Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 988: Love and kill

"Eh?" Seeing Xiaolongnu's joyful expression, Song Qingshu didn't know how to describe his feelings at this time.

You must know that a woman has just been naked to another man. Although nothing actually happened, there are always untidy clothes, scattered temples and so on. At this time, a woman’s normal reaction should not be to be afraid of being misunderstood by her lover, so she subconsciously Avoid it?

As a result, Little Dragon Girl had no such consideration at all, and she was excited when she mentioned Yang Guo.

"Maybe...maybe...probably." Song Qingshu replied hesitantly, and couldn't help but become jealous. Yang Guo was really blessed to be able to receive the unreserved love of such a godlike woman.

"I'm going to look for it." After Xiaolongnv finished speaking, she turned around and walked back. Song Qingshu stretched out her hand, but found that she had no right to stop her, so she had to follow her with a wry smile.

Let's say that Yang Guo took Pu Cha Qiucao into the ancient tomb. There was only one thought in his mind. Since my aunt has found other men, I will also find other women to show her.

Silent along the way, he took Pu Cha Qiucao and walked straight to the room of the little dragon girl.

From time to time, it appeared in his mind that Xiaolongnv's snow-white body was twisting in another man's arms, and Yang Guo's eyelids jumped involuntarily.

When he arrived at the door of the little dragon girl's room, Yang Guo suddenly stopped, with a hint of hesitation on his face. After all, the scene inside was really too embarrassing, and he didn't know if he could bear it after watching it again.

However, his hesitation was quickly dissipated by the anger in his heart, and he pulled Pu Cha Qiucao into it.

Yang Guo was stunned as soon as he entered the door, because the imaginary picture did not appear, and the room was already empty.

"Where did they go?" Yang Guo was stunned, but the messy sheets on the bed reminded him of how fierce the battle was just now.

"Big Brother Yang, you hurt me." Pu Cha Qiucao couldn't help but yelled. After entering the ancient tomb just now, maybe because he was worried that she would get lost, Yang Guo kept holding her hand, making her love the deer all the way. Bump.

However, after entering this room, Yang Guo's hand was getting stronger and stronger. At first, she tried to bear it, but later it was so painful that she had to exclaim.

Hearing Pu Cha Qiucao's painful voice, Yang Guo finally came to a sense of clarity, and hurriedly let go of her hand, returning with an apologetic look.

"Brother Yang, I'm a bit cold." Pu Cha Qiucao put his hands on his chest and couldn't help but shudder.

The main entrance of the ancient tomb has been sealed off by the broken dragon stone, and the only way in and out is the waterway. Unlike the little dragon girl who was seriously injured and was transported in a box by Song Qingshu, she swam in with Yang Guo.

As a result, the clothes all over her body were already soaked, and Yang Guo and Song Qingshu's cultivation bases used their internal strength a little bit, and the clothes dried up, but Pu Cha Qiucao didn't have the ability, and the soaked clothes clung to her.

It would be fine if it was like this. She grew up on the grassland and has a martial arts skill. Of course, she would not be as delicate as those daughters. It's just that there happened to be a huge cold jade bed in the little dragon girl's room that was constantly exuding cold air. Being invaded by this cold air, Pu Cha Qiucao had always been in good health, and he couldn't stand it.

"I'll get you some firewood to bake it." Yang Guo replied absently.

"Actually...it doesn't need to be so troublesome. There seems to be clothes here. I'll just change them." Pu Cha Qiucao looked at the wedding gown that fell on the foot of the bed, and his eyes lit up. From ancient times to the present, women have always had a pair of wedding gowns. This kind of obsession, even the little dragon girl who does not eat the fireworks, is no exception, let alone her?

Therefore, when she saw this bright wedding gown, she was immediately eager to try it. She only felt that the clothes on her body were slimy, and she didn't want to wear it again for a moment.

At this time, Yang Guo's attention was focused on the little dragon girl. Although he heard Pu Cha Qiucao's words, he didn't take it seriously. He just nodded slightly: "You change it, I turned around."

Pu Cha Qiucao's cheeks were hot, even though she was from the grassland, changing clothes in front of a man would be too bold.

Looking at Yang Guo's back, Pu Cha Qiucao bit his lip, his fingers still moved slowly to the top of his clothes.

Although I have not known Yang Guo for a long time, she believes that Yang Guo is definitely not the kind of **** person who takes advantage of others. What's more... Moreover, the other party is her fiance, even if... even if something really happens, it doesn't seem to be anything. What a big deal.

Pu Cha Qiucao took off her drenched clothes, and her youthful body was exposed to the air. She blushed and looked at Yang Guo's direction. Seeing that he didn't respond, she felt both fortunate and disappointed in her heart.

The cold air from the Hanyu bed blew on him, and Pu Cha Qiucao shuddered again. He dared not delay any longer, and hurriedly picked up the bright wedding gown by the bed and put it on him.

"I'll change it." Pu Cha Qiucao said shyly. He wanted to ask him if he looks good in this way, but he always felt a little weird in his heart. After hesitating, he still didn't say anything.

"Yeah." Yang Guo turned his head in disbelief, and what caught his eye was a pretty girl in a bright wedding gown.

Staring at Pu Cha Qiucao's wedding gown, Yang Guo's eyes instantly reddened. The image of Xiaolongnv wearing the wedding gown in the arms of other men tactfully filled his mind again.

"What's the matter with you?" Pu Chaqiu herbal thought that Yang Guo would praise her for being beautiful, but couldn't wait for him to speak, and gradually realized his abnormality.

Yang Guo's eyes became redder and red, and the girl's face in front of him became blurred, and it gradually seemed to overlap with the image of the little dragon girl.

"Big Brother Yang?" Seeing that he didn't respond, Pu Cha Qiucao couldn't help pulling his sleeve.

I didn't know that it was as if a spark had fallen into the oil pan, Yang Guo only felt a bang in his head, and rushed to Pu Cha Qiucao with a low growl.

"Big Brother Yang?" Pu Cha Qiucao didn't expect him to react so strongly, and subconsciously began to push each other, but unfortunately the two people's skills differ too much. She pushed several times, but the man on her body did not move.

Pu Cha Qiucao finally panicked, and hurriedly asked: "Big Brother Yang, what's the matter with you?"

Yang Guo was panting without saying a word. At this moment, he kept appearing in his mind that the little dragon girl’s wedding dress was half-covered, and the scenes of greeted by other men, leaving only a violent thought in his mind: this is before him. The woman in the bride's clothes crumples it to pieces and then possesses her!

Pu Cha Qiucao resisted for a while, but it didn't work at all. Later, she gave up the resistance altogether and let the other party's kisses rain on her cheeks, neck, and collarbone...

She didn't know what was going on with Yang Guo, only when he was fascinated by the way he was wearing his wedding gown, was she on the spur of the moment, and she became ashamed of panic.

For a woman, if she doesn't like you, no matter how good you are to her, she will be disgusted; but if she likes you, any of your actions will radiate brilliance in her eyes.

Pu Cha Qiucao was in this state at this time. Although she felt something wrong in her heart, she was not so resolute in resisting. Later, there was even a faint hope in her heart.

After all, the two of them have a marriage contract, and even if they have not officially married, the people on the grassland are not as particular as the Han people, and private life is common. And now wearing a wedding gown, there are still red candles with dragons and phoenix burning nearby, it seems that it is not much different from the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Thinking of this in his mind, Pu Cha Qiucao gave up the struggle, and instead reached out his hand and gently hugged the man on him...

On the other side, the little dragon girl walked to the room where Yang Guo and the others were in joy. Song Qingshu reluctantly followed behind, thinking about her temperament with the little dragon girl’s scenery and nothing to say to others. Tell Yang Guo what happened just now.

Although Xiaolongnv doesn't blame herself, any man knows that his lover is hugged and hugged by other men, and touched all over his body. Although it was to save her, would Yang Guo listen to this explanation?

When the time comes, I will have to fight a fight. I will fight with Wang Chongyang first, and then use a positive finger to pull Xiaolongnu back from the ghost gate, and finally spend a lot of energy to calm her love. This loss is replaced by a light. The master came, I am afraid that he was already limp in bed. At this time, Song Qingshu was able to walk normally because of his deep cultivation.

"Fighting with Yang Guo in this situation, I am afraid that there will be no defeat." Song Qingshu thought to himself, but since he also likes the little dragon girl, how can he back down in front of this biggest love rival? Song Qingshu took a deep breath. He followed impermanently.

But when the two of them hurried to the door of the room, Song Qingshu's face suddenly became weird, because the man's roar and the woman's breath came from the front room, and the experienced he immediately understood what was going on inside.

"It's really Feng Shui turns around." Song Qingshu suddenly felt a lot of emotion. Before, Yang Guo ran to listen to the corner of the corner between himself and Xiao Long Nu. Now it has become the foot of the bed between himself and Xiao Long Nu listening to Yang Guo. Fate is really magical.

"Huh, is it Senior Sister?" Xiaolongnv obviously heard the voice in the room, and she couldn't help frowning and muttering to herself. Her reaction was exactly the same as Yang Guo just now, she had never doubted the other party.

Xiaolongnv shook her head immediately: "Senior Sister is not that kind of person."

She was ignorant of world affairs and didn't have as many scruples like ordinary people. She was curious, so she went straight up and pushed the door through a gap, wanting to see who was inside.

Song Qingshu was also curious. He was not sure if the person inside was Yang Guo. After all, Yang Guo was alone when he came just now. How could he find a woman back so quickly? If it is Yang Guo, who is that woman, and if it is not Yang Guo, who knows the secret entrance of the ancient tomb?

Under curiosity, Song Qingshu also walked forward hungry, leaned behind Xiaolongnu, and looked in from the crack of the door.

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