not the kind of old pedant who didn't eat the fireworks, so after a few times, she simply left her alone.

His eyes fell on her faintly red skin in the snow, Song Qingshu couldn't help swallowing, thinking that this time to save you so much madness, let it be a reward.

Because he didn't take it off deliberately, Song Qingshu didn't seem to be under pressure, and he also found a high-sounding reason: taking off her clothes facilitates heat dissipation and helps resolve the restlessness in her body.

So Song Qingshu feasted his eyes, and at the same time enjoyed the thrilling touch of the body entanglement, while waiting for her to slowly bring the disordered yin and yang in her body to normal.

Just now, Yang Guo just happened to see this scene. Song Qing's book originally planned to explain it, but he changed his mind. In this case, why bother to explain.

So he had to concentrate on treating Xiaolongnv's injuries, and at the same time secretly warned Yang Guofu to attack.

Who knows that Yang Guo turned around and ran away. Song Qingshu couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief. He used a Yang finger to treat the little dragon girl before, which can be described as a great exhaustion, although with deep internal strength and various magical techniques, it is not like the original work. Master Zhongyi Deng almost became a useless person in such a short time, but really fighting against masters like Yang Guo would be too bad.

Besides, after Yang Guo ran out of the ancient tomb, he ran unconsciously all the way on Zhongnan Mountain, only to bump into a thick pine tree, and with a bang, the pine tree was hit by him.

Yang Guo stopped then, and shouted to the sky: "Why, why!"

At this moment, a woman's suspicious voice suddenly came not far away: "Yang Guo?"

(End of this chapter)

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