That day spent with Walton was the peaceful days, we talked about everything excluding sensitive topics. I waved goodbye to him once the sun set. I went back into my house and stood in front of a picture of my parents. My knees hitting the carpeted floor as I prayed.

"Papa and Mama.. I might have found someone I wish to protect with these powers. He has become someone I can talk like a friend, he even has a big brother figure. He really reminded me of you guys. I miss you guys very much and I wish for your eyes to be on my safety." I stood up and cleaned off the dust before heading for bed. My face fell straight into the pillow and slowly I have been pulled into the darkness of sleep.

The next moment I knew, the sound of the birds chirping was waking me up. I groaned and rolled off the bed with a big thud. My back made a loud crack as I stretched myself, releasing all the tension. I looked at my alarm clock, 6.30am, enough time to get ready for school. Holding my bed as a stand, I finally got up after a long while.

"Ugh.. Everything is so painful..." I gave my body another stretch before heading for the bathroom.Without any care in the world, I brushed my teeth and barely did my hair. I looked at myself one more time in the mirror, my pale complexion showing brightly. I sighed and went for school.

I opened the door to my house to be greeted by a beautiful sun rise. The sky was still a dark blue that slowly turns into purple then a gentle pink. There were still some stars out in the sky. It was truly a beautiful sight. I took a mental image to try and paint this later. I went to my neighbour's house to greet her and her dog. An old lady was doing some gardening and her dog was wagging his tail frantically, eager to go outside and walk. He saw me and let out a loud bark before running to me.

"Ah..! It is great to see you again~ It seems like Poofles here is very excited to meet you. I hope you are doing well." The dog tackled me, leaving slobbering kisses all over my face.

"Yes I have been doing well Granny and I missed Poofles too. You are such a good boy, take care for Granny okay?" I placed a kiss on his nose bridge and he let out another loud bark. Granny is my 'parent' as she took me under her wing and let her take care of me. She then slowly introduced me to animals like Poofles which made me happier whenever he was around.

I waved them goodbye before heading for school. Somehow, the sky seemed much prettier now that I'm flying in the sky. Maybe there's a difference in seeing the same sky from two places. I reached school and there wasn't anybody in the building. I went for the courtyard and practiced that magic. I took a deep breath and steadied my hand before chanting it.

"Equipment magic. Heed my call once again." I slowly drawed a circle around me with my left hand, aiming to have more sharper daggers. I took another feel breath and continued summoning it. As more came, a mint green magic circle appeared on the ground. I looked around me, daggers fully summoned.

I raised my hand and the daggers flew up by command. I quickly put my hand down, yelling fire in the process. All the daggers hit that one spot I wanted. I collapsed onto my knees and take another deep breath. I feel my magic stamina slowly replenishing as the daggers fade away. I needed to get this spell on the going while I'm on the move.

I ran to my bag and took out a small notebook. I looked through it, seeing all the old spells that I have mastered. I flipped to the newest entry in the notebook. Named Storm of Daggers, it was the most advanced spell of the spell I was practising. I checked off the basics being done and my next thing was to cast it while moving.

I closed the book and let out another sigh. The spell had a few weak points. The first weak point being vulnerability. When casting the spell, even if the caster is running, it leaves the caster vulnerable. Making the chances of getting a hit high. The second weak point is being that it is highly depleting. This particular spell requires a lot of magic stamina and during a competition where everything is fast paced, it's highly disadvantageous. Even though the spell is indeed powerful, it goes against the norm for having powerful spells with little magic stamina required.

I dusted off the dust on my skirt and headed for class after packing up everything. I could only hope, nobody saw it. At this time, students were roaming the halls, making little chat before going to class. I met up with Walton and Lara who were making small talk too. I guess they were talking about their likes and dislikes, which is perfectly normal for friends. I don't reveal much about myself anyways. I greeted them before going back to my seat for a small nap.

The teacher came in and everybody quickly went back to their seats. Just when I was to put my head down, the teacher said.

"Today, you guys shall be fighting a practice match against a monster."

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