Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 991: Wake up

Song Qingshu was delighted when he heard Daiqisi's words, frowning deliberately, and said with a disgusting expression: "Take the dead chicken to stew the soup?"

Dai Qisi raised her eyebrows and snatched the wooden tray back: "Just don't want to eat it, I'll feed it to the dog."

Song Qingshu's eyes were quick, and he took the chicken soup back: "How can this be done, how innocent people are dogs, what should I do if the poison of the dignified Purple Shirt Dragon King kills the dog? As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who goes to hell, or Let me do it."

After speaking, he held it up and took a sip, and he couldn't help but feel refreshed, because the fatigue accumulated during a hard day was suddenly wiped out: "It's so fragrant!"

Dai Qisi's face finally eased, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her lips: "Aren't you afraid that I would really poison the soup?"

Song Qingshu replied vaguely as he feasted, "Don't be afraid, as the so-called death under the peony flower, you are also romantic, not to mention that you are much more beautiful than the peony flower."

"You don't know how many ignorant girls have been deceived by this mouth," Dai Qisi's cheeks were slightly red, and she said irritably. Seeing him gobble up, she couldn't help taking out her handkerchief to wipe the chicken soup that had slipped to his chin, "eat Slow down, no one will grab you, there is still in the pot."

"No way, I'm starving to death. I haven't eaten much in one day." Song Qingshu swallowed the chicken soup with the meat and bones, and sighed with satisfaction, "I didn't expect the dignified purple shirt. Dragon King, the first beauty in the rivers and lakes, actually still has such a good cooking skill."

"It wouldn't have been possible," Dai Qisi seemed to think of something, she couldn't help but murmured, "Qianba was so weak that he was ridden with cold poison in the past. During that time, I made chicken soup for him every day. The body has also been trained in hand skills."

Seeing her look gloomy, Song Qingshu deliberately laughed and said, "Speaking of which, I really want to thank Mr. Yinye."

"What are you thanking him for?" Dai Qisi was really diverted from her attention.

"Of course I am grateful to him for his poor health. You left me, a pretty widow who is allure, and also comes with a home cooking. It is a perfect lover who can go to the hall and the kitchen to warm the bed." Song Qingshu is serious. To say.

Dai Qisi almost didn't get angry, and grabbed the empty bowl in him: "Count my chicken soup to the dog today."

"How can a dog have such a blessing," Song Qingshu didn't care at all, drooling and smiling, "Actually, I haven't eaten enough."

Dai Qisi's face changed, and she finally gave him a white look: "I'm really afraid of you, I'll go and bring you a bowl again."

"It's still my sister who loves me." When she heard these words, Dai Qisi almost didn't fall down. She and Song Qingshu's sister and brother were apt to blurt out her emotions when she was overwhelmed, and she felt ashamed every time she recalled it afterwards. Incomparably, now I heard him yell out again, and my heart was beating wildly as I didn't hear it. I speeded up my pace and walked outside.

Who knew that her hand was suddenly pulled, and a huge force came, and she involuntarily fell into Song Qingshu's arms, only to hear the other party say in that nasty voice: "You don't need to go to Sheng."

Dai Qisi could feel the heartbeat of the other party's chest through her clothes at this time, and she couldn't help feeling a little flustered: "Aren't you full?"

"Yes, so I plan to eat you." Song Qingshu stared condescendingly at the beautiful woman in his arms, as if looking at a delicious meal.

Dai Qisi flushed with a pretty face. Even though she was no longer a young girl, she still couldn't stand such eager teasing. The reserved woman made her struggle subconsciously: "Let go of me~"

Song Qingshu hugged her tightly, feeling her soft body when she was struggling, and said softly: "Today in the Sanqing Palace, you will come back and save me. I am very happy, so I want to reward you."

Daiqisi gave him an angry glance: "Is this your reward?"

"Of course, I will give you..." Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and said a word, which made Daiqisi's cheeks flush with rose petals.

"Whoever rares this kind of reward, let me down quickly." Dai Qisi groaned.

Song Qingshu didn't care about her, he hugged her up and walked to the bed. Seeing that the resistance was ineffective, she was steamed by the man's masculine aura on him, Dai Qisi's heart throbbed, and her whole body was a little soft.

"Then you took off this Rauchi mask, it looks annoying." Daiqisi was sore by his big beard, she raised her head subconsciously, biting her lip and said.

"Follow my sister's orders." Song Qingshu took off Tang Kuobian's mask and threw it aside, revealing his original face.

Looking at the handsome eyebrows and stars in front of her, Dai Qisi muttered in a voice that was so small that she could not hear herself: "This is finally more pleasing to the eye."

Seeing the beautiful woman in her arms quietly and no longer kicking her legs, Song Qingshu knew that Daiqisi had acquiesced to what happened next, and she couldn't help but feel happy, and her whole person suddenly became excited.

Daiqisi originally buried her head in Song Qingshu's arms, and felt that the other party had already walked to the bed with her in her arms. Suddenly she thought of something. She hurriedly opened her eyes to see that there was indeed a little dragon girl lying beside the bed!

Hastily pinched Song Qingshu, Dai Qisi was ashamed and angry: "You plan to be here?"

"This is my handsome account, where is it?" Song Qingshu was also startled.

I don't know if you are acting stupid or really stupid!

Daiqisi had to glance at the little dragon girl, and reminded: "There is still someone next to you!"

Song Qingshu looked at Xiaolongnu's quiet sleep, and said indifferently: "She has suffered such a serious injury, and she has experienced great sadness and joy. If she does not sleep for three days and three nights, she will definitely not be able to wake up."

Although Xiaolongnu was seriously injured before, she has basically been cured by Song Qingshu. Now it is estimated that she has to sleep a day, but she will definitely not sleep for three days and three nights. The reason why he said this is not to make Daiqisi An Xin, that's why, what a man said in bed, nine out of ten are deceptive.

"But..." Dai Qisi wanted to say something else, Song Qingshu had already pressed her on her body, and her words were immediately blocked.

"It's the magic star I hit." Dai Qisi sighed, and put her hand on the man's chest. After all, she didn't push away hard...

Xiaolongnv felt that she had a very long dream. First she dreamed of getting married with her past son, and she was still in the bridal chamber... But it didn’t take long to discover that the bridegroom had turned into Song Qingshu. That’s fine, she didn’t read it to the other party after all. She was angry when she violated her, but considering that the other party saved her life, she reluctantly forgave him. Who knows immediately saw Er and other women in bed making each other, when she came out of the ancient tomb unconsciously, she couldn't help but faint again.

Later, it seemed that someone had rescued her. Although she couldn't open her eyes anymore, she could smell a strange and familiar breath, which seemed to have a kind of calming power, which made her relax quickly.

I don't know why, she knows the identity of the other party without looking.

"I owe my brother-in-law a life again..." Xiaolongnv suddenly became distressed. Although Song Qingshu had saved her life before, she also bullied her frosty body. After all, she finally owes him so much. , What will you pay back then?

Because of what happened between the two in the ancient tomb, Xiaolongnu didn't want to meet Song Qingshu in the future, but reality made her unable to escape.

When she was struggling, she suddenly heard a sound of ecstasy and bone, she was slightly stunned, and she instantly understood what it was.

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