Darkness was around me. My eyes were blind as a bat. My surroundings were of emptiness. I couldn't feel or see anything. Everything around me was just plain darkness.

Looking down at my arms full of scars, I had to fake them as scratches. But who knows, someone might know I was suicidal. The world was magic in my eyes. Everybody being happy with their soulmate. God made this world for us to be happy and not depressed. But then why am I like this? It is quite pathetic isn't it?

Midnight darkness was the time where I actually got to be normal. Laughing with internet friends, smiling at my computer screen. But the next thing, everything was gone. The clock showed the time, 4am. School was to happen the next day. Grabbing a pillow, my mind started to doze off and I eventually fell asleep.

My alarm sounded throughout the peace of the room. Using magic, I casted a spell which destroyed the alarm clock. My weak arms raised me up, wobbling from the lack of sleep still. Rubbing my eyes, I finally got to see the destruction of my alarm clock. Bits and pieces scattered all over the floor like a thousand glass pieces. A sigh came out from my mouth. I took a broom and dust pan and sweeped up the mess I made.

My mind then went to the black uniform hanging by the door. Black blazer, black skirt, black shoes and black socks. Perfect. Wearing the uniform made me feel stuffy. I unbuttoned the top button of my blouse and proceeded to pack my bag. Packing my things were no hassle. I threw my favourite sweater and shorts into my bag along with the few books. Doing my hair into a small braid at least made my presentation a bit better. My footsteps sounded throughout the emptiness of the house. Opening the door allowed warm rays of sun to come in. Rubbing my eyes once again, I finally opened them to see my neighbourhood. Quiet and peaceful. Snapping my fingers, my broom activated on its own. I hopped onto it, sitting on the mahogany part. I gave it another snap of fingers had it take me to school.

Rivergale school was kind of the school for the gifted. People gifted with the power of magic. People all across the country come to be awarded the best magician title. I was no exception of course, except for the fact that I was forced here. Heritage led me to this school to be the best and bring my family honor. The sky was cloudless with many people of the same uniform flying towards the main building. The school was made out of stone and mahogany wood. Many people were crowding around the huge board situated at the footstep of the door. Stirring my broom, I headed to the board. There was an old piece of paper on the board, with it's title being 'The Annual Magic Tournament'.

I looked for my name on the board and found it. I took a sigh as I gently smacked my forehead and headed to class. I snapped my fingers again to set my broom to turn it off. I held it in my hand tightly as I walked to my class. Upon reaching the class, all I heard was:

"Isn't she creepy?" "I heard she killed humans." "That's super creepy..."

I slammed opened the door and the attention was on me. Their eyes became glossy as they saw me, about to praise me for being such a powerful magician. With a cold tone, I gave them a cold stare and said.

"Do you know how to stop being fake? It's annoying." My words sliced them through like a hot knife through butter. Everybody was shocked as they took a step back, giving me space to walk to my desk. I set my broom by the side and hung my bag. The teacher came in and ordered everyone back into their seats.

- Time skip till end of class -

I hate this. I didn't want anything like this. Words sounded throughout my head as spells were being casted one over another. Feeling lethargic from the lesson, I asked if I could get free air and got permission to. Hugging my sweater, I walked up to the rooftop. The rooftop was the best place. As the school was on a piece of land that levitates, many things could be seen. Clouds, buildings and even humans. I stood by the edge of the ledge of the school building and casted a small spell. A white flame with black swirls came out of my hand. I threw the flame at the door, blocking anyone from coming in. The ledge provided a sweet existence I was looking forward to, death itself.

"Mother... Father... I will come see you soon." Memories of that fateful night came back to me.

†Blood splattered everywhere, hands stained full of blood, the horrid on my parents' faces, knowing that their daughter killed them. Even so, they still forgave me and smiled before passing on.†

Tears came down my face as there was a huge crowd at the foot of the school. Telling me to not die, pathetic isn't it? Everyone is dying some time anyways. There's nothing wrong with ending my life early. Facing the burning door, I let go. Feeling the nice and cool wind, I closed my eyes. Darkness enveloped me and I was helpless.

But this was fine isn't it? I don't have to be worried about anymore. I wouldn't be cared about anymore. Everyone would just have a weight lifted off their shoulders. I'm coming to see you Mama and Papa... I shall return to your side once again.

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