Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 989: Eat dry

"Guo'er?" Xiaolongnv murmured to herself, as if she had an incredible expression on her face.

Behind her, Song Qingshu clearly felt her body tremble, a little shaky, and hurriedly stepped forward to support her: "Little Junior Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaolongnu's face was extremely pale, she closed her lips and looked inside without saying a word.

Song Qingshu looked in curiously through the crack of the door, and saw that there was an extra man and a woman on the bed where Xiaolongnv was treated just now, and the two were physically entangled. The man broke an arm, and it was Yang Guo who had gone back and forth. The woman wore a bright wedding gown, which was exactly what Xiaolongnv wore just now.

Song Qingshu thought, where did Yang Guo find a woman back in a hurry? In my heart, ⊙≧⊙≧⊙≧, ★.↖≧.▼ I was curious about the identity of the woman and looked intently. Although most of the woman was blocked by Yang Guo's body, he still recognized the identity of the other person when he caught a glimpse occasionally. Pucha Qiucao, the eldest of the Pucha family.

Song Qingshu suddenly looked weird, thinking that he had not sent her down the mountain to restrain the army, how come here to fool around with Yang Guo?

Although Song Qingshu knew that Pu Cha Qiucao and Yang Guo had a marriage contract, they were still not married, and Yang Guo was openly married in the Daxing Palace last time, so the two suddenly developed to the step of rolling the bed, so Song Qingshu did the same. Surprised.

At first he was worried that Pu Cha Qiucao was forced by Yang Guo, and was thinking about trying to save her, but soon he dispelled the idea. Pu Cha Qiucao occasionally showed a pretty face that was both upset and happy, looking tenderly and affectionately. He was holding Yang Guo with both hands while holding the man on him. How could he be forced?

Obviously Xiaolongnv came to the same conclusion. She took a sip, blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, and muttered: "Why, why did you do this to me later?"

Song Qingshu thought she would rush in and question Yang Guo, who knew that after she broke free of her hand, she left in the opposite direction in despair.

Song Qingshu was startled, and hurriedly caught up with her and caught her: "Little Junior Sister, there should be any misunderstandings in this, or let's ask Brother Yang."

"Don't touch me!" Little Dragon Girl shook her hand, "I have already said that from now on, we have nothing to do with me, and you don't need to take care of my affairs."

Song Qingshu then remembered that Xiaolongnu hadn't settled her account with herself, so she had to smile and not touch her.

"Don't follow me anymore!" Xiaolongnv glared at him angrily. Seeing him stop, she gradually disappeared into the dark tomb.

Song Qingshu took several steps, but in the end he did not catch up. Now in this situation, what else can I do to catch up? Xiaolongnv was just "bullyed" by herself, and she turned around and saw the scene of Yang Guo again. What kind of comfort and explanation are all in vain and can only be handed over to the time. The best medicine to heal psychological trauma.

After staying for a while, Song Qingshu decided to go back to the room first. After all, Pu Cha Qiucao is now considered his subordinate, and it would be difficult to explain to Pu Cha's family in case something really happens when he returns to Beijing.

Besides, the fierce battle in the room has come to an end, and Yang Guo gradually wakes up. When he sees the appearance of the woman under him, he can't help but feel ashamed: "I'm sorry, I..."

Pu Cha Qiucao gently pressed his lips and looked back at him affectionately: "It's not that I'm sorry that I need to listen at this time."

As smart as Yang Guo, how can he not know that what other women need is a promise? His lips moved, and suddenly he thought of the beautiful face of the little dragon girl, suddenly showing a struggling expression, and finally left a shameful sentence: "I'm sorry !" Then he grabbed the clothes next to him and fled and disappeared into the corridor in the distance.

Pu Cha Qiucao didn't react for a while, staring blankly at his disappearing back, and finally awake after a long time, and couldn't help cursing: "You **** Yang!"

After cursing for a while, grief came from my heart, and he covered his clothes and burst into tears.

"You seem to be very clever on weekdays, why are you so easy to be eaten and wiped out?" At this moment, a joking voice suddenly came from Pu Cha Qiucao's ear.

She subconsciously raised her head to follow the prestige, only to see Song Qingshu leaning on the other door, looking at herself with a smile.

"Ah~" Pu Cha Qiucao screamed, hurriedly grabbed the clothes next to him and put it on his chest, and asked incoherently, "You... why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Song Qingshu smiled as his eyes fell on her exposed skin, "Why are you so excited? Anyway, I haven't seen it when you and Yang had **** just now."

Pu Cha Qiucao blushed and said angrily: "Shameless, nasty!"

Song Qingshu said depressed: "Miss, I was here to heal someone, but you two broke into the room and staged a restricted-level clip as soon as you entered the room. Who is shameless and who is it?"

"I..." Pu Cha Qiucao was speechless for a while, and didn't know how to speak.

"Okay, okay, get dressed quickly. Our trip is here to subdue Quanzhen Sect. Now those people are still hanging in the Sanqing Hall." Song Qingshu knew that she was embarrassed, so she changed the subject.

"You turn around first." Pu Chaqiu was very sad when Yang Guo left when he came in. After being teased by Song Qingshu, he almost cried.

"I've said it, it's not that I haven't seen it." Although Song Qingshu said so, he turned around in action.

After the sound of wearing clothes, Pu Cha Qiucao's weak voice suddenly came: "I can't go out in this suit."

Song Qingshu turned around and saw that she was wearing the wedding gown that Xiaolongnv wore before, and she couldn't help but frown, "I'm not Yang Guo, so why do you pretend to be a bride."

"How can I pretend to be a bride," Pu Cha Qiucao said aggrievedly, "I changed it because my clothes were soaked when I came in just now."

After Song Qingshu's thoughts turned, she thought that the only way in was the water channel, and she didn't hide in a box like the little dragon girl, so it was strange that she was not soaked.

"I'll help you dry it." Song Qingshu walked over and picked up the wet clothes on the side. After all, there were so many people in the Chongyang Palace. If Pu Cha Qiucao appeared in such a wedding dress, he wouldn't be able to blow up the pot.

"Thanks...thank you." Pu Cha Qiucao wished to get into the ground, so that the shameful side was seen by outsiders.

Song Qingshu nodded, and was about to dry the clothes internally, and suddenly showed embarrassment: "Um...I just healed someone, and the internal energy consumption was quite serious. I'm afraid I can't use internal force to dry."

Song Qingshu’s feeling at this time is similar to that of Pu Cha Qiucao just now, and he can’t wait to have a seam in the ground. I think his usual image is always a super master in every second, but I just wanted to be a girl, no, now It should be the young woman who pretended to be forced in front of her, but she failed.

Noting that Pu Cha Qiucao was there, Song Qingshu hurriedly changed the subject: "I'll find some firewood to help you dry it." After speaking, he rushed to the next room to find a pile of dry firewood.


After all, Song Qingshu has weathered wind and waves. When the bonfire rose, he looked as usual, put Pu Cha Qiucao's clothes on the side shelf, and began to meditate and get angry.

"What are your plans in the future?" Song Qingshu asked while meditating in the room too quiet.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" Pu Cha Qiucao was obviously a little out of control.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, "Are you just making people like this for nothing?" He is not familiar with Pu Cha Qiucao, and he may not care about her much. It just suddenly occurred to him that if she and Yang Guo get married, Xiaolongnu will be left. Is it? Although it is a bit immoral to enter the void, he has never been a moral layman.

"What is Bai...Go on!" Pu Cha Qiucao blushed and sipped, "Why are you talking so ugly? It's really annoying."

"Yang Guoshuang put on his pants and left. Isn't this called Baishang?" Song Qingshu saw that her face was not good, and then comforted her, "Actually, you don't have to think too much about it. You are not the worst, I There was a professor in my hometown who played a flight attendant for three years. After he was tired of playing, he went to the Yamen to tell the flight attendant. In the name of illegally disposing of the common property between husband and wife during marriage, the wife had the right to recover. Millions of property of all returned."

"At the same time, the flight attendant stupidly became the legal person of the professor's leather bag company during his junior year, and finally helped him bear several million debts. You can see that people have been played for three years, and no benefits have been obtained, so they have to lose a few Millions, compared to her, you are much luckier."

Pu Cha Qiucao was dizzy. There are too many terms in Song Qingshu's words that she has never heard of, but this does not prevent her from understanding the outline of the story. Hearing this, she said angrily: "You men are also a little shameless. "

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Hey, hey, now it seems that it's not me who put on the pants and left after playing."

Pu Cha Qiucao glared at him irritably: "You are lustful and lustful, and you are not much better."

Song Qingshu said sternly, "I admit it, but I will be responsible for every woman."

Pu Cha Qiucao stayed for a while, as if he had been poked into something sad, and could not speak for a while.

"The clothes are already dried, take off your wedding gown." Song Qingshu tore off the clothes on the shelf and threw them to the other party. To be honest, he was actually very upset that Pu Cha Qiucao put on Xiaolongnv's wedding gown. Yes, in his heart, this wedding dress is a rare memorial between him and the little dragon girl.

Pu Cha Qiucao hesitated: "Wait, don't you want to get your clothes wet when you go out?"

"This wedding dress is not yours." Song Qingshu said coldly.

Pu Cha Qiucao's face turned pale, and while taking off, he said in a frantic tone: "No, it's not, who is rare!" He took off his wedding clothes and threw it on Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu's eyes straightened immediately, looking at the youthful body of the young girl in front of him, he couldn't help but said with a weird look: "You are because you were abandoned by Yang Guoshi chaotically, so do you want to seduce me?"

"Ah!" After Pu Cha Qiucao left Yang Guo, his whole mind was confused, so many of his behaviors were instinctive reactions. After he reminded him, he realized that there is no strands on his body now, and suddenly screamed.

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