My body felt warm. Too warm to be exact. My senses started to regain itself and I started to feel around me. It was heavy, something was covering my body. I rubbed my eyes and all I saw was blinding rays of sunlight beaming into my eyes. Slowly becoming accustomed to the light, by eyes started to open. There was a ceiling fan spinning, I looked down to see myself covered in a thick blanket. I threw the blanket off me and sat up. The nurse seemed to noticed me and started interrogating me.

"Why were you jumping. And what on earth were you doing." He asked. I replied with answers that anybody could use like:

"Sorry, I was practicing new magic and I didn't notice that I didn't cast the magic." He let's out a sigh and dismisses me at that. He said that once I was done, I could go, which I did. I left the infirmary with my sweater and shorts still on.

Walking out of the infirmary got me a lot of rumours.

"She tried to killed herself for attention isn't it?" "I heard she was saved by the King's broom." "What an attention seeker." I took a sigh again and relieved that beautiful moment. Wind rushing through my locks, the adrenaline was the sweetest. But my thoughts then stirred to the King. The title of "The King' only went to the guy who was presumed to win the Magic Tournament. This year was no different. A king was appointed based on last year's performance. Upon reaching the classroom, all that was heard were the noise created by the people. I slammed the door once again and headed for my seat, not wanting to deal with anything anymore.

Why didn't he let me die? I wanted to be where my parents are. Why did he disturb my sweet and peaceful death? It was useless and a waste of magic to save a speck like me. A total waste.

My thoughts were then interrupted when the student council came in. All of them wore red capes which showed the student council status. Except for the one in that center that is. He had a white cape which contrasted the school uniform, signalling that he was The King. He stopped by my desk with a cold stare. His personality then changed to something more lovable. He kneeled onto a knee and held his hand out.

"My dearest Queen. Why did you try to kill yourself? Everybody was worried about your safety my dear." His tone was so sickly sweet that it irritated me to the max. It took me everything that I had to not just kick him in the face. I rubbed both my temples before I answered him.

"I was only casting magic that's all. I didn't cast it because I forgot to." I hated being the Queen. Endless parade of empty praises. Latching onto me because I had power. I hated it the most. Deciding that I could not stand this anymore, I took my broom and casted a teleportation spell for both me and my broom. A white magic circle with black markings appeared on the floor of the class and it teleported me to the place I desired. I closed the magic circle once I saw him trying to step in.

I opened my eyes once again to see the only place I liked. It was an isolated tree in the middle of bright green grass. I sat down under the isolated tree which provided shade for me. Rummaging through my shorts, I managed to find something I was looking for, a sharp blade. I rolled down my sleeves and dragged the blade over my porcelain skin. Blood slowly seeping through each cut I made. The sweet pain didn't last long. I held the blade with a stronger force, making the cut deeper and more blood begun flowing.

Memories of the past then came in a large wave. Memories of blood, stained on my hands. My hand stopped holding the blade and it landed in the grass. Teardrops filled my eyes and it slowly dripped down one by one. I wanted none of this. I didn't ask for any of this. But why has the God above forsaken me? Why was I chosen to be a subject of this?

I casted a small white fireball in my hands, holding it dearly. The white flame replayed the happy moments I had. Those days were just the warmest. I thought that nothing could break us apart, but it did happen.

†Mama... Papa... Please help me...! My eyes turned red and I grew long and black claws. I knew nothing about being consumed by the demon. My parents were just holding me, whispering sweet words to calm me down. The demon inside me burned and I snapped. The inner me screamed and banged on the invisible wall as I saw what was happening in the outside world. My parents sliced into pieces, my hands stained with their blood. Realizing what I have done, I have cried continuously.They gave me a one last smile and an ankle bracelet before passing on. I then regained my consciousness, I looked around. Everything was broken, glass shattered and blood splattered onto the walls. I let out one last pained cry before setting the house on fire.†

My tears brought me back to real life. My thighs were stained with my tears. I gave my broom a pat, admiring the gold words carved into the mahogany wood. I untangled the braid from my hair, letting it flow with the wind. Then I got into a comfortable position which is the fetus portion. Not caring about the tears that still flowed, my eyes slowly closed from the exhaustion that happened earlier. I wished myself a good night before falling into deep sleep.

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