Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 993: ripple

"I don't know." Hearing Song Qingshu's question, the little dragon girl was at a loss, the sky is big, where can she go?

Song Qingshu thought that if the little dragon girl was put in her own world in her previous life, a proper senior house girl would be more likely to go back to the ancient tomb. Thinking like this in my heart, I said it by the way.

"Ancient tomb?" Xiaolongnu showed a touch of heart, but she soon thought of the scene where Yang Guo and other women were entangled in the ancient tomb. She felt a pain in her heart and shook her head hurriedly, "No, I won't do it anymore. Back to the ancient tomb."

"If you don't go back to the ancient tomb, are you going to find Yang Guo?" Song Qingshu asked tentatively. He had to say that he played a trick, worrying that Xiaolongnu was trapped by love and eventually went to find Yang Guo, so he deliberately asked like this.

"Guo'er?" Xiaolongnv shook her head, her face showing a trace of misery, "He and the woman are living together so happy, where will I get in."

Seeing Song Qingshu's lips moved slightly, Xiaolongnu stopped and said, "Brother-in-law, don't ask me anymore. I don't know where I will go. I just want to walk around and look at the scenery everywhere. Maybe I will feel more comfortable."

After speaking, she turned around and left. Song Qingshu shook her body, but after all she did not take any steps. Xiaolongnu received repeated blows and let her relax everywhere. Anyway, her internal injuries have healed and it will not happen again. This kind of thing of fainting on the side of the road, and a smart martial arts, even if it encounters a master like Jinlun Fawang, it is more than enough to protect himself.

Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, and Song Qingshu's toes had already stopped in front of Xiaolongnv.

"Brother-in-law!" The little dragon girl frowned slightly, her face unhappy.

"I'm not here to stalk you, I just want to give you something," Song Qingshu handed her a yellow ball the size of a pigeon egg, "Little Junior Sister, although you have high martial arts skills, you have insufficient experience in the world, just in case you touch it. It’s troublesome when some gangsters use three indiscriminate methods against you. You take this Tong Xi Di Long Wan, don’t look at its dark color, not very eye-catching, but it is derived from the body of a strange beast in the Western Regions, passing through the west. Poison Ouyang Feng has been refined with a variety of genius treasures, worn on the body, no poison, no poison, poisonous snakes and venomous insects are kept away. You take it with you to avoid being harmed by treacherous villains like Zhao Zhijing."

In the original novel, the little dragon girl was violated by Yin Zhiping after Ouyang Feng's acupuncture point, which has become a childhood shadow of many men. Because of the butterfly effect in this world, Xiao Long Nv did not have such a tragic thing. Song Qingshu was grateful for this, and of course he did not want Xiao Long Nv to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

After all, in those messy novels in the previous life, Xiaolongnu was either stunned by Mongolian sweat medicine in a black shop or was given aphrodisiac medicine. Song Qingshu didn't want Xiaolongnu to have any accidents.

The medicinal materials needed for this Tongxi Dilong Pill are very precious. With Ouyang Feng's ability, only one was refined and presented to Huang Rong as a betrothal gift. Later, he served as a guest at the Jin Kingdom’s Hailing Prince’s Mansion. The Jin Kingdom plundered the Northern Song and Liao Kingdoms. There were mountains of geniuses and treasures in the warehouse. In order to win over Ouyang Feng, Wan Yanliang almost responded to his request. Refined one.

Ouyang Feng is a master of poison. This Tong Xi Di Long Wan is useless to stay on his body. It was originally intended to be given to Wan Yan Liang, but when Wan Yan Liang knelt, he pushed the boat along the water and gave it to Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu's internal strength has now reached the realm of invading a hundred poisons. This is of no use to the rhinoceros dragon pill, it is better to give the dragon girl, after all, the dragon girl is not familiar with the world, so it is not so reassuring.

The little dragon girl was in a daze, but before she could react, Song Qingshu had already stuffed the pill into her hand.

"Thanks...Thanks." Xiaolongnu spit out two words with a bit of difficulty. Tomb sect is isolated from the world. In the past, she actually didn't understand polite words such as thank you. She didn't know until this time she traveled in the rivers and lakes Some words like this.

Even so, Xiaolongnv has basically not said a word of thanks to anyone so far, but Song Qingshu is different. She has saved her life several times before and after, and she has been so thoughtful for her, even those details that she has overlooked. All considered for her. In this world, apart from the master, grandmother and grandmother, and one more time, no one has ever treated her so well.

Even if Xiaolong's female child is indifferent, there will inevitably be ripples in her heart. It's a pity that something like that happened between the two of them in the ancient tomb before, which made her feel grateful, and finally only turned into a faint thank you.

Song Qing laughed: "I'm already satisfied to get the little sister to say thank you in person."

Xiaolongnv was teased by him and made her mouth pursed and smiled, but when she thought of him doing something like that next to her last night, the smile on her face closed up: "Okay, I'm really gone."

Song Qingshu did not stop her again this time, and smiled slightly: "There will be a period later."

"Later... there will be a period." When the little dragon girl left, she was entangled for an unprecedented time. In fact, deep in her heart, she wanted to say that she would be indefinitely afterwards, but when she thought of the other party doing so many things for herself, it would be too much to say that. She was a little bit unfeeling, but she said that there would be a period of time and it was not what she wanted until she finally disappeared from Song Qingshu's field of vision, and she didn't think about this issue. Fortunately, she was calm at first, and she put the matter aside after a while.

When Song Qingshu returned to Shuai's account with Tang Kuobian's mask, Dai Qisi subconsciously pulled a quilt to cover her chest. After seeing his appearance, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Send your little lover away? "

Song Qingshu chuckled and said, "What kind of lover is this, they are my junior sisters."

"Cut~" Daiqisi curled her lips disdainfully, "Looking at how nervous you are with her, everyone knows what you are thinking about."

"A gentle lady and gentleman are so awkward, there is nothing to deny." Song Qingshu admitted frankly, without any excuse.

Dai Qisi couldn't help but said sourly: "When you bullied others, you were dazzled by all kinds of methods, like a devil, why did you pretend to be a gentleman in front of her? With such a good opportunity last night, people lay unguarded. In bed, you didn't even touch her."

Song Qingshu was stunned by her anger, and while undressing, she walked over and said with a smile, "Who makes you be someone else's wife? It doesn't hurt to use it."

"It's going to die!" Dai Qisi was embarrassed, but her anger was quickly wiped out by Song Qingshu's dragon claw hands.

"You dead man, why use that bearded face again, it's ugly."

"No way, there are many people in Jinying, so you have to be careful."

"You take it off quickly, so I always feel like I'm making love to another man..."

"Don't you find it exciting?"

"You are such a bastard!"


I don’t know how long it took, but I only heard Dai Qisi’s complaining voice from the bed: "Tossing for the night last night, come here again today, are you a cooked wolf? How can you not be fed enough."

"Who made your sheep so delicious?" Song Qingshu said with her arms around her waist.

"You are such a rascal." Daiqisi wanted to scold him, but she was softened by his arms in her arms. She was scolding him, but it sounded like flirting between lovers.

Song Qingshu teased a few words, and then his expression changed completely: "Good sister, I have something to tell you about business."

When Daiqisi heard the three words "good sister", her heart trembled: "Just talk, don't call me like that."

Song Qingshu was startled, and immediately understood that the other party blurted out emotionally because it was the same name when he was completely conquered for the first time. Therefore, every time she said the words "good brother and good sister", she was ashamed and embarrassed.

Song Qingshu smiled and continued: "What's the situation of the entire Jin Guochaotang today? You are one of the few insiders, knowing that Wanyanquan and Tang Kuobian are both pretending to be me.

Daiqisi nodded, and immediately looked worried: "Although your disguise technique is exquisite, it's okay to hide it from the sky for a short time. I'm afraid that people will see the flaws over time."

"Yes," Song Qingshu nodded, "If I can stay in Daxing Mansion forever, then I can control whatever problems arise, but I have a special status and I can't stay in the Kingdom of Jin forever, so I need someone who can trust me. At the same time, the strategist was sitting in Daxing Mansion for me."

Daiqisi is also a quick-minded person, and she instantly understood what he meant: "Do you want me to go?"

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "My sister is really witty. I understood it in such a short time. It seems that my choice is correct. In the past, she was the first of the four Mingjiao Dharma kings and the Persian Mingjiao saint. She can become a princess in the hermitage of the Kingdom of Jin. , She is also a well-known mother-in-law Jinhua on the rivers and lakes. In terms of her rich knowledge and experience, there are probably few women in the world that can compare to you."

"Don't wear a high hat for me." Dai Qisi said with a straight face, but she was happy in her heart. During this period of time, Song Qingshu's demonic means shattered her former pride to pieces, and she was a little bit self-defeating. , Now hearing his own evaluation in his heart turned out to be so high, his face suddenly restored the old look of the purple shirt dragon king, "because of this, you have to use every means to...you want to conquer me?"

"I appreciate your words very much," Song Qingha smiled, "Yes, you are mature, wise, and have the style of a general. What's more, you are also good at disguise, and you are the best candidate for Yan Quan!"

Daiqisi suppressed the smile on her lips and snorted: "You believe me that way? If you know that the means by which you get me are not so glorious, can't I be jealous and betray you for this reason?"

"If I change to another girl, I would really not dare to make such a bold decision, but you are different. You are a mature and wise woman. You know how to weigh the pros and cons before making any decisions. It is very happy that So far, our two interests are actually the same." Song Qingshu's fingertips ran across the graceful curve of her back, causing Dai Qisi to tremble.

"Have you forgotten that women are never such rational creatures." Dai Qisi pursed her lips and snorted.

"Body reaction is the most deceptive thing, even if you don't admit it, but your reaction during our affection these few times has already told me that you have regarded me as your man in your heart." Thinking of the happy place, Song Qing Shumian Shang couldn't help showing a bit of pride.

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