Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 992: parting

Last time I had no choice but to "listen" to Song Qingshu's all-night battle in the inn, and later such things happened one after another in the ancient tomb. Therefore, although the little dragon girl was still a pure body, she was familiar with this voice.

This shock was not trivial. She was still half-dreaming and half-awake, but her sleepiness disappeared. She subconsciously turned her head to look aside, and hurriedly turned her head after only one glance. The slightly pale face was instantly covered with red clouds: "Brother-in-law is such a man. Bastard! Do this in front of me again!"


This night is destined to be a sleepless night, Xiaolongnv has been waiting for the two people next to sleep, and then quietly left. Who knows that after waiting for a long time, the two of them didn't mean to die.

After all, she had just recovered from a serious injury, and she didn't have much energy. After waiting and waiting, she didn't wait until the two people next to sleep. She went to sleep first.


Soon after daybreak the next day, Xiaolongnu opened her eyes and took a look at the next door. In her eyes, Daiqisi’s white thighs were exposed outside the quilt. She blushed and took a bite, and then gently Get up on the bed.

During the whole process, she bit her lip tightly, a pretty face blushing fast and bleeding. After packing her things, she opened the door and ran out, without the courage to even look back.

Song Qingshu woke up as soon as Xiaolongnv got up. Knowing that the situation is embarrassing now, she continued to pretend to sleep. He suddenly sat up when she knew that the other party had run out.

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu's movements were too great, and Dai Qisi was also awakened, but her eyes were sleepy and she looked lethargic.

"It's nothing, I'll go out for a while, and you can continue to sleep." Song Qingshu pulled the quilt to cover Dai Qisi's delicate body that made countless men fascinated.

"Yes." Dai Qisi yawned lazily, rolled over under the quilt, and muttered vaguely. I don't want to move anymore."

Song Qingshu looked apologetic. He consumed too much Yen Qi yesterday, and it was difficult for ordinary breathing adjustments to regain his internal strength in a short period of time. So he used the techniques of Huanxi Zen, using Daiqisi as the furnace to collect her pure energy. Yin Qi practice.

Although Daiqisi is no longer a virgin body, she is only able to be born such a full-fledged nation by gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in her whole life. Therefore, even after her body is broken, the pure Yin Qi is not inferior to an ordinary girl; plus her husband Han Qian Ye's death early, and the more than ten years of pure-hearted living alone has stored the pure Yin Qi to a very strong point. Although it is not as good as she was when she was a girl, it is not too far behind.

At the end of the night, Song Qingshu only felt refreshed and benefited a lot, but she suffered a lot from Daiqisi. She was sore and sore that she didn't even want to move a finger. If she hadn't cultivated for a few months, it would be difficult to restore her heyday spirit .

Of course, this was not an irreversible injury, otherwise Song Qingshu would not have performed it on Daiqisi. After all, he was a person who cherished flowers and was definitely not an evil hand.

Daiqisi only needs to be healthy, and it won't take long for her to regain her vitality.

"You have a good rest, I'll be back to accompany you later..." Song Qingshu gently comforted the beautiful woman beside him, then hurriedly put on the clothes, and pursued in the direction where the little dragon girl had left.

If it’s too early today, and Song Qingshu's self-confidence is quick enough, it’s not that Jin Guo’s soldiers saw him, so they didn’t put on Tang Kuobian’s mask, but left for the dragon girl as they were. Chase in the direction of.

After a night of torment in the big tent, the little dragon girl really didn't want to stay in this place for one more point, so after she got out of the big tent, she carried away her light work and ran away.

Because many people witnessed the marshal personally carry her into the handsome tent yesterday, the guards in the barracks saw the little dragon girl and didn't mean to stop her at all.

Even if some people did not see Song Qingshu holding her into the handsome account yesterday, they just wanted to stop her, but when they saw her beautiful and vulgar appearance, the whole person was stupid. When they recovered, Xiaolong The woman didn't know where she was anymore.

In this way, the little dragon girl easily left the barracks of three thousand elite soldiers. When she was about to leave this sad place forever, she suddenly stopped and looked at the man standing in front of her: "Why are you in front of me?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "It is true that my martial arts ranks first in the whole arena, but in terms of light work, I am afraid that no one can compare to me in this world."

"That's true." The little dragon girl nodded blankly. Suddenly thinking of what happened in the ancient tomb and the shameful scene next to last night, she suddenly felt hot on her cheeks, "What are you doing after me?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Yesterday, I hesitated to let you leave alone in the ancient tomb. It almost didn't make a big mistake. How can I repeat the same mistake today."

The little dragon girl was silent for a while, and after a long time she said, "Thank you for your help in the future, but my injury has healed now, so I won't faint on the side of the road anymore."

"Little Junior Sister, don't you even want to call her brother-in-law now?" Song Qingshu said regretfully. To be honest, it was not so cool to hear Xiaolongnu call her brother-in-law in that cold voice one by one.

"You are so embarrassed to mention some brother-in-law," Xiaolong Nui finally fluctuated in her emotions, biting her lip and said, "You and that woman did...doing such an unbearable thing last night, are you worthy of the big sister?"

Song Qingshu couldn't wait to slap herself. It's true that which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted, so she smiled in a jealous manner: "Little sister, love between men and women is a normal thing, how can it be called unbearable? Not to mention your master sister. She never minded knowing about me."

"Master sister doesn't mind?" Xiaolongnv was surprised, "Why?"

"Uh," Song Qingshu didn't know how to explain, "She just doesn't mind anyway. If you don't believe it, you can ask her directly next time."

Thinking of the glaze-like pure figure of the master sister, Xiaolongnu was confused, and finally shook her head: "I don't know what the master sister thinks, but I must be very mindful of changing me. I treat him wholeheartedly. , I definitely hope he can treat me wholeheartedly..."

Having said that, she couldn't help but remember what happened to Yang Guo and the woman yesterday, and couldn't help coughing again.

Song Qingshu was taken aback and hurriedly said, "Little Junior Sister, the Tomb Sect’s internal strength has developed a new way. Although it has its own unique features, the drawbacks are also obvious. A mood swing like yours can easily cause vomiting of blood. It is really a bit of a pit. If it is. If you don't mind, I will pass you a new set of internal skills..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiaolongnv shook her head and said, "I think the internal strength left by the grandmother and grandmother is very good. The situation yesterday was only an accident. Please pay attention in the future and you will no longer vomit blood and faint. Brother-in-law, you don’t have to follow. I am, I want to be alone."

"Where are you going?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking. ——

Tucao, mobile telepresence is cheating, and many websites can't be uploaded. After all, Sajia is an honest and pure young man.

But every time the last author kept convulsing in the background, it was really unbearable

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