"Today, you guys shall be fighting a practice match against a monster."

The reactions were mixed. Some were happy that they get to show off, some were scared for their lives. Though, I couldn't care less.

"This will get you ready for the competition. This will also be a graded test. You students will be facing against a monster I created so you guys don't have to worry. Naturally, the one who does the final kill will get the highest grade. So let us get to the courtyard now."

Multiple clicks were then heard as everybody changed into their attire. A white cotton shirt with mid-thigh black shorts. Some even still have their cape on as it can contain weapons. By the time we reached there, the teacher was standing at one end of the courtyard. He shouted.

"Now, you will be facing this monster!" He snapped his fingers as a blue magic circle appeared on the ground. A screech coming piercing everyone's ears as the monster appeared. Slowly, the monster rose from the ground. What came out made me scared.

It was the same monster in my dream, a white spider-like creature with human hands for legs and a human body. For a second, I could see the horror flash before my very eyes. I could see my parents soul merged together as it let's out a hideous scream. Then I heard a voice.

"I said I will be back little one~" The tone of the voice was very high pitched and it spoke to at random intervals. It sent chills down my spine as it looked at me and screeched.

"Now, the test will begin!" As that was said, spells of many elements were casted. The creature with one of its legs were raised and swiped all the spells, as if it was nothing and efficiently blocking it. More soells were cast, but little to no damage was done.

"Hint for all of you! This is a made up monster, what binds the two together?" However, it seems like it wasn't of any help as many people kept aiming the wrong spot. I took time to analyse as people kept hitting. There were only two groups: The Aggressors and The Waiters.

The Aggressors were the one constantly lowering the monster's health while The Waiters were the one waiting to strike, aiming for the final strike. Another hideous scream rang throughout the whole field accompanied with screams of humans. Wait, humans?

I snapped out of my analysis state to see the monster hitting the students and flinging them outside out of the courtyard. I looked at the instructor and what I saw was terrifying. An evil smile before pretending to think of a way to retract the monster. The Waiters were now scared and Walton was hiding behind.

I sighed and made myself appear in it's view. It looked at me before rushing at me with it's legs. I summoned a ring of fireballs, aiming for the monster's head. Being the most logical and illogical answer, there was no burn marks. I then channeled my energy into fire sparks. The sparks were brilliantly bright and blinding for anyone. I aimed the sparks towards the connection where the top and body were fused together. One of the stitches fell due to it being burnt.

That's when it clicked. Aim for the stiches that binded them. With that, I sent out more burning sparks towards it, hopefully removing the other stitches which worked as many fell. But now the problem is, how to end it. Aiming for the head of the top and the body would be it. But the monster was rampaging, trapping me and it in a dust vortex. It flung me towards the top of the vortex.

I felt pain coursing through my whole body as I saw my life flashed before my very eyes. Precious memories I wish to keep, unwanted memories I wish to forget. I closed my eyes and from the top of my lungs, I yelled.

"EQUIPMENT MAGIC DAGGER. HEED MY CALL." Magic dust surrounded my right hand, then appeared a silver dagger with a sharp blade. I only had one chance to do this right. I placed the dagger in front of me, blade facing outwards. With my left hand over my right, I aimed towards the head.

I first impaled the head, black coloured blood came spilling out, staining my clothes and hands. Moving my body, I then impaled the body, hands reaching in the head to get more leverage. I closed my eyes and let the black blood stain me. I felt the monster deflate as I felt the magic dusts flow to my face. Then I heard a motherly voice talking.

"Thank you my dearest. For ending my misery." I opened my eyes to see the top take a form of a woman. The woman flashed a warm smile before fading off into nothing. The dust vortex settling down as my dagger faded off too.

Everyone was now sitting up, watching in awe as the student in the middle was covered with blood. I knelt down, panting from both pain and exhaustion. At the corner of my eye, I saw Walton screaming for me and running towards me. Blanketed by tiredness, I closed my eyes and embraced the darkness.

I woke up to people crying by my side. People were crying over my pathetic life? Making my finger twitch, there were surprised gasps.

"She's awake!" That voice sounded familiar. With my barely working vocal chords, I croaked.


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