Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 987: Jealous

t Yang Guo turned his head with red eyes, and saw a group of Golden Warriors not far away. The head of the group was a pretty young girl. It was Pucha Qiucao whom he had known in Daxing Mansion.

It turned out that Pu Cha Qiucao took the order of Song Qingshu to go down the mountain to prevent the Jin Bing from attacking the mountain. After arranging the three thousand elite soldiers, she worried that the Chongyang Palace would not have enough strength, so she brought a team of powerful warriors up the mountain to press the battle. Arrived Yang Guo.

At the beginning, Yang Guo blatantly escaped from marriage in the palace, which made Pu Cha Qiucao feel ashamed and angry. At that time, he could hardly wish to kill him. It's a pity that the world is so big that I don't know where Yang has gone.

But now that he saw a real person, Pu Cha Qiucao was shocked to find that he couldn't get angry anymore. On the contrary, the surprise in his heart was more than anger. Feelings have always been so unreasonable.

Pu Cha Qiucao was a little cramped for a while. He didn't know how to speak. After thinking about it, he finally asked, "Where have you been during this time? Many people are looking for you."

Seeing this girl who is nominally his fiancée, Yang was a little lost for a while, and subconsciously asked, "Does this include you?"

Pu Cha Qiucao's face blushed, but she was a woman on the prairie, not as coy as a Jiangnan woman, and replied generously: "I'm looking for you too."

Seeing her shy look, Yang Guo couldn't help but think of Xiaolongnu in the arms of other men. She couldn't help but closed her eyes in pain, and squatted on the ground like that, crying sadly.

Yang Guo's temperament has always been stubborn. You must know that he was insulted by the Dao Wu and Quanzhen Taoist priests. He never frowned, let alone crying. This time he couldn't help crying. You can imagine that there is something in his heart. How sad and desperate.

Pu Cha Qiucao was taken aback by his reaction, and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him, but stopped suddenly after taking two steps. The group of warriors under his opponent waved and said: "You go up the mountain by yourself, wait for everything. Listen to Mr. Ouyang's instructions."

I don't know why, she doesn't want the helpless and embarrassing side of her sweetheart to be seen by others.

"But miss, your safety..." The group of warriors looked at each other. You must know that Pu Cha Qiucao is the eldest of Pu Cha's family. Now she is in a mess. In case something happens to her, the group of them will be unable to eat. go.

"Don't worry about it, now that Quanzhen Sect has surrendered, and there is a large army stationed under the mountain, how can there be any enemies?" Pu Cha Qiucao glanced at Yang Guo, his face flushed, "Besides, there is Brother Yang to protect me."

A woman is sensitive by nature. When she was in Daxing Mansion, she realized that the other party didn't like the Jurchen name, so she quickly changed her mouth and took a mouthful of Big Brother Yang, hoping to get closer to her sweetheart.

The group of warriors kept their lips secretly, thinking that Yang Guo is now like this, who might protect who would do it, even though they didn't agree with it in their hearts, they didn't dare to violate her orders, so they had to go up the mountain.

Seeing them go far, Pu Cha Qiucao walked to Yang Guo and asked softly, "Big Brother Yang, what's the matter?"

Yang Guo Huo Ran raised his head and stared at her closely: "The marriage contract between us still can't be counted?"

Pu Cha Qiucao's heart jumped and said hesitantly: "You yourself refused in the palace last time..." Seeing Yang Guo's face changed slightly, she hurriedly added, "But this is a marriage contract made by the previous generation.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Since it hasn't been officially released yet, it should...should still be counted. "

She blushed like an apple just after she said it, even if she was generous, it would be embarrassing to say that as a woman.

"That's good." Yang Guo nodded, and ran towards the tomb as he grabbed her, "Follow me to a place."

"Where to go?" Pu Cha Qiucao was startled.

Yang Guo didn't respond, but continued to pull her to run with a gloomy expression, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what was thinking.

In the ancient tomb, the sweat on Song Qingshu's forehead fell one by one like a broken pearl, but he had no time to get distracted, focusing on the chaotic yin and yang in the little dragon girl.

Little Dragon Girl is no longer obsessed with Song Qingshu as before, and her emotions are relatively stable, and her blushing skin gradually turns back to the crystal clear whiteness she used to be.

Little Dragon Girl slowly opened her eyes, her eyes gradually restored to her usual clearness, when she saw everything in front of her, she was stunned.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Little Junior Sister, things are really not what you think. I just healed you, but then somehow you suddenly seemed to be a different person. The whole person was extremely enthusiastic and treated me as Yang Guo..." He didn't dare to be completely honest with her, if she knew that the culprit was her own happiness, she really didn't know how to end it.

Little Dragon Girl still sat there blankly, with no reaction at all.

Song Qingshu had to continue to explain: "Because of your special situation, if I don't do anything, you may die in love, so...that's why I try to dissolve the impulse in your body..."

Xiaolongnu's eyes finally moved, but she still didn't respond at all.

Looking at the snow-white carcass in front of him, the sweat is dripping from it. If in the old days, Song Qingshu would want to appreciate this beautiful scenery, but now the atmosphere is extremely weird. Although he thinks he has a clear conscience, he is like a little dragon girl. Hitomi, he still looked away with some guilty conscience: "And you took off your clothes yourself, I didn't mean to offend you in the slightest..."

Xiaolongnv's eyes fell on the obvious hickey on her collarbone, Song Qingshu was immediately embarrassed, and explained incoherently: "Uh, I couldn't hold back it at first, and it almost made a big mistake, but fortunately, it reined in time..."

"I know." Xiaolongnv finally spoke. After all, she was not caught by the real drug. Now that she wakes up, what happened just now has flooded into her mind, and she naturally knows the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Song Qingshu smiled wryly: "It's best if you remember, haha."

Little Dragon Girl's cold voice sounded again: "Can you take your hand away now?"

Song Qingshu's old face became hot, and he subconsciously explained: "You haven't cleaned up the fire in your body."

"I'm cultivating Jade Female Heart Sutra, and this amount of love can be restrained." The little dragon girl said blankly.

"Offended." Song Qingshu seemed to have been burned, hurriedly retracted his hands, and at the same time turned around, not looking at her anymore. After all, they were still naked.

He was annoyed for a while, thinking that he was also an old driver in the former world, and in this world there are countless beauties, but in front of the little dragon girl, he is restrained and feels one

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) There is nowhere to show your talents.

After much deliberation, Song Qingshu can only be attributed to the fact that Xiaolongnu is pure as a white flower, making him reluctant to use any nasty means.

The little dragon girl put on her clothes quietly, and then said coldly: "You go."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was startled, Xiao Long Nu's reaction was really beyond his expectation. Originally, he wanted to come, even if Xiao Long Nu didn't kill him with a sword, she would at least scold him, which is a little bit like now. It doesn't show up either.

Song Qingshu originally planned to let her stab her with a sword to relieve her hatred. Of course, he couldn't be so stupid that she would kill her with a single sword. After all, with his current cultivation base and knowledge, he created a kind of seemingly fatal wound but actually nothing. Major injuries are not difficult.

As a result, Xiaolongnv’s cold and indifferent response made him seem to knock down the empty space with a punch. Song Qingshu couldn't help asking strangely: "Don't you blame me?"

"What's the use of blaming you?" Xiaolongnv sighed faintly, "Although you offended me, but you saved my life... I can only blame my life and blame others."

Thinking of what Xiaolongnv said to Yin Zhiping in the original work, Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing that although the woman in front of her was cold on the outside, she was a very kind person in her bones.

"Little Junior Sister, I'm sorry." Thousands of words can only turn into a word of sorry in the end.

Little Dragon Girl shook her head: "Don't call me Little Junior Sister again, we shouldn't meet again."

The more dull the other party’s reaction, the more painful Song Qingshu’s heart felt. He suddenly reacted and couldn’t help being shocked: "Little Junior Sister, don’t think about it. Thousands of mistakes are all my fault. , Brother-in-law will never frown."

Xiaolongnv gave him a strange look: "Why can't I think about it? I haven't found a child yet."

Song Qingshu almost didn't choke up blood because of her words. The Sanwu Girl was really nervous enough, and Yang Guo was still thinking about it now.

He was about to say something, suddenly his expression changed, looking at the direction of the tunnel, he whispered: "Someone is here, or two."

The little dragon girl finally showed a trace of panic on her face, and she stood up subconsciously: "I don't want to see people now."

Now she has scattered temples, untidy clothes, and still has the blush on her face after the excitement just now. Of course she doesn't want to be seen in this way.

"Let's find a place to hide." Song Qingshu said. He didn't know who came. He thought it was Yang who came back. But two people heard the footsteps. Yang Guo had always been alone. Where's the companion.

Although Xiaolongnv didn't want to have anything to do with Song Qingshu anymore, the footsteps outside were getting closer, and she didn't have time to think about it, so she took Song Qingshu to push open a secret door next to her, and hid in.

After entering the room, the little dragon girl led the way silently in front of him. Song Qingshu followed. Although there was no candle, the two of them grew up in the ancient tomb since childhood. They are familiar with every inch of the place. As usual.

Looking at the back of Xiaolong Nu Nina, Song Qingshu only hopes that this road will never reach the end.

Suddenly, the figure of the little dragon girl trembles, only to hear her voice tremble: "This ancient tomb has broken dragon stone, and outsiders never know how to get in. Could it be that the people are passing by?"

(End of this chapter)

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