Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 994: Chaotic night

Dai Qisi was ashamed and embarrassed by his few words, and she couldn't stand Song Qingshu's hard work. After several rounds of confrontation, she finally agreed to Song Qingshu's request.

When the two walked out of the big tent, they were already three poles outside. Seeing the smiling eyes of Ouyang Feng, Qiu Qianren and others, Dai Qisi couldn't wait to get in.

Song Qingshu's face was thicker than the city wall, and his complexion was as usual to discuss with the two about the edict of the Quanzhen Church.

Although the Quanzhen Sect was unwilling to accept the edict from the Jin Kingdom, Wang Chongyang and the five sons of Quanzhen met secretly for a few hours later that day, and then they agreed to accept the edict.

Because the third-generation head teacher Yin Zhiping is dead, Jin Guo proposed to let Zhang Zhiguang, who had agreed to accept the imperial title, be the third-generation head teacher. Zhang Zhiguang, regardless of his martial arts prestige, could not convince the public, especially the Qiu Chuji family, let alone I would like to see the position of the head teacher fall into the hostile camp on weekdays, so the reaction is the most intense.

It's a pity that there are several master-level masters in Jin Guo, and there are three thousand elite soldiers stationed at the bottom of Zhongnan Mountain. Under the strong pressure, they have no strength to refute.

I wanted to turn to Quanzhen Wuzi for help, but it was a pity that Quanzhen Wuzi was instructed by Wang Chongyang and could only remain silent about this matter. In the end, Zhang Zhiguang became the third-generation head teacher without any risk.

At this time, Zhang Zhiguang had been waiting in the barracks for a long time. Although Song Qingshu had been in the big tent with Daiqisi all the time, he did not show any dissatisfaction. Because he knew very well that the reason why he was able to become the head of the Quanzhen Sect was because of the meaning of the person in the Shuai Teng.

After Song Qingshu and Ouyang Feng and others had discussed some things, Zhang Zhiguang was summoned into the handsome account.

As soon as Zhang Zhiguang entered the tent, he noticed the woman standing next to Song Qingshu, her curvaceous figure, her eyebrows revealing her sultry charm, and she flushed her face for some reason, making Ben pretty charming. Zhang Zhiguang's face is even more attractive. It is Zhang Zhiguang who has been practicing for decades. He only glanced at his body and half of his body was crunched. No wonder Yin Zhiping had a good future for a woman. Such a beautiful woman is any man. Can't resist.

However, he was self-aware, and he lowered his eyes hurriedly after only one glance, and respectfully saluted Song Qingshu: "See Master Marshal."

Song Qingshu looked at the Taoist in front of him with a smile but a smile: "You know the current affairs. Since everyone is smart, I won't talk nonsense with you. You know why I will support you with such a lack of prestige, martial arts in the whole whole. Isn't the true religion considered the top person to be the head teacher?"

Zhang Zhiguang hesitated for a moment, and replied uncertainly: "Is it because the poor Dao previously supported accepting the royal seal?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "This is not the main reason."

"Also ask the marshal for advice." Zhang Zhiguang saluted again.

Song Qingshu was very satisfied with his respectful attitude, and then said: "Many people in Quanzhen Sect are unwilling to accept imperial edicts. If someone else is elected, it is hard to guarantee that he will not behave in violation of my meaning, but you have no problem. ."

"I chose you because you lacked prestige and martial arts. After you become the leader, Quanzhen teaches other people to refuse to accept you. In order to hold your position as leader, you can only hug this handsome thigh."

Zhang Zhiguang was crying in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said, "Pan Dao will only be the leader of the commander in the future."

Song Qingshu secretly does not shame his character, but at a certain time he needs such a person: "It is best if the Taoist master has this awareness, but I want to talk about some ugly things to the front. I support you in the upper ranks and I don't want you to be a display. Yes, if you cannot effectively control Quanzhen Sect, what use do I want you to do?"

Zhang Zhiguang frowned and said, "But Uncle Qiu and the others have many disciples in the same line, and they are powerful, and they have never dealt with me. I'm afraid..."

Song Qingshu interrupted him by waving his hand: "This is something you should consider yourself."

Zhang Zhiguang gritted his teeth and replied: "Yes, I will find a way to get it done, but I may need some help from the marshal."

Song Qingshu secretly nodded. Although this person is not good at character, his ability seems to be quite good. He knows how to use his strength to fight his strength: "You tell me, if it's not too much, I can consider it."

Zhang Zhiguang thought for a while and said: "I think the marshal will leave a master to hold the line for me, and then..."

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "Yes, I will let the Iron Palm Water Floating Fur Cultist stay here for a while. As for the others, let's see how you perform later."

Zhang Zhiguang was overjoyed immediately: "Thank you Marshal!"

Seeing Zhang Zhiguang's leaving back, Dai Qisi said with a complex expression: "I didn't expect that the No. 1 hierarch in the world would be called around and drank like a dog by you."

Song Qingshu stretched out her hand to embrace her soft waist: "Why, are you unhappy to see your man so powerful?"

Daiqisi pushed him away and screamed: "It's so beautiful, people are just lamenting that the generation of Quanzhen Teaching is not as good as the generation."

Song Qingshu nodded in sympathy: "It is true that one generation is not as good as one generation."

After interviewing Zhang Zhiguang, Song Qingshu went to the barracks to convene a meeting with a group of generals who accompanied him, and announced that he would go lightly, with a few martial arts and powerful guards, and travel to Yangzhou to meet with Li Kexiu, the admiral of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the other generals would lead the army. Return to Daxing Mansion, and be responsible for "escorting" Quanzhen's five sons back to the capital to "preach" for all kings and grandsons.

Whether it is **** or preaching, it is only a nominal statement. In fact, both parties know that they are actually taking the Quanzhen Five Sons to Daxing Mansion as a pledge. If Quanzhen Sect really surrenders to the Jin Dynasty court in the future, Quanzhen Five Sons will be in Daxing Mansion. Naturally, he was confessed as a god; if Quanzhen Sect dared to make other ideas, the five sons of Quanzhen might be in distress.

Of course, all this was Wang Chongyang's promise from Song Qingshu that he would guarantee the lives of Quanzhen's five sons in the future, but let them go to Daxing Mansion to make a gesture to block Song Qingshu's political opponents in the Jin Guochaotang.

During the meeting, many people raised the safety issue of Song Qingshu's trip to Yangzhou, but Pu Cha Qiucao immediately stood up and proved that there was no safety issue during this trip. What kind of joke would he be able to win the hand of the Central Plains Wujue, the legendary world. The first master Wang Chongyang, how can anyone in this world hurt him?

Then Song Qingshu used Jin and Qing as allies, and he did not use big fanfare to pry the corner, so as not to affect the reasons for the relations between the two countries, and dispelled everyone's doubts.

Finally, the generals proposed to hold a grand dinner for Song Qingshu's practice. As for the prohibition of drinking in the barracks, this is only a rule. The rule is dead and people are alive. He is a figure under Jin Guo and above 10,000 people. At the same time, he is also an upstart. The generals are all looking forward to indulging in him. Who would care about the issue of drinking alcohol out of time?

Song Qingshu also intends to mingle with these middle-level officers, so naturally he will not discourage everyone.

At the dinner, a group of people took turns to toast Song Qingshu. Song Qingshu relied on his profound internal skills, and he also refused to come. The atmosphere was extremely warm.

But Pu Cha Qiucao was sad because of what happened in the ancient tomb, so he was not interested in fooling around with these men, so he left the table after a few entertainments. Not long after she came out of the tent, she was stopped by Daiqisi.

"What do you want to do?" Pu Cha Qiucao looked at each other with a guard, even though she didn't like this woman, she also had to admit that the woman in front of her was so beautiful, she was so beautiful that she couldn't be more beautiful, and she did not surprise the Sanqing Palace yesterday. Under the little dragon girl of all men.

And compared to Xiaolongnu's cold temperament that people dare not approach, Daiqisi is a beautiful girl with apricot eyes, peach cheeks, and natural beauty. A smile is enough to make any man blush.

"You said why I am looking for you, don't you remember our betting appointment so soon?" Dai Qisi smiled.

Pu Cha Qiucao's face turned dark. In the past two days, because of Yang Guo's affairs, she had forgotten to bet on the appointment. He said, "Of course I remember."

Daiqisi's face became cold: "Is this the attitude that a maid should have?"

Pu Cha Qiucao suddenly became short of breath, her face changed, and Dai Qisi snorted, "Why, dare you not to be?"

"Who said I would not dare to be?" Pu Cha Qiucao suffocated the evil fire because of Yang Guo's affairs, and said angrily. "When a maid is a maid, what's so great about it."

Dai Qisi stretched her waist exaggeratedly, revealing a magnificent and graceful chest curve: "Then give me a pounding back, alas, I don't know what's going on these past two days, and I feel so sore and soft all over, just a pinch. The girl who beats her back."

"Okay, I'll press it for you." Pu Cha Qiucao gritted his teeth, looking at the exaggerated body curve of the other party, cursing in his heart: This fox Meizi, really has a lot of money, no wonder he is so arrogant in the handsome account. After tossing for a day and night, everyone in the barracks now knows it. It's strange that your waist is not sore.

Dai Qisi flashed to the side, making her unkindly finger rushed: "Is there a maid who squeezes her shoulders and backs for her master?"

Pu Cha Qiucao frowned: "Then where do you want to press?"

"Of course it's my camp." Pu Cha Qiucao didn't notice that a sly color flashed in Dai Qisi's eyes when she spoke.

"Okay." Pu Cha Qiucao didn't doubt anything. After all, the other party was just a woman. Of course, if the other party was a man, she would rather invite her to the tent in the middle of the night.

Now Pu Cha Qiucao just wants to deal with Dai Qisi early, and then go back to rest.

As if seeing what she was thinking, a sneer appeared on Dai Qisi's lips: Hmph, let you get a good sleep later.

After following Daiqisi to her tent, looking at the neatly laid bedding, Pu Cha Qiucao thought that he was really stealing the bell. Who doesn't know that you are called by Tang Kuo to go to bed every day. Where would you live here? ?

"Lie down by yourself, I'll press it for you." Pu Cha Qiucao kicked the foot of the bed, hum, although this lady promised to be a maid for you, she didn't say to be a maid with low eyebrows.

"Okay!" To her surprise, Daiqisi didn't care about her attitude, but instead lay on the bed very cooperatively, "Here, and here, give me a good squeeze."

Seeing that the other party is really commanding himself as a maid, Pu Cha Qiucao was furious, thinking that I will seal your acupuncture points later, how can you get out of this bad breath if you don't take care of it?

When the fingers touched Dai Qisi's shoulder, Pu Cha Qiucao showed a triumphant smile, but her smile soon solidified.

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