Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 990: Dramatic accident

"Okay, okay, don't scream." Song Qingshu waved with a headache, and the clothes scattered on the bed flew up and wrapped around Pucha Qiucao. "You can put on your clothes first, and I will put you in the box later. You don’t have to worry about getting your clothes wet."

Seeing that Song Qingshu had a bit poisonous tongue, but turned around thoughtfully, Pu Cha Qiucao felt better now, and hurriedly put on his clothes.

"I'm fine." As soon as Pu Cao Qiucao's voice fell, he turned over and jumped off the bed lightly.

Song Qingshu looked back and stared at her legs: "Are the women on the grassland so sturdy? Why does Bigua look like a okay person, jumping like this?"

Pu Cha Qiucao's face was ashamed as rose petals, and he said angrily: "You are a big-headed ghost, who said I was caught by that?"

Song Qingshu suddenly laughed: "What's not easy to admit? Just now you and Yang Guo were in bed for half a day, don't say you are just discussing the ideals of life."

"Just now," Pu Cha Qiucao wanted to explain subconsciously, but he closed his mouth again and stood silent.

Now Song Qingshu became interested, and he thought about it as soon as his eyes rolled: "Come here, I will help you to lie down in the box."

"I won't be suffocated inside, am I?" Pu Cha Qiucao looked suspiciously at the big box next to him.

"Don't worry, this box is big enough, it won't suffocate you." Song Qingshu helped her in and took a look at her pulse.

Song Qingshu's expression suddenly became very weird, the corners of his mouth grinned, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

Pu Cha Qiucao is trying to hide in what position is better, when he hears his laughter, he raises his head inexplicably, "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing at Yang Guo, this kid is very high in martial arts, and he is very clever on weekdays, but he actually found the wrong place at the critical moment." Thinking of the embarrassing picture, Song Qingshu couldn't help but gloat.

"What did you find in the wrong place?" Pu Cha Qiucao was at a loss, but after a while, he finally understood it. He couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry. "What nonsense are you talking about? How can he find the wrong place? He just didn't start yet."

Seeing Pu Cha Qiucao hesitating, Song Qingshu was startled at first, and then realized it, and couldn't help but smile: "Oh, it turned out that it was accidentally wiping the gun and getting rid of the fire. Actually, you don't have to worry too much. The virgin was too excited for the first time. It’s easy to have this kind of thing. I think Yang Guo is in good health. With this experience, he should be fine next time."

No wonder Pu Cha Qiucao is embarrassed to say, after all, it is embarrassing for a man to have such a thing. She, a prairie girl, did not expect to be so careful. All this is for the sake of the face of the person she cares about.

He felt that Pu Cha Qiucao's performance was a bit strange, so he took the opportunity to check her pulse, and was surprised to find that she was still a virgin.

At that time, he was just Spartan, and after so long together they rolled the sheets, but nothing happened in the end? After much deliberation, Song Qingshu can only use Yang Guo to find the wrong place to explain, but from Pu Cha Qiucao’s reaction, the actual situation should be that Yang Guo gave birth to a virgin. The first time a virgin was born, it was disarmed before the battlefield. Up.

"How can I be worried! And what is your expression?" Pu Cha Qiucao felt very embarrassed about this incident. Seeing him gloating, he couldn't help but become annoyed.

"I'm serious, it's because of your own guilty conscience that I have a strange expression." Song Qingshu thought to myself that I had a mask on my face. It would be a **** if you could still see the expression clearly.

Pu Cha Qiucao could hardly wait for a seam to get in, and he hummed and closed the lid of the box, and hid like an ostrich.

Song Qingshu smiled and shook his head, picked up the big box, and returned along the same path as the ancient tomb.

After coming out of the pool, Song Qingshu opened the box and Pu Cha Qiucao crawled out of the box with a blushing face. Maybe something happened in the ancient tomb was too embarrassing. After she came out, she walked to the top of the mountain without a word.

Song Qingshu didn't care too much. After such a long time, his internal strength had recovered and he could barely dry the clothes on his body.

The two of them walked to the Chongyang Palace one after another. Suddenly they heard Pu Cha Qiucao scream in front of him. Song Qingshu was startled and hurried over: "What's the matter with you?"

Of course Pu Cha Qiucao can do things, but he must not do things in his hands, otherwise the Pu Cha family and himself will turn their faces. Although he is not afraid, it is a tricky thing after all.

"There seems to be someone in the grass under the hillside." Pu Cha Qiucao said hesitantly, pointing to a small **** beside the road.

Song Qingshu looked in the direction of her fingers. The bottom of the **** was about a foot high from the side of the road. The man was lying in the grass again. If the white clothes on his body were not too conspicuous, it would not be easy to spot.

"I'll go and see." Song Qingshu from the previous life still couldn't treat human life like a stubborn, and he would always save him if he could.

Seeing his tiptoe, the whole person fell lightly to the bottom of the hillside, reaching out and shook the man: "Are you okay?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded when he saw the man's appearance clearly.

A graceful and vulgar face appeared in front of him, who was it if it wasn't the little dragon girl?

Song Qingshu was shocked, and hurriedly checked her pulse. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief. Although her pulse was chaotic, she had no life concerns and she should have just fainted temporarily.

Looking up at the **** next to it, the branches and leaves on the top really showed signs of being crushed. It should be the little dragon girl walking on the road above. Suddenly, her blood and qi burst, the whole person fainted and rolled down.

Fortunately, there were no sharp stones or the like on this road, otherwise the little dragon girl would be in danger.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel scared in retrospect. Just now she shouldn't have let Xiaolongnu leave alone in such a state, even if she hates following her. If something really happened to Little Dragon Girl, I would be worried for the rest of her life.

Originally, he was a little strange that the place where the little dragon girl fainted was not far from the exit of the tomb. Why did Yang Guo not see it just now, but after thinking about it, the little dragon girl fainted not on the side of the road, but under the slope. I couldn't see her, let alone Yang Guo, who ran out of her own soul.

Song Qingshu hugged the little dragon girl horizontally, and flew up the **** again at one point of his toes. Pu Cha Qiucao stepped forward to look, and was stunned: "Little dragon girl?"

"What do you think about seeing a rival at this time?" Song Qingshu joked.

"What do you think I have?" Pu Cha Qiucao glared at him, then asked with a complicated expression, "Is she okay?"

"Although it is not a major problem, but the breath is chaotic, and it is troublesome if you don't adjust it in time." Song Qingshu paused and said to her, "The Quanzhen Sect edict is left to you. Anyway, the overall situation has been determined, and only some situation remains. I’ll take her down the mountain to the barracks to heal her injuries.”

"Okay." Looking at Song Qingshu's leaving figure, Pu Cha Qiucao felt a little sour in his heart. Why are the men in the world all around the little dragon girl, Yang Guo is like this, and Tang Kuobian is like this.

But she quickly laughed at herself, let alone those men. The beauty of Xiaolongnv even looked at her and she couldn't help but say that Song Qingshu went down the mountain and returned to the barracks, and ordered the soldiers to guard her surroundings, not to disturb anyone, and then hug her. The little dragon girl entered the handsome tent and healed her.

I don't know how long it took, the chaotic internal breath in the little dragon girl finally calmed down, but there was no sign of waking up.

Song Qingshu knew that she was seriously injured and endangered today, and then burned by love. Then she witnessed her sweetheart "derail" and then fell down the hillside.

If she was replaced by an ordinary woman, she would be immortal and crippled after this tossing. Fortunately, Xiaolong Nv's martial arts skills are good, coupled with Song Qingshu's desperate treatment, this allowed her to be safe and sound, but under repeated blows, I'm afraid I won't wake up if I don't sleep soundly all day and night.

Song Qingshu gently let Xiaolongnu lay on the bed, and after covering her with a thin blanket, he walked out of the bed. As a result, as soon as he came, he was dizzy, and almost none of them staggered and fell to the ground.

Only then did he realize that his vitality was greatly damaged today, and he fought with Wang Chongyang. He used a yang finger to pull the little dragon girl back from the gate of the ghost. After that, despite the fatigue, he helped her to dispel her emotions, and now he sorted out her innocence.

Nothing else. The most damaging one is the one-yang finger healing. After all, it is robbing death with the **** of death. How could the price be so small.

"Marshal, can I come in?" Dai Qisi's soft voice came from outside. After all, there are soldiers from the Kingdom of Jin guarding outside, and she can't use the original name of Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu was startled and looked outside the tent subconsciously. It was dark outside, and the flames in the camp could still be seen faintly.

"So it's been so long." Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue, suddenly thinking that Daiqisi was still waiting outside, and quickly replied, "Come in!"

When Daiqisi came in with a tray of things, her eyes first fell on the little dragon girl lying on the bed, and then moved to Song Qingshu's side: "Is it worth it to make myself so embarrassed for a woman?"

Song Qingshu glanced at Xiaolongnu's sweet sleeping position, with a smile on her face: "Of course it's worth it."

Dai Qisi snorted softly: "I don't think she is so pretty. How can you fascinate you men into this kind of virtue, like Yin Zhiping of Chongyang Palace, so are you."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. If Xiaolongnu is not so pretty, then there are probably only a handful of beautiful women in the world, but Daiqisi can't find anything wrong with her words, after all, she has nothing to do with Xiaolong's appearance. Under the girl, she was full of qualifications when she said this.

"Well, what is so fragrant." Song Qingshu wisely did not entangle her with this issue, and turned his attention to the plate in her hand.

"There happened to be a dead chicken in a farm nearby. I thought it was a pity that I threw it away, so I picked it up and stewed a pot of soup. If you are not afraid of my poisoning, you can drink it." Dai Qisi said blankly. Passed the chicken soup.

There was a small b in the chapter yesterday. I forgot to indicate that Song Qingshu appeared in front of Pu Cha Qiucao and changed Tang Kuobian's face.

In addition, I would like to talk about the disposal of Pucha Qiucao.

In fact, I’ve said it several times in the previous chapters, and Xiao Song didn’t feel anything about her at all.

Similarly, she never had Song Qingshu in her heart, only Yang Guo

Of course, in order to leave a back door for some plots that may be born later, she is still a virgin.

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